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Happenings in the insect world
by Anne Schellman
on January 19, 2016 at 8:35 AM
Fascinating! I'd never heard of these insects. Now I hope to find one for my collection.
by Jim Blinkenberg
on October 18, 2016 at 11:17 PM
Today, 10/18/16, I saw one of these in the Fork Lift parking lot in Cameron Park, CA. I had never seen one before, and considering how rare they are, according to this article, I now feel I am extremely lucky! I picked him up and put him back in one of the planter boxes where he (or she) dug himself a new hole and stayed. What a great day!
by Jessica
on October 20, 2016 at 1:24 PM
I have these all over my yard right now!
by Katie
on October 25, 2016 at 7:13 AM
Just had two of these come out of nowhere to attack my breezeway light. They looked like they were flying drunk; kept flying into the walls. I had to dodge them!
by Dana
on October 27, 2016 at 7:21 AM
Always wondered what these are. We have hundreds of them come out of the ground for days after the first good rain. Our dogs love to chase them around and eat them. They must taste good.
by Kae moreno
on April 5, 2017 at 8:53 PM
Just discovered these little guys today in some hills next to Rattlesnake Mountain in Reno,Nevada. Found your article and am amazed by what I have read about them. I feel quite lucky to have seen these little guys. What a strange life that they have. Wow, 10 years underground. Thank you for this lesson you have shared. I was amazed learning about the humming bird moth but the rain beetle is much more amazing and unusual. Great day!
by Dana
on October 26, 2017 at 10:07 AM
Found one next to my bed this morning. May have come in with the dog. Scared me to death. I am NOT a bug person. Am staying at a property out in country. This thing gave me the heebie jeebies! Is it likely I'll encounter more. Am a pet sitter, owner says never seen any before. This is by Hillsboro Oregon. Why are these things so revered? This bug i met was polite. Didn't fly at me or anything. Thank God.
by Rod Plapp
on November 4, 2018 at 11:13 PM
I have these down in my woods near Amity,Oregon.I always wondered what they were.
by Jordan
on November 15, 2018 at 6:05 PM
Found one dying today in Monmouth, Oregon
by Phil
on November 21, 2018 at 6:19 PM
Just Collected four in Placerville, Ca.
by Valerie
on November 21, 2018 at 6:44 PM
My friend just had about 20 males on her car windshield today. I wish I could post a photo. She is in Placerville, Ca
by Valerie
on November 21, 2018 at 6:46 PM
My friend just had about 20 males on her car windshield today. I wish I could post a photo. She is in Placerville, Ca
by Joan
on November 21, 2018 at 7:22 PM
First big rain in Penn Valley, Nevada County this afternoon. Heard light thuds hitting window and turned on porch light to find about 50 of these friends flying and crawling about on the front porch. They are all over the outside of our house right now. Thinking it might be one of the plagues (we have been having a rough year with fire, drought, politics) I quickly googled rain and beetles and found your page. Now I feel thankful to have witnessed this rare event. We’re in a rural area, not too much development. Glad these guys have a place to live.
by Lee Ekland
on November 21, 2018 at 10:22 PM
Growing up in Los Angeles, as soon as my brother Bruce had a car he would drive up into the Santa Monica Mountains hoping to get a look at the emerging rain beetles during the first fall rains. They always escaped him. Fast forward 40 years and now I’m living in the Sierra Nevada and look forward to their emergence every year. My brother’s love of nature and appreciation for obscure life forms (to most) has greatly enhanced my views. I sent him his rain beetle.
by Joe C
on November 22, 2018 at 5:18 PM
We have these in Somerset, Ca, near Plymouth. Very localized, nearby in Placerville no one knows about these. They’ve been an annual occurrence for as long as I can remember. I actually think they’re kind of cute. They have a very goofy way of flying and when they crawl it’s very bumbly. They are very strong and if you hold one in your hand it will push its way out between your fingers.  
