- Author: Konrad Mathesius

Three years of data indicate that liquid-injected biosolids-based fertilizers (LBF, using 'Lystegro' from Lystek) are a viable alternative to conventional forms of nitrogen (N) fertilizer on a total N basis in wheat rotations in the southern Sacramento Valley. Lab data comparing LBF, pelletized biosolids-based fertilizers (PBF), and urea provide additional insight into soil phosphorous (P), salinity (EC), soil pH, and N mineralization responses after additions of the treatments.
Above: Application of LysteGro (Liquid-Injected Biosolids-Based Fertilizer, LBF)...
- Author: Konrad Mathesius

A previous blog post advertised the Nutrient Management Alternatives meeting for later this month, but given the weather conditions and the high likelihood that the field and the parking around the field will likely still be wet, the meeting has been moved to Tuesday April 18th, 2023.
Join us next month (Tuesday April 18, 2023, previously March 22, 2023, rescheduled due to wet field conditions) from 8:40 until 10:30 for some quick updates on research. The field site is an experimental trial run by Cameron Pittelkow evaluating the use of digestate and hydrolysate as a N source in small grains.
Additional details below:
Nutrient Management...
- Author: Konrad Mathesius

Nitrogen (N) management in small grains has recently managed to capture more attention than usual due to the high cost of N fertilizers. Several researchers from UC and UCCE have been working on projects that can provide growers with some valuable information on various N management options.
Join us next month (Tuesday April 18, 2023, previously March 22, 2023, rescheduled due to wet field conditions) from 8:40 until 10:30 for some quick updates on research. The field site is an experimental trial run by Cameron Pittelkow evaluating the use of digestate and hydrolysate as a N source in small grains.
Additional details below:
Nutrient Management...