NALT Keyword: information

63 Results

Pumpkin Production in California
Pumpkin Production in California
Pumpkin Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Watermelon Production in California
Watermelon Production in California
Watermelon Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Spinach Production in California
Spinach Production in California
Spinach Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Sweet Potato Production in California
Sweet Potato Production in California
Sweet Potato Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Small Grain Production Manual (complete)
Small Grain Production Manual (complete)
Small Grain Production Manual (complete)

This download includes all 14 parts of the Small Grain Production Manual.

Green Onion Production in California
Green Onion Production in California
Green Onion Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Fresh-Market Tomato Production in California
Fresh-Market Tomato Production in California
Fresh-Market Tomato Production in California
California farmers grow more than 550,000 tons of fresh-market tomatoes a year. This publication gives you concise information on culture, pest management, and marketing for this important crop.
Sample Costs for a 500-Head Dairy Goat Operation: Goat Milk for Cheese . . .
Sample Costs for a 500-Head Dairy Goat Operation: Goat Milk for Cheese . . .
Sample Costs for a 500-Head Dairy Goat Operation: Goat Milk for Cheese...
Up-to-date economic information for dairy goat ranchers. Extensive cost tables.
Selecting Chickens for Home Use
Selecting Chickens for Home Use
Selecting Chickens for Home Use
Whether you want to raise chickens for eggs, meat, or show, you will find valuable, basic information in this free publication.
Processing Tomato Production in California
Processing Tomato Production in California
Processing Tomato Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Forest Stewardship Series 16: Forest Pests and Diseases
Forest Stewardship Series 16: Forest Pests and Diseases
Forest Stewardship Series 16: Forest Pests and Diseases
Part 16 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series.
Forest Stewardship Series  5: Tree Growth and Competition
Forest Stewardship Series 5: Tree Growth and Competition
Forest Stewardship Series 5: Tree Growth and Competition
Part 5 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series.
Tomatillo Production in California
Tomatillo Production in California
Tomatillo Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Turnip Production in California
Turnip Production in California
Turnip Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Okra Production in California
Okra Production in California
Okra Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Understanding and Improving Beef Cattle Carcass Quality
Understanding and Improving Beef Cattle Carcass Quality
Understanding and Improving Beef Cattle Carcass Quality
Carcass attributes are figuring more into the cow-calf manager’s decision-making process and yielding financial rewards. Learn what carcass information means and how it can be used it to improve beef quality.
Snap Bean Production in California
Snap Bean Production in California
Snap Bean Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Forest Stewardship Series   Complete (Parts 1 through 24)
Forest Stewardship Series Complete (Parts 1 through 24)
Forest Stewardship Series Complete (Parts 1 through 24)
The Forest Stewardship Series gives California forestland owners comprehensive information on the management and enjoyment of their lands. It is a good introduction to the lifelong study of forest stewardship that is part of owning forest property.
Forest Stewardship Series  7: Forest Regeneration
Forest Stewardship Series 7: Forest Regeneration
Forest Stewardship Series 7: Forest Regeneration
Part 7 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series.
Growing Prunes (Dried Plums) in California: An Overview
Growing Prunes (Dried Plums) in California: An Overview
Growing Prunes (Dried Plums) in California: An Overview
California is the leading worldwide producer of prunes (dried plums). This publication's information on costs, potential for profits, and other practical considerations will help you determine whether this is the crop for you.
Small Grain Production Pt 2: Growth and Development of Small Grains
Small Grain Production Pt 2: Growth and Development of Small Grains
Small Grain Production Pt 2: Growth and Development of Small Grains
Part 2 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual describes the stages of small grain growth, including germination, tillering, vegetative growth, stem elongation, heading, flowering, grain filling, growth habit and yield components.
Small Grain Production Pt 3: Seedbed Preparation, Sowing, and Residue Mgmt.
Small Grain Production Pt 3: Seedbed Preparation, Sowing, and Residue Mgmt.
Small Grain Production Pt 3: Seedbed Preparation, Sowing, and Residue ...
Part 3 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual discusses your options in the initial stages of production, including till versus no-till systems, drilling versus broadcast seeding, and sowing depth, rate, and timing.
Small Grain Production Pt 13: Harvesting and Storage
Small Grain Production Pt 13: Harvesting and Storage
Small Grain Production Pt 13: Harvesting and Storage
Part 13 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual provides essential information on harvesting and storage, including direct combining, windrowing, handling and storage facilities, and protecting grain quality from moisture, insects, and mold.
Mixed Melon Production in California
Mixed Melon Production in California
