Firewise Landscaping
Placerville Veteran's Memorial Hall
130 Placerville Dr
Placerville, CA 95667
Sponsor: UCCE Master Gardeners of El Dorado County

Firewise Landscaping 

Join us to learn how to make your home more fire-resilient to wildfire and meet State and County laws and regulations. You will learn the key concepts for hardening your home and other structures, and how to create defensible space around them.

Learn about the priorities, materials & strategies for improving the vulnerability of your home, including siding, roofing & rain gutters, eaves and soffits, vents, windows, decks, patio covers, and fences. You will also learn how to create defensible space that is fire-resilient and water-wise with a focus on Defensible Space Zones, what they are, why they are important and how they apply to your property, provide suggestions about creating Defensible Space that is aesthetically pleasing and helps protect your home, and how to select plants that are more fire-resistant.

Registration is requested but not required. Please register.