- Author: Shannon C. Mueller
In the field, participants will learn about alfalfa variety selection as a tool for managing pests and diseases, using alfalfa-grains rotations to get the most from nitrogen fixation, and how Roundup Ready® and conventional alfalfa hay fields coexist. Three presentations covering nitrogen utilization, variety selection, and irrigation strategies for sorghum are also scheduled.
Once the field visits are finished, we will return to the air-conditioned comfort of the meeting room to hear speakers on ag crime prevention, nitrogen needs of wheat, and aphid and weed management in alfalfa.
1.5 hours (Other) PCA and 3.0 hours (1.5 IPM, 1.0 Nutrient Mgt., 0.5 Crop Mgt.) CCA Continuing Education Credits have been approved.
The agenda with a map to the Field Day location is available at Alfalfa Field Day.
If you have any questions, contact Shannon Mueller (559)241-7527 or Carol Frate (559)684-3314.
Alfalfa and Forage Sept 5 KAC Meeting flyer