- Author: Susana C. Bruzzone-Miller
Although the weather says summer, fall education outreach at HAREC is in full swing. Both 4-H Farm Field Trips and Classroom Outreach programs are full and the farm is once again filled with the sound of children. The big question is….. What is that new structure in the garden?
Over the summer, UC volunteers Judy and John Ascheman designed and constructed a Monarch Waystation. An ample supply of Milkweed was propagated on site to accommodate the many hungry monarch caterpillars that have taken up residence. The Waystation is a welcomed addition to the garden and compliments pollination lessons. Youth and adults alike are fascinated by watching caterpillars munch and observing the various stages the Monarch life cycle.
Many thanks to John , Judy, and gardeners that propagate milkweed and monitor the Waystation plants, caterpillars, and butterflies.