NALT Keyword: crop management

7 Results

Forest nurseries face critical choices with the loss of methyl bromide fumigation
Forest nurseries face critical choices with the loss of methyl bromide fumigation
Forest nurseries face critical choices with the loss of methyl bromide...

Integrated pest management approaches can help compensate for the loss of methyl bromide, but converting to container production may be the best option.

Research and adoption of biotechnology strategies could improve California fruit and nut crops
Research and adoption of biotechnology strategies could improve California fruit and nut crops
Research and adoption of biotechnology strategies could improve Califo...

Grape, citrus and walnut lead in genetic engineering research; transgrafting offers a chance for progress.

Sidebar: Regulatory status of transgrafted plants is unclear
Sidebar: Regulatory status of transgrafted plants is unclear
Sidebar: Regulatory status of transgrafted plants is unclear
No-tillage and high-residue practices reduce soil water evaporation
No-tillage and high-residue practices reduce soil water evaporation
No-tillage and high-residue practices reduce soil water evaporation

Conservation tillage, which reduces tractor passes and leaves residues on the soil surface, greatly improves water use efficiency.

Pierce's disease costs California $104 million per year
Pierce's disease costs California $104 million per year
Pierce's disease costs California $104 million per year

Pierce's disease in California costs approximately $104 million annually in lost production, vine replacement and public disease prevention programs.

Soil sampling protocol reliably estimates preplant NO<sub>3</sub><sup>−</sup> in SDI tomatoes
Soil sampling protocol reliably estimates preplant NO3 in SDI tomatoes
Soil sampling protocol reliably estimates preplant NO3...

Taking two or three cores in a few beds produces a reliable nutrient assessment that could avoid nitrogen surpluses and groundwater pollution.

Preplant 1,3-D treatments test well for perennial crop nurseries, but challenges remain
Preplant 1,3-D treatments test well for perennial crop nurseries, but challenges remain
Preplant 1,3-D treatments test well for perennial crop nurseries, but ...

Growers' ability to produce clean planting stock without methyl bromide could impact the nursery, orchard, vineyard and ornamental industries

7 Results