Gardening into the Future: Climate Adaptation in Your Yard - Sebastopol
Sebastopol Regional Library
7140 Bodega Avenue
Sebastopol, CA
Contact: Info desk: 707-565-2608 or
Sponsor: UC Master Gardener Program of Sonoma County

Gardening into the Future: Climate Adaptation in Your Yard 
Sebastopol Regional Library - 7140 Bodega Avenue, Sebastopol

Presented by Sonoma County Master Gardener Leah Halper

Many climate change solutions require huge shifts by governments and corporations for a “just transition” to non-polluting fuels, but there are positive, impactful actions you can take in your own garden and community. Join Master Gardener Leah Halper’s presentation, Gardening into the Future: Climate Adaptation in Your Yard, to discuss concrete, achievable, science-based means to use your own garden for carbon sequestration, food security, plant and animal habitat, and increased resilience to extreme weather and other climate change events.

Registration Required: Go to  or Upcoming Events to complete your registration. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about attending the library talk.