- Author: Maria F. Ridoutt
The Alternative Manure Management Program helps dairy and livestock producers decrease their manure-derived methane emissions by transitioning from one manure management system to another. It awards funds up to $750,000.
As of March 10th 2022, the California Department of Food and Agriculture is accepting grant applications. Check out https://www.cdfa.ca.gov/oefi/AMMP/ for more information on the program and how to apply.
CDFA will accept applications on a first-come, first-served basis until May 9th 2022.
CDFA Informational Workshops
CDFA will host a no-cost webinar workshop to provide information on program requirements and the application process. Participants can attend remotely by registering for webinar access:
Friday, March 25, 2022
10:00 AM – 11:15 AM PT
Registration link:https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RtH353wmR3agCrzIh1jA8w
Application Assistance / Asistencia para solicitudes
For free grant assistance please click here to view the list of our technical assistance providers. Spanish assistance is available.
Eligible practices
Each AMMP project requesting funding must include at least one of the following project components that reduce baseline methane emissions.
1. Pasture-based management including:
(i) conversion of a non-pasture dairy or livestock operation to pasture-based management (ii) increasing the amount of time livestock spend at pasture.
2. Alternative manure treatment and storage practices including:
a) Installation of a compost bedded pack barn that composts manure in situ.
b) Installation of slatted floor pit storage manure collection.
3. Solid separation of manure solids prior to entry into a wet/anaerobic environment in conjunction with one of the manure treatment and/or storage practices listed below.
4. Conversion from a flush to scrape manure collection system in conjunction with one of the manure treatment and/or storage practices listed below.
Manure Treatment and/or Storage Practices include: Open solar drying, closed solar drying, forced evaporation, daily spread, solid storage, composting in vessel, aerated static pile, intensive windrows or passive windrows.
CDFA will fund up to 100% of the total project cost with a maximum grant award of $750,000 per project. Matching funds are strongly encouraged
The maximum project term is two (2) years.
Grant funds cannot be expended before January 1, 2023 or after December 31, 2024.
CDFA may offer an award different than the amount requested.
An applicant may submit multiple grant applications; however, each grant application must represent an individual project at a unique project site.