- Author: Christine Huang
Once again, the UC Davis Postharvest Technology Center is excited to announce another successful Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops Short Course. This year's course marks our 37th anniversary! Our short course comprises two separate weeks of instruction. The first week is spent on intensive lectures, discussions, and hands-on laboratory sessions on the UC Davis campus. The optional...
- Author: Christine Huang

The UC Davis Postharvest Technology Center is very excited to welcome this year's participants of the Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops Short Course to UC Davis. Our 79 participants are joining us from 20 different countries and will engage in a two-week intensive study of the biology and current technologies used for handling fruits, nuts, vegetables, and ornamentals starting next week! The first week, our participants will attend informative lectures and discussions given and facilitated by our knowledgeable specialists. Additionally, participants will take part in hands-on demonstration sessions, designed to reinforce and apply knowledge gained during lectures. We anticipate a great workshop this year and are looking...
- Author: Christine Huang

We at the UC Davis Postharvest Technology Center are delighted to once again offer the 2015 Postharvest Technology Short Course Scholarship Opportunity, thanks to generous funding from the Leonard and Marsaille Morris Trust and additional donations. This scholarship opportunity, valued at approximately $6,000.00, is awarded to an outstanding individual from a developing country. Our goal in awarding this scholarship to such an individual is to see him/her use the acquired knowledge from the Short Course to improve upon the management of postharvest handling of horticultural crops in his/her country.
This year we received more than 70 applications for this scholarship! Many qualified and deserving individuals applied, including...
- Author: Christine Huang

It's that time of the year again! Enrollments have officially opened for this year's Fruit Ripening and Retail Handling Workshop! Our workshop is specifically designed for shippers, fruit handlers, and produce managers interested in the handling and ripening of fruits and vegetables. Some of the topics that will be covered in this year's workshop include the importance of ripening programs, ripening facilities and equipment, fruit development-ripening, maturity and quality relationships and more! The deadline for enrollments is March 9, 2015. The $825.00 enrollment fee for this 2-day workshop includes all classroom instruction, lab activities, course materials, morning and afternoon coffee breaks, lunches, and an evening mixer....
- Author: Christine Huang

On June 15-26th, 2015, the UC Davis Postharvest Technology Center will be hosting its 37th Annual Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops Short Course. This course is a two-week intensive study of the biology and current technologies used for handling fruits, nuts, vegetables, and ornamentals in California. It is a comprehensive course designed to train and equip research and extension workers, quality control personnel in the produce industry, and business, government, or academic professionals interested in learning about current advances in the postharvest technology of horticultural crops.
This two week course covers a multitude of topics, including an overview of postharvest biology of horticultural crops,...