In recent months, UC Riverside had been discussing the possibility of forming a College of Arts and Sciences. On Feb. 2, Paul D'Anieri, UC Riverside provost and executive vice chancellor, sent an email to employees saying that results from polling conducted by the Academic Senate and of discussions of various Senate committees indicated that there is much more support for maintaining the current college structure than for forming a College of Arts and Sciences.
In the email message, he wrote: “Based on the feedback we received throughout this discussion, there is considerable support for the underlying goal of devolving responsibility to the schools/colleges and their deans, but not for forming a college of Arts and Sciences as a way of promoting it. We will continue to work toward that goal through our budget redesign process and through other campus efforts.”
D'Anieri added that “CHASS Dean Steve Cullenberg resigned last fall and CNAS Dean Marylynn Yates has informed us that she will not seek reappointment when her term expires this summer,” so UC Riverside will commence searches for new deans for both the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences and the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences.