NALT Keyword: farms

5 Results

Genetic Engineering and Organic Production Systems
Genetic Engineering and Organic Production Systems
Genetic Engineering and Organic Production Systems
A brief exploration of how two very different farming cultures can coexist.
Popular Backyard Flock program reduces biosecurity risks of amateur production
Popular Backyard Flock program reduces biosecurity risks of amateur production
Popular Backyard Flock program reduces biosecurity risks of amateur pr...

CDFA-funded necropsy services provide reliable health information to owners of backyard flocks and gather much-needed data.

Survey of rice storage facilities identifies research and education needs
Survey of rice storage facilities identifies research and education needs
Survey of rice storage facilities identifies research and education ne...

IPM techniques are widely used, but improvements are possible, such as in monitoring grain temperature and identifying pests.

Phenology of spotted wing drosophila in the San Joaquin Valley varies by season, crop
and nearby vegetation
Phenology of spotted wing drosophila in the San Joaquin Valley varies by season, crop and nearby vegetation
Phenology of spotted wing drosophila in the San Joaquin Valley varies ...

Cherry growers are advised to monitor outside their orchards as well as within them, and to count both male and female flies in the traps.

Modeling the effects of local climate change on crop acreage
Modeling the effects of local climate change on crop acreage
Modeling the effects of local climate change on crop acreage

A century of climate data and six decades of crop acreage data in Yolo County are used to analyze climate–crop acreage trends and predict future acreages.

5 Results