Far reach of Associate Press proven again

May 14, 2008

An Associated Press story on growing concerns about coyotes in California has reached far and wide over the past few days. Here is the version that appeared in the Los Angeles Times. Google News reports that, as of today, 181 media outlets picked up the story. The articles quoted UC Cooperative Extension wildlife specialist Robert Timm and plugged the Coyote Bytes Web site he created.

The AP article, written by Alicia Chang, says that coyote's agressive behavior seems to be on the upswing in Southern California.

"We're not sure what pushes them over the edge," Timm was quoted in the article. "There may be no single explanation for it." But he added later in the story, "They go where the food is."

The AP story noted that CoyoteBytes.org allows residents in Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego counties to report coyote sightings online. Scientists use the information to study coyotes' movements in those areas.

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By Jeannette E. Warnert
Author - Communications Specialist