- Author: Elizabeth Fichtner
Sabrine Dhaouadi, a visiting scientist from Tunisia, will be working with Dr. Elizabeth Fichtner, UCCE Tulare County Advisor, at the pathology laboratory at Lindcove Research and Extension Center from October 2015-March 2016. Sabrine is working on her PhD in plant protection from the National Agronomic Institute of Tunis. Sabrine completed her undergraduate degree in Agricultural Engineering and her MS in Organic and Integrated Pest Management in Agriculture.
While working with UCCE, Sabrine will focus on emerging diseases of pistachio. In this capacity, she will have the opportunity to work with southern San Joaquin Valley growers to conduct field and laboratory research studies addressing industry needs. Lindcove Research and Extension Center has provided the laboratory and greenhouse infrastructure necessary for achieving the applied research goals of Fichtner's program, thus facilitating Sabrine's work as a visiting scholar and PhD student.