NALT Keyword: cucumis melo

26 Results

"Slip" and Cantaloupe Ripeness
"Slip" and Cantaloupe Ripeness
"Slip" and Cantaloupe Ripeness
Sour Rot - Stem End
Sour Rot - Stem End
Sour Rot - Stem End
Honeydew Melon; sour rot (Geotrichum candidum) on stem end
Surface Discoloration (3)
Surface Discoloration (3)
Surface Discoloration (3)
Honeydew Melon; surface discoloration of undetermined origin on fruit after storage
Trichothecium Rot
Trichothecium Rot
Trichothecium Rot
Honeydew Melon
Solar Injury - Severe
Solar Injury - Severe
Solar Injury - Severe
Honeydew Melon; severe solar injury is often associated with increased decay after longer term storage
Surface Discoloration (4), Possibly Caused by Chilling Injury
Surface Discoloration (4), Possibly Caused by Chilling Injury
Surface Discoloration (4), Possibly Caused by Chilling Injury
Honeydew Melon; surface discolorations of undetermined origin on fruit after storage. The symptoms on this photo may be due to chilling injury
Sour Rot - Blossom End
Sour Rot - Blossom End
Sour Rot - Blossom End
Honeydew Melon; sour rot (Geotrichum candidum) on blossom end
Solar Injury - Slight
Solar Injury - Slight
Solar Injury - Slight
Honeydew Melon; severe symptoms of brown blotch showing that only the peel is affected by this disorder
Surface Discoloration (1)
Surface Discoloration (1)
Surface Discoloration (1)
Honeydew Melon; surface discoloration on stored fruit associated with physical injury and water loss during storage
Speckles - Moderate
Speckles - Moderate
Speckles - Moderate
Honeydew Melon; moderate speckles
Speckles -Severe
Speckles -Severe
Speckles -Severe
Honeydew Melon; moderate speckles
Surface Discoloration (2)
Surface Discoloration (2)
Surface Discoloration (2)
Honeydew Melon; surface discoloration on stored fruit associated with physical injury and water loss during storage
Surface Cracking
Surface Cracking
Surface Cracking
Honeydew Melon; surface cracking often associated with more mature or ripening fruit.
Internal Color
Internal Color
Internal Color
Honeydew Melon
Chilling Injury
Chilling Injury
Chilling Injury
Honeydew Melon
Botryodiplodia Decay on Golden Honeydew
Botryodiplodia Decay on Golden Honeydew
Botryodiplodia Decay on Golden Honeydew
Honeydew Melon; Botryodiplodia sp. identified on Golden Honeydew, stored 1 month 10°C
Fusarium Decay on Golden Honeydew
Fusarium Decay on Golden Honeydew
Fusarium Decay on Golden Honeydew
Honeydew Melon; Fusarium sp. decay identified on Golden Honeydew stored 1 month at 10 °C
Rhizopus Rot
Rhizopus Rot
Rhizopus Rot
Sour Rot (1)
Sour Rot (1)
Sour Rot (1)
Brown Blotch
Brown Blotch
Brown Blotch
Honeydew Melon; severe symptoms of brown blotch showing that only the peel is affected by this disorder
Epicoccum Decay on Golden Honeydew
Epicoccum Decay on Golden Honeydew
Epicoccum Decay on Golden Honeydew
Honeydew Melon; Epicoccum sp. decay identified on Golden Honeydew stored 1 month at 10 °C
Maturity Indices
Maturity Indices
Maturity Indices
Penicillium Decay on Golden Honeydew
Penicillium Decay on Golden Honeydew
Penicillium Decay on Golden Honeydew
Honeydew Melon; Penicillium sp. Decay identified on Golden Honeydew melon stored 1 month at 10 °C
Sour Rot (2)
Sour Rot (2)
Sour Rot (2)
Sclerotinia Decay on Golden Honeydew
Sclerotinia Decay on Golden Honeydew
Sclerotinia Decay on Golden Honeydew
Honeydew Melon; Sclerotinia sp. Decay on Golden Honeydew stored 1 month at 10 °C
Slipsheet Handling of California Nectarines and Cantaloupes
Slipsheet Handling of California Nectarines and Cantaloupes
Slipsheet Handling of California Nectarines and Cantaloupes
Riji, R.E., and R.T. Hinsch 1980

26 Results