NALT Keyword: Natural resource management

7 Results

Private lands habitat programs benefit California's native birds
Private lands habitat programs benefit California's native birds
Private lands habitat programs benefit California's native birds

Waterbirds and landbirds, including many special status species, are using flooded fields, wetlands and riparian forest on private lands.

Standards vary in studies using rainfall simulators to evaluate erosion
Standards vary in studies using rainfall simulators to evaluate erosion
Standards vary in studies using rainfall simulators to evaluate erosio...

Rainfall simulators help quantify soil erosion rates due to rain and runoff, but the lack of standardization in methods and analysis can hamper progress.

Income value of private amenities assessed in California oak woodlands
Income value of private amenities assessed in California oak woodlands
Income value of private amenities assessed in California oak woodlands

In a survey, landowners were asked to place a monetary value on amenities using a contingent valuation method; willingness to maintain amenity values did not require a large property.

UC COOPERATIVE EXTENSION CENTENNIAL: Eucalyptus fuel dynamics, and fire hazard in the Oakland hills
UC COOPERATIVE EXTENSION CENTENNIAL: Eucalyptus fuel dynamics, and fire hazard in the Oakland hills
UC COOPERATIVE EXTENSION CENTENNIAL: Eucalyptus fuel dynamics, and fir...
Predicting invasive plants in California
Predicting invasive plants in California
Predicting invasive plants in California

Ornamental plants at high risk for future invasion include 60 species that naturalized after 1940, and 94 species that have not yet naturalized.

Post-fire vegetation dynamics of a sagebrush steppe community change significantly
over time
Post-fire vegetation dynamics of a sagebrush steppe community change significantly over time
Post-fire vegetation dynamics of a sagebrush steppe community change s...

Nearly 30 years after a burn at two sites in northeastern California, sagebrush had recovered fully and invasive grasses had diminished.

Effects of fuel treatments on California mixed-conifer forests
Effects of fuel treatments on California mixed-conifer forests
Effects of fuel treatments on California mixed-conifer forests

A consensus is developing that fuel treatments are not negatively impacting the ecology of yellow pine and mixed-conifer forests.

7 Results