- (Public Value) UCANR: Building climate-resilient communities and ecosystems
- Author: Zheng Wang
Crop biostimulant is abundant and complex in its function, causing plethora of questions on selecting, using, and evaluating its on-farm efficacy. The first and maybe the foremost step toward a more effective use of crop biostimulants among vegetable growers is to understand their current use, experience, concerns and hopes. To accomplish the task, a survey was sent out to collect the specific information from vegetable growers mainly in the San Joaquin Valley and other counties in California. I recently published the results of the survey at Progressive Crop Consultant. You can read the article following the link: https://progressivecrop.com/magazine-archive/march-april-2021/. Excerpts of figures from the article are shared here. The results was also reported in the recent Biostimulant World Congress at https://informaconnect.com/biostimulants-world-congress/speakers/zheng-wang/#science-track-session-5-the-future-of-biostimulants_voice-from-california-vegetable-growers-on-crop-biostimulants-impression-concern-and-hopes
Growers' concerns regarding the use of crop biostimulants on vegetable crops
Number of responses to the agreement on the importance of future measures in improving the use of biostimulants.
- Author: Zheng Wang
Hello Everyone,
Rachael Long (Farm Advisor in Yolo County) and myself will collaborate with UC IPM to host a series of four 1-hour educational webinars regarding the use of biostimulants and plant growth regulators in crop production, with a focus on vegetable and field crops. Both types of biologics are increasingly used in regulating crop growth and development but also bring discussions regarding their definition, regulation, and efficacy in field situations. The webinars are designed for the agricultural community including growers, researchers, crop consultants, pest control advisors, and others in the industry.
Please check the attached flyer for details. To register, follow the link (https://ucanr.edu/sites/ucexpertstalk/) and click on each webinar topic for the registration page. Please contact me with any questions. We look forward to “seeing” you.
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