NALT Keyword: orchards
4 Results
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Orchard Floor Management Practices to Reduce Erosion and Protect Water...
Water-induced erosion carries valuable soil out of orchards and into downstream waterways, where it can cause serious problems. Learn how to keep your soil where it will do you the most good.
Almond leaf Scorch
Almond leaf scorch is a bacterial disease that kill otherwise healthy trees -- or, if undetected and untreated, entire orchards -- within just a few years. Learn to recognize the disease and take action early to save your trees and your livelihood.
Vegetative Filter Strips for Nonpoint Source Pollution Control in Agri...
Irrigated orchards, vineyards, and row crops have high erosion rates. The vegetative filter strip (VFS) offers one way to control erosion rates and keep soil in the field rather than letting it be carried off site in drainage water.
Peach Rust Caused by Tranzschelia discolor in California
Peach rust is a problem in every peach-growing area of California, but causes the greatest damage in the Sacramento Valley. Color photos and descriptions in this publication help you identify the disease and the conditions that encourage its development.
4 Results