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All things biochar: production, gh gases, soil, crops, water, etc.
by Frank Strie, Terra-Preta Developments
on September 8, 2016 at 5:31 PM
"Pyrogenic organic matter is quite a mouthful. Charcoal usually brings to mind a BBQ. Agri-char was an interesting option for a while, but according to an unconfirmed mention, that word was already a registered trademark, but “biochar” was still open."  
Bio = Greek 'bios' = life  
We foster Life with Biochar
Reply by Milton E McGiffen
on September 11, 2016 at 11:04 AM
I am glad Frank brought that up. I remember when agrichar was being tossed around as a possible name, but then found to have already been taken. See this from Wikipedia:
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