This year a few came out before the first rain. It was weird and I chalk it up to climate change.
by Gene
on November 24, 2018 at 11:47 AM
I just found 15 or 16 outside my front door in Groveland, Calif.
by Terry
on November 25, 2018 at 7:56 AM
We first discovered these guys back in 1986 when we moved from the Willamette Valley of Oregon into the foothills west of Junction City. We had moved into a single wide trailer with metal siding and these guys woke us with their relentless bouncing off the sides of the trailer. Being a native of Oregon I had never seen these beetles before. Every year since we see them early in the mornings after the first rains of the fall.
by Katee
on November 27, 2018 at 9:36 PM
We get them each year here in Mariposa in the evening after the first rain. They came out tonight! We never got them in Coarsegold.
by Funsunnyday
on November 27, 2018 at 10:30 PM
Found your page because our kitchen window was being pelted tonight and HAD to figure out what these giants were! I had no idea these large beetles were so intriguing! My husband said the last time he saw them was in 1983-ish in Placerville. Today, we’re in Coarsegold, CA.
by Gene St . Denis Sierra Nevada Research
on December 4, 2018 at 2:24 PM
Funsunnyday, I am doing extensive research on the rain beetles and have a resource collection of Pleocoma here at Lake Tahoe. I am also involved in collecting some for the California Academy of Sciences as well as our local college. If possible, I would like to examine some specimens you saw or see some close-up pictures. Head shoots from above with antennae segments (laminellae) would be nice to count to further ID them. The ones you saw and heard in Placerville are Pleocoma fimbriata males. The females are flightless. Cheers! Geno
on December 18, 2018 at 6:26 AM
Fresno foothills near Tollhouse, elevation about 1850. I'm in a trailer while my house is under construction and heard them hitting the trailer at about 10 per minute starting at about 3 a.m. Based on inputs from Coarsegold and Mariposa, this must be a good year for them for this area.
by Judy Lawrence
on July 28, 2019 at 7:12 PM
July 28,2019, San Bernardino County, Lake Arrowhead Mountains, elevation 5174’  
At 6:53 this morning, that is morning, took my dog out. When I came back into the house approximately 10 minutes later, 2” to 2 1/2” black beetle, on our wood floor near our back door, that I left open while outside. Not flying, walking only, rather slow, not in a hurry. Seemed to be trying to get back to the door. It was only 3 feet inside.  
I have NEVER SEEN ANY BUG THIS BIG. Living in Houston and San Antonio, it was bigger than the granddaddy of cockroaches-the big American cockroach..  
It really gave me a heart attack! But I could clearly see it was not a roach.  
Our home in Lake Arrowhead is on the lake. We have less than 50 steps to the water. This area has had one of the largest rainfalls and snowfalls in history. Memorial Day it was below 30.  
And it snowed.... this weather pattern has brought about many changes in nature  
this year. Our home is on Shelter Cove Drive, Lake Arrowhead.
by marlane meyer
on December 3, 2019 at 10:15 AM
I found one yesterday in Beachwood canyon in Hollywood, CA. It was flipped over on its back and seemed to be injured but I took him home and gave him some water and dug a little hole for him to rest in. I read that he eats roots and fungi and there is that in the hole so I hope  
he makes it back to whatever life he might enjoy.
by Pequodhill
on December 5, 2019 at 6:01 AM
Wonderful visit of a flying male at dusk on our porch during a rainstorm 1100 eastern Alameda County
by Eric Cranston
on December 7, 2019 at 5:10 AM
Interesting to learn of their rarity, but not rare here in Mariposa. My German Shorthair, Wilhelm, thinks they are a mini bird and chases them when they fly. Dozens gather at my sliding door to the kitchen and love to bump the glass. Their eyes glow when a high intensity light hits them. Very interesting to watch. I find them mainly in the morning around 5 a.m. during a moderate rainstorm.
by Melissa C
on December 9, 2019 at 3:09 PM
Had about a dozen of these show up on my patio after a snow melt in Placerville, CA  
I could hear them loudly flying around, low to the ground, with little coordination the night before.  
After some research I was very happy to stumble upon this article. I’m a little less creeped out and a little intrigued by these little creatures now.
by Melissa C
on December 9, 2019 at 3:09 PM
Had about a dozen of these show up on my patio after a snow melt in Placerville, CA  
I could hear them loudly flying around, low to the ground, with little coordination the night before.  
After some research I was very happy to stumble, upon this article. I’m a little less creeped out and a little intrigued by these little creatures now.
by Connie
on December 11, 2019 at 6:11 PM
I had never seen or heard of these beetles before we bought our home on the North Umpqua River in Glide, Oregon in 2018. We live amongst the forest, and the ground gets soft and damp with the rains. I first saw the the small piles of dirt and needles all over our yard. When I removed some of the dirt, I could see a hole about the size of a pencil eraser. I had no idea what creature would be inhabiting our yard. I was actually concerned what could it be. Each day I noticed more and more spots. I knew something was digging into the ground. One morning before daylight as I was taking my fur kids outside, the motion light came on and it was then that I would have my first experience with the rain beetle. Oh my gosh, the erratic flying toward my face and the noise that was coming at me sounded like a helicopter. I told my coworkers I had been attacked by a helicopter beetle. I dug one out of the ground upon returning home and started the research. It didn't take much to identify what I was looking at. My Bassett hounds love hunting them. One loves to eat them, yuk! They must taste good to her as they seem to be a good snack. I was concerned if they would make her sick. I just make sure to treat her for parasites after their season is over. I am a little concerned about the larvae eating the roots of my fruit trees and our forest we live in. I will have to do some research on this new information that I now know after reading this article.
