- Author: Pamela M. Geisel
The International Master Gardener Conference early bird registration has been extended to Nov. 30th 2008. You now have a few more days to get your registration in. The conference boasts some great tours, great speakers and some great fun. You will be able to see Brad Landcaster who was one of our keynote speakers at our statewide conference last month. You can tour local Master Gardener gardens as well as botanic gardens and other highlights that only Las Vagas has to offer. Hope you plant to go! See you there!
- Author: Pamela M. Geisel
If you have been casting an eye for attending the International Master Gardener Conference, now would be the time to make the committment and register. The deadline for the lowest registration price ($260.00) is November 16th.
The International Conference hasn't been in the west for many years. The 2009 conference is being held in Las Vegas, NV, home to lots of lights but lots of wonderful garden adventures as well.
To get the details on this marvelous event, go to:http://www.unce.unr.edu/imgc/
- Author: Pamela M. Geisel
Last April, Communication Services surveyed our clientele to determine their web needs and preferences. This Carewords research revealed how our clientele use our
We learned that our clients come to us for information on pest management and home gardening more than any other topics — Master Gardener programs are uniquely positioned to take advantage of the Carewords information.
Join us on
By attending this workshop you will learn:
- Carewords results for your geographic area
- Words that resonate with your key audience and cross-over audiences
- We’ll individually analyze your current web content and suggest changes that you can make to create content with impact using the Carewords results.
Because of the hands-on nature of this workshop, registration is limited to 10.
Participants should bring a laptop computer with wireless internet capability so we can roll up our sleeves and get to work! If you do not have one, we do have a couple available for your use that day by advanced reservation.
The cost of this workshop is $12.00. Lunch will be provided.
Register using this link – http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=3121
Credit card payments and departmental charges will be accepted.
Unfortunately, travel support for the workshop is not available; the workshop fee covers lunch charges.
Questions? Contact Cynthia Kintigh at
- Author: Pamela M. Geisel
In addition, the first 200 people to register will become a “Friend of the Garden” and will be eligible to receive discounts on future UC Davis Good Life Garden events.
You can find more information and purchase tickets by linking to:
www.goodlifegarden.ucdavis.edu <http://www.goodlifegarden.ucdavis.edu/> .
Good Life Garden Event
- Author: Pamela M. Geisel
Maybe you have been thinking about attending the California Master Gardener Conference on September 24-26, but you weren't sure if you wanted to register so early...well now is your time to register! The price goes up to 160.00 for folks staying at Asilomar and $200 for those stay off site on August 20. As well, we only have about 15 spaces left before we max out in terms of seats for the breakout sessions. We hope you will consider joining your 385 fellow Master Gardeners from California for a roaring good time and exceptional educational opportunities. Earn Continuing Education Credit and get great ideas for new programs in your counties. To register go to http://mgconference.ucdavis.edu
We would love to see you there. Register today!