Webinar: What consumer are saying about integrative poultry production
Contact: mmcadena@ucdavis.edu
Sponsor: Poultry

Curious about what consumers are saying about integrative poultry systems? Let’s dive into the conversation! 

- How often do consumers discuss topics like pastured poultry production, sustainability, local foods, and organic on social media?
- What are the various integrative systems that combine crops and animals?

Join us for an engaging webinar on Consumers and Integrative Poultry Production to explore these insights and more!

Small Livestock & Poultry Farmers: What consumer are saying about integrative poultry production
Speaker: Dr. Maurice Pitesky
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
3:00-4:00 PM Pacific

Register today! https://forms.gle/CJ9gPSiZuVMiw8cH7

This webinar is offered in partnership between the University of California, Davis, Iowa State University, the University of Kentucky, and the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT). This series aims to support beginning and aspiring farmers to grow their operations in pastured poultry production, organic vegetable crop production, and particularly integrated poultry and crop production.

*This webinar and future extension and education events are offered as part of the project titled: "Two Strong Wings, Cover Crops & Veggies: Developing the Next Generation of Integrative Farmers in California, Iowa, and Kentucky" funded under the USDA Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program.