by Katie
on December 12, 2019 at 2:06 PM
I am in Redding, CA and have seen 4 of these so far after our recent rains.
by Halley
on November 13, 2020 at 7:11 PM
We have two banging on the windows to get in in Pine Grove, Ca. My kids got to watch them and appreciate how cool they are! These little beetles are my children’s elders. 😂
by Julie
on November 14, 2020 at 5:22 PM
When we lived at Redberry Hill just off Climax Rd near Pine Grove, we saw them every year when we had our first rain. They came out just after sundown CREEPY.
by Kim Blue
on November 22, 2020 at 2:22 PM
We are in Nevada City, CA. We have seen lots of them this year. We have been outside more because of social distancing and they are flying around in the evening. In the morning, I scoop them out of our small pond and watch them burrow down into the surrounding wood chips. Delightful creatures!
by Kim Blue
on November 22, 2020 at 2:22 PM
We are in Nevada City, CA. We have seen lots of them this year. We have been outside more because of social distancing and they are flying around in the evening. In the morning, I scoop them out of our small pond and watch them burrow down into the surrounding wood chips. Delightful creatures!
by Kathy Ritter
on December 9, 2020 at 8:13 PM
We just found one of these wonderful hairy beetles while hiking in Wildcat Regional Park (Contra Costa County) on Dec 9, 2020. It seemed mildly interested in some fresh coyote poop, but crossed the road and then went into the grassy weeds. When I picked it up, it seemed to try and fly but did not become airborne. Seemed to prefer walking. Hasn't rained here since Nov sometime ago.
by Tracy Christensen
on December 11, 2020 at 10:04 PM
We experienced many of these beauties on our property in Groveland Ca, Pine Mountain Lake. My first time seeing it. My husband said he saw some a few years back. So glad to find this article and learn about how special this is! Thank you for your explanation of this beetles life! We appreciate this gift.
by Tracy Christensen
on December 11, 2020 at 10:08 PM
We experienced many of these beauties on our property in Groveland Ca, Pine Mountain Lake. My first time seeing it. My husband said he saw some a few years back. So glad to find this article and learn about how special this is! Thank you for your explanation of this beetles life! We appreciate this gift.
by Luke Dollar
on December 11, 2020 at 11:32 PM
Spending a few nights in a log home about halfway between Mariposa and Oakhurst, CA. Tonight after heavy rain—first rain in a long while I believe... dozens upon dozens of these rain beetles are hitting the home windows and apparently trying to get inside. I didn’t realize they were out there and opened the slider and immediately TWO flew into the hone! Naturally, I freaked out and managed to trap them and put them outside and then proceeded to discover that we were being completely bombarded. My kids got to experience them from behind the glass and we hope they’ve moved on in the morning before we head to Yosemite Valley for the day. Ha,ha. Thanks for this article and comments.
by Marty
on December 12, 2020 at 11:15 AM
I had never heard of these until today, when I checked the internet. I live in Mariposa, Calif. (Yosemite area) and two of them flew into my garage last night when I went out to check the gutters. It was not too long after dark and it was raining.
by Molly Martindale
on December 13, 2020 at 2:05 PM
On Nov. 11.h, around 2:30 p.m.,  
we saw lots of them flying above the Wildcat Creek Trail, in Tilden Park, just north of the Jewel Lake area. There had been sparse sprinkles of rain earlier in the day, and we had walked about 1/2 hour north of Jewel Lake. As we turned back, a light rain had just begun. We started seeing them as we got closer to the lake, most flying back and forth about 3 -4 feet above the trail. One was upside down on the trail. I turned it right-side up a couple of times, but it just fell over again.
by Chris Swarth
on December 13, 2020 at 8:53 PM
Last night, on December 12, there were a dozen or more crashing into our windows during a pretty good rain in Mariposa, CA. I captured one briefly and it looked to be Pleocoma, as shown in your photos. I did not know about their natural history. Very cool. Thanks for the article
by Joel Gerwein
on December 25, 2020 at 4:01 PM
Dec 25, 2020: I just saw some of these beetles flying around on Wildcat Creek trail in Tilden Regional Park in Berkeley north of Jewel Lake this morning as the rains started. I see Molly Martindale posted that she saw them in the same place on November 11. I had no idea what they were until I found this article. Thanks so much!
