- Author: Kathy Keatley Garvey
Nansen, associate professor in the Department of Entomology and Nematology, is serving as the guest editor of the issue "Remote Sensing to Detect and Diagnose Organismal Responses." The journal (impact factor 4.118) is a leading outlet for research articles and reviews on all aspects related to remote sensing.
"I'm inviting authors to submit studies that go beyond the detection of an optical reflectance response and tie a thorough analysis of remote sensing data to other types of data (physiological, molecular, genetic, biochemical)," Nansen said. "In other words, the special issue will embrace a phenomics approach, in which the overall goal is to, at least partially, explain why and how organisms exhibit an optical reflectance response to stressors and/or treatments."
As the guest editor, Nansen said he is seeking articles describing "exciting applications of remote sensing technologies to detect and diagnose differences and/or stress across all kingdoms."
Contributions are due by March 2020. For more information, visit https://www.mdpi.com/journal/remotesensing/special_issues/rs4organismal_response.
Nansen may be reached at chrnansen@ucdavis.edu.
- Author: Pamela Kan-Rice
While working at the University of Western Australia, Nansen, who joined UC in January, developed a smartphone app that can be used to optimize pesticide spray applications. He would like to partner with UC Cooperative Extension specialists and advisors to adapt SnapCard for use by California growers.
“It was developed on the basis of spray nozzles and spray volumes relevant to Australia,” Nansen said. “I would very much appreciate contact with farmers, commodity groups, crop advisers and companies involved in pesticide spraying with an interest in optimizing spray coverage as part of ensuring high performance pesticide applications.”
He is currently finalizing the publication of a research paper describing the regression model behind SnapCard. The free app is available for Android and iOS platforms and can be downloaded from his website http://chrnansen.wix.com/nansen2.
Nansen can be reached at (530) 752-0492 and chrnansen@ucdavis.edu. To read more about Nansen, see the Davis Enterprise article.