SoilWeb app helps gardeners, growers in other states

Mar 29, 2012

Larry Oldham, Extension professor in the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences at Mississippi State University, told the Clinton News that helping clients in the field is easier than ever with the SoilWeb smartphone app developed by the Soil Resource Lab at UC Davis.

UC Davis Ph.D. candidate Dylan Beaudette and his advisor Anthony O'Geen, UC Cooperative Extension specialist in the Department of Land, Air and Water Resources at UC Davis, developed SoilWeb to take advantage of the GPS or cell tower triangulation capabilities of modern smartphones. 

The spatial queries are sent to the lab's online interface to soil survey information. Query results are presented as a series of soil profile sketches, depicting soil horizons, series names, landscape position and taxonomic classification.  

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By Pamela Kan-Rice
Author - Assistant Director, News and Information Outreach