- Author: Kathy Keatley Garvey
Sept. 30
Ola Lundin
Postdoctoral scholar, Department of Entomology and Nematology, UC Davis
Title: Ecology and Management of Crop Pollination and Pest Control
Host: Neal Williams, associate professor
Oct. 7
Saul Cunningham
Researcher, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO)
Title: Future Crop Pollination: the View from Down Under
Host: Neal Williams. associate professor
Oct. 14
Luke Alphey
Visiting Professor, University of Oxford
Title: Genetic Control of Pest Insects
Host: Diane Ullman, professor
GS3 seminar speaker, sponsored by the Storer Endowment
Oct. 21
Isgouhi Kaloshian
Professor of Nematology, Department of Entomology and Nematology, UC Davis
Title: Unraveling How Aphids and Associated Microbes Modulate Plant Immunity
Host: Diane Ullman, professsor
Oct. 28
Nicolas Svetec
Postdoctoral Fellow, Begun Lab, UC Davis
Title: The Adaptive Significance of Natural Genetic Variation in the DNA Damage Response of Drosophila melanogaster
Host: Joanna Chiu, assistant professor
Nov. 4
Paul Pratt
Research Entomologist, USDA
Title: Florida's Melaleuca Invasion: The End of an Error
Host: Michael Parrella, professor and chair of the department
Dec. 2 (Leigh Seminar)
Tim Paine, Tom and Nina Leigh Distinguished Alumni Speaker
Professor of Entomology, UC Riverside
Title: Insect Invasion Biology and California Landscapes
This special event will be held in the evening: more details to be announced.
For further information, contact coordinator Diane Ullman at deullman@ucdavis.edu