Mixed Melon Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Small Grain Production Pt 10: Small Grain Forages
Small Grain Production Pt 10: Small Grain Forages
Small Grain Production Pt 10: Small Grain Forages
Part 10 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual covers the use of small grains as livestock forage, including choosing among the small grains, harvest stages and methods, and effect of maturity on yield.
Cucurbit Seed Production in California
Cucurbit Seed Production in California
Cucurbit Seed Production in California
Basic information for commercial growers, including climatic requirements, varieties, planting, fertilization, harvest, and marketing channels.
Asian Citrus Psyllid
Asian Citrus Psyllid
Asian Citrus Psyllid
Plant hosts, life cycle, crop damage, and pest management information for this pest of citrus and other closely related plants.
Small Grain Production Pt 7: Pest Management -- Insects
Small Grain Production Pt 7: Pest Management -- Insects
Small Grain Production Pt 7: Pest Management -- Insects
Part 7 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual provides color photographs and discussion of the major insect pests of small grains in California.
Forest Stewardship Series 19: Laws and Regulations. . .: Timber Harvesting
Forest Stewardship Series 19: Laws and Regulations. . .: Timber Harvesting
Forest Stewardship Series 19: Laws and Regulations. . .: Timber Harves...
Full title: Laws and Regulations Affecting Forests, Part I: Timber Harvesting. Part 19 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series.
Raising Game Birds
Raising Game Birds
Raising Game Birds
There are many reasons to raise game birds, including pheasants, chukar partridges, and Japanese or bobwhite quail: as a hobby, a 4-H project, or even a business venture. Interested? This publication will point you in the right direction.
Small Grain Production Pt 1: Importance of Small Grain Crops in California
Small Grain Production Pt 1: Importance of Small Grain Crops in California
Small Grain Production Pt 1: Importance of Small Grain Crops in Califo...
Part 1 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual gives an overview of the history and current status of small grain production in California.
Small Grain Production Pt 4: Fertilization
Small Grain Production Pt 4: Fertilization
Small Grain Production Pt 4: Fertilization
Part 4 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual includes information on soils and fertility, symptoms of nutrient deficiency or toxicity (with full-color photographs), and fertilizer application, timing, and rates.
Forest Stewardship Series 18: Stewardship Objectives and Planning
Forest Stewardship Series 18: Stewardship Objectives and Planning
Forest Stewardship Series 18: Stewardship Objectives and Planning
Part 18 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series.
Small Grain Production Pt 14: Troubleshooting Small Grain Production
Small Grain Production Pt 14: Troubleshooting Small Grain Production
Small Grain Production Pt 14: Troubleshooting Small Grain Production
Part 14 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual is a detailed guide for troubleshooting a wide variety of problems in your small grain crop, complete with over 40 full-color photographs of symptoms.
Small Grain Production Pt 8: Pest Management -- Vertebrates
Small Grain Production Pt 8: Pest Management -- Vertebrates
Small Grain Production Pt 8: Pest Management -- Vertebrates
Part 8 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual gives essential information on vertebrate pests, including meadow mice, pocket gophers, rabbits, hares, deer, feral pigs, and waterfowl.
Forest Stewardship Series  8: Forest Wildlife
Forest Stewardship Series 8: Forest Wildlife
Forest Stewardship Series 8: Forest Wildlife
Part 8 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series.
Small Grain Production Pt 9: Pest Management -- Weeds
Small Grain Production Pt 9: Pest Management -- Weeds
Small Grain Production Pt 9: Pest Management -- Weeds
Part 9 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual introduces the types of weeds that can be a problem in small grains and discusses their cultural and chemical control.
Small Grain Production Pt 6: Pest Management -- Diseases
Small Grain Production Pt 6: Pest Management -- Diseases
Small Grain Production Pt 6: Pest Management -- Diseases
Part 6 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual discusses integrated pest management (IPM) for your crop and provides important information on and full-color photographs of the primary diseases of small grains in California.
Forest Stewardship Series  3: Forest Ecology
Forest Stewardship Series 3: Forest Ecology
Forest Stewardship Series 3: Forest Ecology
Part 3 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series.
Forest Stewardship Series 22: Forest Taxation, Estate Planning, . . .
Forest Stewardship Series 22: Forest Taxation, Estate Planning, . . .
Forest Stewardship Series 22: Forest Taxation, Estate Planning, . . .
Full title: Forest Taxation, Estate Planning, and Conservation Easements. Part 22 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series.
Small Grain Production Pt 5: Irrigation and Water Relations
Small Grain Production Pt 5: Irrigation and Water Relations
Small Grain Production Pt 5: Irrigation and Water Relations
Part 5 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual is a primer on water needs, including moisture requirements at the different stages of production, patterns of water consumption, and irrigation methods and timing.
Making Sense of Rules Governing Chlorine Contact in . . . Organic Produce
