- Author: Pamela M. Geisel
As a Master Gardener, you get a lot of samples of plant problems in your office. I recently received a sample of Bradford pear leaves (Pyrus calleryana) with very interesting symptoms. At first, I thought that the plant may have been picking up something that was toxic to it because it appeared that the leaf was showing dieback progressively from the middle of the leave out to the margins. At least I thought that was what I was seeing. However, upon further inspection and discussion with the owner, I realized that the dieback was actually a fairly quick but progressive drying from the margins inward toward the middle. The brown part at the mid-vein was from sunburn and was the last part to dry out whereas the margins dried very quickly without actually sun burning. It turned out that the woman and her husband were very ill for a month or so in the middle of summer and were unable to get out and water (they didn’t have automatic sprinklers). The point of the story? Snap judgments can be dangerous. To learn more about pests and problems with Bradford Pear…….
/span>- Author: Pamela M. Geisel
Final Olive Workshop
- Author: Pamela M. Geisel
Every day I recommend ANR publications to people, especially our free ones and I am sure you do too. I wanted to let you know that ANR Communication Services has just released an on-line catalog of FREE publications. This makes the search for them so much easier. I hope you will agree. You can get to new catalog by clicking on: http://ucanr.org/freepubs/
- Author: Pamela M. Geisel
The Web site focuses on sustainable gardening practices and uses a question and answer format to present solutions. A blog on the Web sites home page, updated weekly, highlights gardening content pertinent to the season. The site
"When UC sites have thorough content covering a particular topic, we link to that site rather than duplicating it," said Pam Giesel, the academic coordinator for the statewide UC Master Gardener Program. "For example, UC IPM, the Center for Landscape and Urban Horticulture, and our sister site, the C
The new Web site
The site has sections on:
Visit the C
Development of the new Web site was funded by the Elvenia J. Slosson Endowment for Ornament
- Author: Pamela M. Geisel
Thanks to the magic of Dave Krause, and the rest of the programmers at Communication Services, Master Gardeners are now able to log into their Volunteer Management System (VMS 2.1) and the other various systems in ANR through the new ANR web portal. The new login method will allow for easier access to Collaborative Tools, the Repository, Administrative Links and links to Tech Tools etc. To access the VMS and other systems, use your VMS password. If you do not know your password, or encounter any difficulty using the password you normally use, click on “lost your password or new user” and enter your email address. You will be sent a link that will allow you to reset your password and then you may enter into the VMS. Please let us know how you like the new change or if you are having any problems with the changeover. Just email Pam Geisel, the Statewide Master Gardener Coordinator at pmelam@ucdavis.edu