UCCE Offers Water Measurement Training in Salinas

1432 Abbott Street
Salinas, Ca 93901
Contact: Pam Kan-Rice,(510) 206-3476, pam.kanrice@ucanr.edu
Sponsor: Monterey County

UCCE offers Water Measurement Training

September 13,2024 in Salinas

1:00pm to 5:00pm
 UC Cooperative Extension Conference Room at 1432 Abbott Street in Salinas.

CONTACT: Pam Kan-Rice, (510) 206-3476, pam.kanrice@ucanr.edu 
California water-rights holders are required by state law to measure and report the water they divert from surface streams. For people who wish to take the water measurements themselves, the University of California Cooperative Extension is offering in-person training to receive certification 

At the workshop, participants can expect to:

• clarify reporting requirements for ranches.
• understand what meters are appropriate for different situations.
• learn how to determine measurement equipment accuracy.
• develop an understanding of measurement weirs.
• learn how to calculate and report volume from flow data.

Limited to 30 people. Register Soon 

Pre-registration is required .$30 To register,
visit https://surveys.ucanr.edu/survey.cfm?surveynumber=43495.

Questions: email Forero at lcforero@ucanr.edu or Sara Jaimes at sbjaimes@ucanr.edu