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Serving agriculture and residents since 1914
by Brenda Dawson
on January 26, 2012 at 9:27 AM
I often think of cooperatives in relation to agriculture (Blue Diamond Almonds, for example) or co-op grocery stores. And many small farmers look for ways to collaborate in their businesses (sharing costs of trucking or marketing).  
But there are so many other forms of cooperatives -- co-op preschools, credit unions, cooperative housing, etc.  
Thanks for starting this conversation with your blog post, Chris! You always find interesting topics to highlight.
Reply by Chris M. Webb
on January 26, 2012 at 12:03 PM
Thank you for your kind words Brenda!  
Many of my topics I write about, such as this post, are the direct result of questions received from those we are here to serve. I always learn a great deal from these questions and greatly enjoy sharing the information with others.  
Cooperatives offer many opportunities for group success!
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