- Author: Terry Lewis
Published on: November 22, 2024
Wood ashes are not beneficial in the garden. They have no nutrient value and only a limited value as a deterrent to slugs and snails.Enjoy the fresh scent and beautiful colors of rain in the garden this weekend. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
- Water citrus trees well now to produce a good crop next year.
- Check and improve drainage around plants in low areas.
- Monitor rainfall and adjust water accordingly to keep soil moist for new plantings.
- Cut back chrysanthemums to 6 inches.
- Prune back spent wisteria canes.
- Do not apply any treatments to pruning cuts or other plant wounds because these materials are ineffective and often detrimental.
- Fertilize cool-season annuals, perennials and vegetables with a light, high-nitrogen or organic fertilizer.
- Bare-root planting season begins this month. Consider the hardiness of the rootstock when selecting bare-root fruit trees.
- Citrus, avocado, and other frost-tender plants should be planted in spring after the danger of frost has passed.
- Fruits and vegetables: asparagus (transplant), onions, parsley.
- Annuals: toadflax (Linaria maroccana), stock (Matthiola incana).
Enjoy now
- Annuals and perennials: toadflax (Linaria maroccana).
- Bulbs, corms, tubers: paperwhite (Narcissus).
- Trees, shrubs, vines: holly (Ilex), Koreanspice (Viburnum carlesii).
- Fruits and vegetables: Brussels sprouts, citrus, sweet potatoes.
Things to ponder
- Use trimmings of magnolias, juniper, pine and redwoods for holiday greens. Deodar cedar, spruce and western hemlock lose needles quickly.
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