Teen Leader Essentials Series
Contact: jcolburn@ucanr.edu
Sponsor: UCANR 4-H Youth Development Program
Learn how to bring your leadership skills to the next level through interactive webinars led by the State Ambassadors. Earn a Certificate of Completion for attending all workshops!
This workshop series is for youth leaders ages 13 and up, County Ambassadors, County Ambassador Coaches, and Leadership Project Leaders.
Register by 3pm the day of the workshop. https://forms.gle/WNF7Ve4oBBcZb4LUA
February 19, 2024- 6:30-8:00pm: Adapting without Collapsing
What happens when things do not go as planned? Flexibility and resourcefulness are key. Learn
how to develop your backup plan along the way, so you are ready in the event your plan has to