- Author: Roger S Ingram
Placer and Nevada Counties in California have a vibrant local food movement. With grant funding from the California Department of Food and Agriculture Specialty Crop Block Grant Program, the University of California Cooperative Extension is connecting consumers with local specialty crop farmers. This project will raise awareness of the health and community benefits of eating local produce and increase sales for local specialty crop farmers. Upcoming events will include tastings of local produce, cooking demonstrations, and community dinners featuring local farmers and local produce!
A workshop on the grant and what will be happening will be featured at the PlacerGROWN Farm Conference. The theme of the 2013 PlacerGROWN Farm Conference is Survive and Thrive. The conference will be held Saturday, January 26th at Lincoln High School from 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM. The conference is co-sponsored by UC Cooperative Extension and PlacerGROWN. Additional support is provided by USDA Risk Management Agency.
This will be part of 10 workshops to be held on January 26th at Lincoln High School, located in Lincoln,CA. For more information, including registration, visit either http://placergrown.org/wp/ or http://ucanr.org/sites/PGFFC, or call PlacerGROWN at (530) 889-7398 or UC Cooperative Extension at (530) 889-7385.
To keep up date with all that is happening, like us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/EatLocalPlacerAndNevada.