NALT Keyword: horticulture

5 Results

Radio-frequency identification could help reduce the spread of plant pathogens
Radio-frequency identification could help reduce the spread of plant pathogens
Radio-frequency identification could help reduce the spread of plant p...

RFID technology has particular benefits for certified nursery stock; scientists have successfully placed microchips in plants.

UC COOPERATIVE EXTENSION CENTENNIAL: Eucalyptus fuel dynamics, and fire hazard in the Oakland hills
UC COOPERATIVE EXTENSION CENTENNIAL: Eucalyptus fuel dynamics, and fire hazard in the Oakland hills
UC COOPERATIVE EXTENSION CENTENNIAL: Eucalyptus fuel dynamics, and fir...
Predicting invasive plants in California
Predicting invasive plants in California
Predicting invasive plants in California

Ornamental plants at high risk for future invasion include 60 species that naturalized after 1940, and 94 species that have not yet naturalized.

TIF film, substrates and nonfumigant soil disinfestation maintain fruit yields
TIF film, substrates and nonfumigant soil disinfestation maintain fruit yields
TIF film, substrates and nonfumigant soil disinfestation maintain frui...

Fruit yields in the steam treatments and the anaerobic soil disinfestation treatments were comparable to the Pic-Clor 60 application.

Preplant 1,3-D treatments test well for perennial crop nurseries, but challenges remain
Preplant 1,3-D treatments test well for perennial crop nurseries, but challenges remain
Preplant 1,3-D treatments test well for perennial crop nurseries, but ...

Growers' ability to produce clean planting stock without methyl bromide could impact the nursery, orchard, vineyard and ornamental industries

5 Results