- Author: Pamela Kan-Rice
Jan Corlett, chief of staff to Vice President Humiston, retired July 1 after a 20-year UC career.
Corlett, who joined UC ANR in 2011, served on numerous special projects over the years, but she is best known for overseeing the conversion of an old skating rink into UC ANR's LEED-certified Second Street offices and conference facilities in Davis, which opened in 2013. In 2017, she oversaw a project to expand parking behind the ANR building and incorporate a water-quality project in the parking lot for the urban horticulture and water researchers. Since 2014, she has overseen a project to preserve UC Cooperative Extension history at UC Merced.
With Linda Marie Manton, she provided “Crucial Conversations” training to give employees tools for dealing with people when stakes are high, emotions are strong, and opinions differ.
Corlett began her career with UC in 1999 evaluating the California Food and Fiber Futures project for the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and serving as assistant director of the Academic Preparation Programs at UC Davis.
In 2002, she moved to UCOP to serve as assistant director of the Early Academic Outreach Program. In 2005, she was tapped to become special assistant to the UC provost and deputy to the vice provost, and she was promoted to executive officer and chief of staff to the provost in 2009.
Before joining UC, Corlett served in the Peace Corps in Upper Volta. She later worked for PLAN International for 10 years as a field director in Southeast Asia and as the assistant director of the department of international relations for the child-focused development organization. She earned a B.A. in international studies from the Monterey Institute of International Studies and an M.S. in international agricultural development and a Ph.D. in geography from UC Davis.