- Author: Kathy Keatley Garvey
When Distinguished Professor Walter Leal celebrates the newest UC Davis faculty retirees with a special program at the International Center on Wednesday, Feb. 7, he'll pay tribute to 73 emeriti faculty in the cohort. Ten will serve as speakers.
The event, titled "Celebrating Our NewestEmeriti," takes place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 643 California Ave., Davis. Seating is already sold out, but folks can see the program via Zoom, saidLeal of the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology and former chair of the Department of Entomology andNematology (ENT). See link at http://tinyurl.com/54ve646n.
Access the Zoom registration at http://tinyurl.com/54ve646n.
The event will have a permanent "home" on YouTube.
Of the 73 in the cohort, only one is from ENT: Professor Emerita Sharon Lawler. She continues her involvement with UC Davis via an active research project, mentoring students, and public service on occasional committees. (See news story). Numerous others from the department plan to attend, including UC Davis Distinguished Professor Emerita Lynn Kimsey, former director of the Bohart Museum of Entomology. She will be part of the next cohort.
"The cut-off time is July 1st," Leal said. "Anyone retiring after that goes to the next year's cohort."
Former ENT faculty member Arthur Shapiro, a UC Davis Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Department of Evolution and Ecology, will be among the speakers.
- Anne Britt, Professor Emerita, College of Biological Sciences (CBS), "Maintenance, Mutation, and Manipulation"
- Simon Cherry, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, College of Engineering (COE) and School of Medicine (SOM), "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words--The World of Medical Imaging"
- Paul Gepts, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CA&ES), "Biocultural Agro-Diversity: From Before the Origins of Agriculture to a Future under Climate Change"
- Inés Hernández-Ávila, Professor Emerita, College of Letters and Science (L&S), "Engaging the Indigenous Hemisphere: Research, Relationship Building & Indigenous Futurities"
- Jay Lund, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, COE, "Thoughts on the Uses and Abuses of Universities and How to Improve a Few of Them"
- Isaac Pessah, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM), "Intersection of Natural Products and Industrial Chemicals in Discovery"
- Subhash Risbud, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, COE, "A Career Spent working with STUFF: Ceramic Materials on our Earth and Maybe Out There, Too?"
- Andres Sciolla, M.D., Professor Emeritus, SOM, "Structural Determinants of Health Professions Students' Mental Health: Implications for Institutions of Higher Education"
- Arthur Shapiro, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, CBS, "It is the Year that Bears, Not the Field!" He maintains a butterfly research site at https://butterfly.ucdavis.edu.
- Ronald Tjeerdema, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, CAES, "Chemical Risk: Four Decades of Protecting Public Health and the Environment"
President Suad Joseph of the UC Davis Emeriti Association (UCDEA) will welcome the new retirees. Provost Mary Croughan will deliver the closing remarks.
As an ongoing public service project launched in 2022, Leal organizes and hosts celebrations honoring new UC Davis emeriti, their accomplishments, and their transition to the next chapter of their lives. Leal, a leading global scientist and inventor in the field of insect olfaction and communication, is internationally known for his impact in the fields of molecular, cellular biology and entomology. A member of the UC Davis faculty since 2000, he chaired the UC Davis Department of Entomology in 2006-2008 before accepting a position in 2008 as professor of biochemistry in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology. (See news story)