Making Sense of Rules Governing Chlorine Contact in . . . Organic Produce
Making Sense of Rules Governing Chlorine Contact in . . . Organic Prod...
Basic explanation of potentially confusing rules on chlorine exposure for organically grown produce.
Small Grain Production Pt 11: Small Grain Cover Crops
Small Grain Production Pt 11: Small Grain Cover Crops
Small Grain Production Pt 11: Small Grain Cover Crops
Part 11 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual discusses the benefits of cover cropping with small grains, including nitrogen interaction, water use, and cultivar selection.
Chestnut Culture in California
Chestnut Culture in California
Chestnut Culture in California
Learn how to grow this sweet and increasingly marketable low-fat nut. Information on species and varieties, worldwide consumption, economics, and marketing; how to choose an orchard site, plant and maintain the orchard, harvest, and storage.
Forest Stewardship Series 17: Forest Roads
Forest Stewardship Series 17: Forest Roads
Forest Stewardship Series 17: Forest Roads
Part 17 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series.
Forest Stewardship Series 10: Riparian Vegetation
Forest Stewardship Series 10: Riparian Vegetation
Forest Stewardship Series 10: Riparian Vegetation
Part 10 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series.
Forest Stewardship Series  1: Introduction to Forest Stewardship and Glossary...
Forest Stewardship Series 1: Introduction to Forest Stewardship and Glossary...
Forest Stewardship Series 1: Introduction to Forest Stewardship and G...
Part 1 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series. Full title: Introduction to Forest Stewardship and Glossary of Terms
Forest Stewardship Series  9: Forest Streams
Forest Stewardship Series 9: Forest Streams
Forest Stewardship Series 9: Forest Streams
Part 9 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series.
Forest Stewardship Series 23: Technical and Financial Assistance
Forest Stewardship Series 23: Technical and Financial Assistance
Forest Stewardship Series 23: Technical and Financial Assistance
Part 23 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series.
The Lunch Box Series, B: Learning from Labels
The Lunch Box Series, B: Learning from Labels
The Lunch Box Series, B: Learning from Labels
Basic information on how to read and interpret the Nutrition Facts and ingredients labels on foods.
Small Grain Production Pt 12: Small Grains in Crop Rotations
Small Grain Production Pt 12: Small Grains in Crop Rotations
Small Grain Production Pt 12: Small Grains in Crop Rotations
Part 12 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual gives you information on when, how, and why to include small grains in rotation with crops such as cotton, tomato, potato, and sugar beet.
Forest Stewardship Series  4: Forest History
Forest Stewardship Series 4: Forest History
Forest Stewardship Series 4: Forest History
Part 4 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series.
Forest Stewardship Series 12: Fish and Fish Habitat
Forest Stewardship Series 12: Fish and Fish Habitat
Forest Stewardship Series 12: Fish and Fish Habitat
Part 12 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series.
Forest Stewardship Series 13: Threatened and Endangered Plants
Forest Stewardship Series 13: Threatened and Endangered Plants
Forest Stewardship Series 13: Threatened and Endangered Plants
Part 13 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series.
Forest Stewardship Series  6: Forest Vegetation Management
Forest Stewardship Series 6: Forest Vegetation Management
Forest Stewardship Series 6: Forest Vegetation Management
Part 6 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series.
Forest Stewardship Series 15: Wildfire and Fuel Management
Forest Stewardship Series 15: Wildfire and Fuel Management
Forest Stewardship Series 15: Wildfire and Fuel Management
Part 15 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series.
Forest Stewardship Series 21: Economic Considerations in Forest Stewardship
Forest Stewardship Series 21: Economic Considerations in Forest Stewardship
Forest Stewardship Series 21: Economic Considerations in Forest Stewar...
Part 21 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series.
Forest Stewardship Series 14: Exotic Pest Plants
Forest Stewardship Series 14: Exotic Pest Plants
Forest Stewardship Series 14: Exotic Pest Plants
Part 14 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series.
Forest Stewardship Series 20: Laws and Regulations: Other . . .
Forest Stewardship Series 20: Laws and Regulations: Other . . .
Forest Stewardship Series 20: Laws and Regulations: Other . . .
Full title: Forest Stewardship Series 20: Laws and Regulations Affecting Forests, Part II: Activities Other Than Timber Harvesting. Part 20 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series.
Forest Stewardship Series 11: Forest Water Quality
Forest Stewardship Series 11: Forest Water Quality
Forest Stewardship Series 11: Forest Water Quality
Part 11 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series.
Forest Stewardship Series 24: Professional Assistance
Forest Stewardship Series 24: Professional Assistance
Forest Stewardship Series 24: Professional Assistance
Part 24 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series.
Forest Stewardship Series  2: A Forest Stewardship Framework
Forest Stewardship Series 2: A Forest Stewardship Framework
Forest Stewardship Series 2: A Forest Stewardship Framework
Part 2 of the 24-part Forest Stewardship Series.
Raising Dairy Goat Kids
Raising Dairy Goat Kids
Raising Dairy Goat Kids
How to keep young dairy goats well fed and healthy.

63 Results