by Paige
on July 10, 2021 at 12:15 AM
Is it possible I saw one flying into the back porch screen when I haf the light on outside? Antennae just like the top picture. In SE Olympia, WA at midnight in mid-July. Bounced into my back legs outside then screen. Winged, same body shape when wings closed wings. Not sure it was wuite that dark with closed wings.
by Laura Chapman
on October 5, 2021 at 6:36 PM
I live in Forest Grove, OR. Today I believe I spotted these guys flying around my house. Probably hundreds of them! It rained hard yesterday, and this morning I spotted these beetles I had never seen before.
by Victoria
on October 17, 2021 at 10:42 PM
We have these flying visitors quite often as we live in upper Pine Grove, Ca. We had about 5 or 6 fly into the cabin tonight. It’s our first real rain tonight so maybe they are cold and wet and just looking for shelter. My cats and dog love to torment them so I have been picking them up with a fuzzy swifter and placing them back outside. We also had a few drown In our wading pool this year. They create quite a buzz when they hit the windows and or the TV.... Cute little creatures but very wobbly walkers.
by Alli
on October 19, 2021 at 6:17 AM
I just moved from a small lot in Pioneer CA to a larger property in Volcano CA in Amador County so I’m getting used to all the new noises. A good down pour of rain happened last night. I had left the back light on and early morning I woke to knocking noises on the door near the light. There was a locked dog door on the door itself so, at first, I thought it might be a raccoon trying to get into the dog door. I walked over to investigate and that’s when I saw the rain beetle banging against the door toward the light. I noticed they make a low buzzing sound. I went searching on the internet and came across this article. After reading the article and comments I feel pretty lucky to have spotted a few of these guys.
by Holly
on November 2, 2021 at 10:40 PM
I was so glad to find this page. There have been two inside my doors and one right outside today. Sadly, I probably condemned them to death by relocating outside where it has been in the 50’s.
by BF
on November 10, 2022 at 11:02 AM
Just found one in Beachwood Canyon on the first sunny morning after several days of rain. It was on its back on the patio, so I righted it and put it under some shrubs.
by Kathleen Bettis
on November 11, 2022 at 11:35 AM
I just rescued one of these rain beetles from drowning in a couple of inches of rainwater in a big flower pot saucer! So pleased that it revived and was able to walk. I relocated it to the leaf litter under rosemary bushes - hope it accomplishes its mission somehow. Thanks so much for this identification article! The furry golden brown underside is so distinctive!
by Rutendo
on November 25, 2022 at 7:50 PM
Started seeing the rain beetles a couple of years ago. We live in a farming area in Zimbabwe and they come for the lights in their hundreds, and often find their way into the house which is a bit of a challenge.
by Paulette
on December 26, 2022 at 10:21 PM
We just had a whole swarm of them just before tonight's rain. We live in the Sierra Nevada just east of Fresno. The cats were catching them and letting them go in the house!! There were atleast 20. They are loud flyers!!
by Vahak Harutunian
on January 22, 2023 at 6:00 PM
I'm a retired chemistry professor/self-taught entomologist.  
My family owns a vacation house in Bear Valley Springs which is a 25,000-acre private and gated community in the Tehachapi Mountains in Kern County, California.  
Each year, after the first rains I collect numerous rain beetles which I believe are Pleocoma linsleyi (Hovor, 1971), and share them with my entomology colleagues and local kids who can't believe that these beetles fly under such cold conditions and that they have no mouth pieces.  
On January 9, 2023 using black light, starting approximately at 5.45 a.m., I collected 88 rain beetles in less than 20 minutes.  
The area is infested with these beetles and that is why there are no orchards anywhere near our house.  
I'll be happy to send free samples to interested entomologists.
by Chris Swarth
on December 28, 2023 at 10:49 AM
Only a few rain drops here in Mariposa (1,535 ft. Elev.) last night around 9:00, yet several rain beetles were flying and knocking into my windows. This continued for an hour, but still no rain. Interesting that only a spattering of rain drops was enough to cause the beetles to emerge and begin their search. I love these guys!
by Jennifer
on January 31, 2024 at 7:53 PM
It is Jan 31st 2024 and we just saw our very first rain beetle! OMG! Im so excited! Good thing the movement caught my eye it was in the sliding glass door track! We got it out on to the deck!
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