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By the UC Master Gardener Program of Fresno County
by Jenny Junh
on January 15, 2025 at 5:03 PM
In this section, do you know if we should do dormant oil now? Or wait until spring along with the fungicide?  
“Also wait to apply any fungicides until the roses begin to grow next spring. Dormant oil can be used to smother the fungal spores that have been residing on the stems of your roses.”
by Debbie DiNoto
on January 20, 2025 at 5:57 AM
Hi Jenny, I would wait for applying any fungiside or dormant oil until your roses begin to bud and are just starting to leaf out. I would use the dormant oil for now and wait for any fungicide use to see if you need it. Applying too many fungicides, pesticides, etc., can make the insects/mold start to become resistant to it. It has been a pretty dry winter, so I would wait.
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