NALT Keyword: farming systems

5 Results

Plant Disease Management for Organic Crops
Plant Disease Management for Organic Crops
Plant Disease Management for Organic Crops
Plant diseases create challenging problems in commercial agriculture and pose real economic threats to both conventional and organic farming systems. In an organic system, disease-control strategies should have an ecological basis.
Income value of private amenities assessed in California oak woodlands
Income value of private amenities assessed in California oak woodlands
Income value of private amenities assessed in California oak woodlands

In a survey, landowners were asked to place a monetary value on amenities using a contingent valuation method; willingness to maintain amenity values did not require a large property.

Conservation tillage systems for cotton advance in the San Joaquin Valley
Conservation tillage systems for cotton advance in the San Joaquin Valley
Conservation tillage systems for cotton advance in the San Joaquin Val...

A 12-year UC study showed savings of $70 per acre from a no-tillage system with no decline in yields, provided that seedlings establish well.

Survey of rice storage facilities identifies research and education needs
Survey of rice storage facilities identifies research and education needs
Survey of rice storage facilities identifies research and education ne...

IPM techniques are widely used, but improvements are possible, such as in monitoring grain temperature and identifying pests.

Economic sustainability modeling provides decision support for assessing hybrid poplar-based
biofuel development in California
Economic sustainability modeling provides decision support for assessing hybrid poplar-based biofuel development in California
Economic sustainability modeling provides decision support for assessi...

Higher biomass yields and policy measures such as carbon credits are needed for biofuel production to become an economically viable industry in Northern California.

5 Results