- Author: John M Harper
Attention Mendocino & Lake Ranchers, Farmers, Forest Land Owners:
Attached is a flier about our survey that some of you may have received. It is very important that you take the time to fill out the survey as it helps us help you. It also help us justify Advisor position requests that will serve Mendocino & Lake Counties. The information we collect is completely confidential and will be used to clean up our client database and give us direction for the types of programs and research you want. If you have children of 4-H age or know others that might be interested in 4-H we will use that part of the survey results for contacting you about participating. If you want ranch, forest or farm visits with our Advisors we will follow up with you to schedule.
Thanks so much for completing the survey!
John Harper
UCCE Livestock & Natural Resources Advisor, Emeritus
UCCE Programs Interest and Mailing List Sign UP Survey
- Author: John M Harper
It has been many years since UC Cooperative Extension aka Farm Advisors have done an educational interest survey and updated our client contact database. There have been a lot of changes in our staff and many new farmers and ranchers have come into our counties so the time is right to update old information and let others, that are not familiar with our programs, join our clientele/supporter contact list.
We've also decided to go to a more modern program for informing the public and our supporters about the educational and research programs we offer in Mendocino and Lake Counties. The name of the program we'll be using is called Constant Contact.
We've learned from the Covid restrictions how to offer some of our educational programs through webinars, zoom conferences and social media. We realize not everyone likes some of these formats, or have poor Internet connection speeds. We are offering our traditional public workshops and field days again. We want to make sure you get our information through your preferred delivery methods. For some of you who may not be familiar with our programs, a few questions below will help you to know the specific areas we can provide information and research on and will insure you only get what you're interested in.
Thanks in advance for taking the time to fill out our survey. Personal information provided to us is confidential and will never be shared with anyone. If, after filling out our survey and receiving information from us, you no longer want to be contacted by us you may at any time asked to be removed from our contact database. All participants who submit a survey are eligible to enter a random drawing to win one of three Amazon $100 e-gift cards. We will be drawing for winners from everyone who opted in for the drawing and complete our survey.
The survey is on-line at: https://surveys.ucanr.edu/survey.cfm?surveynumber=7082
Please also share the link with others who would be interested in our programs. Thanks!!!
- Author: John M Harper
From time to time I find interesting research that sheds new light on specific topics that are worth sharing. Recently I came across one from researchers at my alma mater, the University of Arizona. The title is Jet Stream Changes Could Amplify Weather Extremes by 2060's. It is written by Daniel Stolte, University of Arizona Communications Science Writer and gives an overview of Postdoctorial Research Associate, Matthew Osman's work.
Here's a link: Jet Stream.
Hope you find it interesting!
- Author: John M Harper
Attached are the position descriptions for our County Ag. Tech position. Please help spread the word so we get a good pool of applicants. Thanks!!!!
This position is with the County of Mendocino and below is how someone would apply if interested. The position is a unique opportunity for someone that wants a diverse job as it would be supporting the UCCE Crop Advisors, Livestock and Range Advisor, and Forest Advisor in research projects. And would help with workshops and social media outreach. Great opportunity for a someone wanting to learn more about Cooperative Extension and agriculture and natural resources. We'd prefer someone with a BS or BA degree but good experience would be acceptable.
Ag Tech:
Sr. Ag Tech:
AG TECH JOB DESCRIPTION County of Mendocino - Class Specification Bulletin
SR AG TECH JOB DESCRIPTION County of Mendocino - Class Specification Bulletin
- Author: John M Harper