- Author: Pamela Kan-Rice
Do you have new ANR colleagues in your program or at your location? Please let them know about the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Alliance and invite them to participate.
The DEI Alliance promotes diversity, equity and inclusion in our work and workplace to make UC ANR a truly multicultural and inclusive institution for employees and our clientele.
To keep these values top of mind, the group will plan regularly scheduled discussions based on short articles, videos and podcasts, said Jodi Azulai, a member of the alliance
“This will likely start before fall, but in the meantime, we could use some new folks with new energy,” she said. “We could use new people with fresh ideas to serve on the Coordination & Outreach and Learning Subcommittees.
Both UC ANR veterans and new hires are welcome to join.
“If you would like to help plan the monthly discussions, please let me know,” Azulai said.
For more information about the DEI Alliance, contact Azulai at jlazulai@ucanr.edu or visit https://ucanr.edu/sites/deialliance/DEI_Alliance_Home. To join, fill out the membership interest form on the website.