- (Public Value) UCANR: Safeguarding abundant and healthy food for all Californians
- Author: Konrad Mathesius

If you haven't seen the announcements on the UC Small Grains blog, you should be subscribed to the UC Small Grains blog.
Additionally, a friendly reminder to stop by this Thursday for the UC Alfalfa/ Forages and Small Grains Field Day from 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.
Location: 2400 Hutchison Dr, Davis CA 38.5390, -121.7800
Alfalfa Talks: 8:00 – 10:00
Small Grains Agronomy Topics: 10:00...
- Author: Konrad Mathesius

Controlling Italian Ryegrass in California Small Grains
Friday, April 22, 2022, 8:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
Intersection of Road 13 and Road 85 Capay, CA 95607
RSVP for Lunch (or use QR Code): https://surveys.ucanr.edu/survey.cfm?surveynumber=37180
GPS: 38.795851, -122.045259
8:45 a.m. Registration, light refreshments
9:00 a.m....
- Author: Cheryl Reynolds
- Uploaded by: Konrad Mathesius

We're pleased to announce that a new online course on managing ground squirrels and pocket gophers has been added to UC IPM's growing library of online training courses. This course consists of eight video segments recorded by Dr. Roger Baldwin, a University of California Cooperative Extension Specialist in Human-Wildlife Conflict Resolution. Originally presented in June of 2020 as part of the UC Ag Experts Talk webinar series, the course covers pest identification, types of damage they cause, and the importance of their biology and ecology.
If you are a pest management professional or grower interested in...