NALT Keyword: color

7 Results

Flower Flies (Syrphidae) and Other Biological Control Agents for Aphids . . .
Flower Flies (Syrphidae) and Other Biological Control Agents for Aphids . . .
Flower Flies (Syrphidae) and Other Biological Control Agents for Aphid...
Flower flies (sometimes known as hoverflies) are effective predators against aphids in California vegetable fields. Learn to recognize these aphid eaters and encourage them to help with your pest management. Many color photographs.
Holiday Cacti
Holiday Cacti
Holiday Cacti
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter cacti bloom from late fall through spring, providing vibrant color at a time of year when few other houseplants look their best. Learn how your holiday cacti can thrive and look their best!
Photographic Guide to Citrus Fruit Scarring
Photographic Guide to Citrus Fruit Scarring
Photographic Guide to Citrus Fruit Scarring
This publication helps you recognize specific types of scars and their causes so you can prevent costly rind damage and the possible downgrading of your fruit.
Citrus Leafminer and Citrus Peelminer
Citrus Leafminer and Citrus Peelminer
Citrus Leafminer and Citrus Peelminer
Citrus leafminer and citrus peelminer are serious pests of California citrus groves. Learn how to tell them apart and how to apply appropriate control measures. Includes many color photos.
Diaprepes Root Weevil
Diaprepes Root Weevil
Diaprepes Root Weevil
Diaprepes root weevil is a serious pest of Florida citrus, sweet potatoes, papayas, and ornamental plants, and it threatens to become established in California as well.

1,349 KB download.
Frequently Asked Questions on Pitch Canker
Frequently Asked Questions on Pitch Canker
Frequently Asked Questions on Pitch Canker
Pitch canker can kill branches on Monterey pines, and sometimes kills the entire tree. Use the color photos in this electronic publication to identify pitch canker, and learn what you can do to check its spread.
Small Grain Production Pt 7: Pest Management -- Insects
Small Grain Production Pt 7: Pest Management -- Insects
Small Grain Production Pt 7: Pest Management -- Insects
Part 7 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual provides color photographs and discussion of the major insect pests of small grains in California.

7 Results