- Author: Chris M. Webb
Published on: August 25, 2010
Ventura County Cooperative Extension Farm Advisor Oleg Daugovish and collaborators recently held an alternative fumigants update meeting for local growers and stakeholders. Part of the meeting was devoted to alternative fumigants and emission reduction technologies data collection.
Much work is being done to asses tarp permeability of commercial films used in fumigation. In an effort to maximize fumigant effectiveness while reducing emissions, researchers are documenting changes in film properties under a variety of cultural practices as well as in various soil and environmental conditions.
This presentation has been archived on this page of our website with sound.
Tags: alternative fumigants (17), commercial agriculture (307), grower education (39), Initiative A Clean Water (151), Initiative B Abundant Food (236), Initiative C Sharing Science (593), Initiative G Safe Food (137), Initiative H Managing Pests (215), Oleg Daugovish (42), strawberry production (35)
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