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News for UC Agriculture & Natural Resources employees.
by Asa Bradman
on February 1, 2013 at 10:12 AM
Only have time to skim the child abuse reporting rule, but in principle I think it is a good idea. In our project we work with families and children and go into homes, and in consent forms we specify that confidentiality will be maintained unless a threat to life or health. After much discussion (internally and with university legal staff) we decided internally to consider our research staff to be mandatory reporters, with ultimate responsibility on the PI or senior research staff. We also had all our staff trained by the child protective services of the county we work in. I think training is crucial, and researchers should contact, before going into the field, local agencies to ensure good relationships and procedures should concerns come up. We have reported two cases of possible child abuse. In one case, the home was already under investigation by the CPS and our decision was validated. These can be very challenging situations to deal with.
by Larry A. Burrow
on February 4, 2013 at 1:21 PM
The PPE requirements seem to be directed towards laboratory situations. Might be a good idea to address this issue with regard to pesticide use in the field.
Reply by Pamela Kan-Rice
on February 4, 2013 at 1:24 PM
Thanks, Larry, I forwarded your note to Robin Sanchez.
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