NALT Keyword: pest management
24 Results
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Growing Tomatoes in the Home Garden
Tomatoes are among the most popular vegetables grown in home gardens. They also prompt frequent cultural and pest management questions; many problems can be avoided by planting disease-resistant varieties that are well adapted for your growing area.
Small Grain Production Manual (complete)
This download includes all 14 parts of the Small Grain Production Manual. |
Flower Flies (Syrphidae) and Other Biological Control Agents for Aphid...
Flower flies (sometimes known as hoverflies) are effective predators against aphids in California vegetable fields. Learn to recognize these aphid eaters and encourage them to help with your pest management. Many color photographs.
Fresh-Market Tomato Production in California
California farmers grow more than 550,000 tons of fresh-market tomatoes a year. This publication gives you concise information on culture, pest management, and marketing for this important crop.
Small Grain Production Pt 2: Growth and Development of Small Grains
Part 2 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual describes the stages of small grain growth, including germination, tillering, vegetative growth, stem elongation, heading, flowering, grain filling, growth habit and yield components.
Small Grain Production Pt 3: Seedbed Preparation, Sowing, and Residue ...
Part 3 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual discusses your options in the initial stages of production, including till versus no-till systems, drilling versus broadcast seeding, and sowing depth, rate, and timing.
Small Grain Production Pt 13: Harvesting and Storage
Part 13 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual provides essential information on harvesting and storage, including direct combining, windrowing, handling and storage facilities, and protecting grain quality from moisture, insects, and mold.
Small Grain Production Pt 10: Small Grain Forages
Part 10 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual covers the use of small grains as livestock forage, including choosing among the small grains, harvest stages and methods, and effect of maturity on yield.
Small Grain Production Pt 7: Pest Management -- Insects
Part 7 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual provides color photographs and discussion of the major insect pests of small grains in California.
Asian Citrus Psyllid
Plant hosts, life cycle, crop damage, and pest management information for this pest of citrus and other closely related plants.
Small Grain Production Pt 4: Fertilization
Part 4 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual includes information on soils and fertility, symptoms of nutrient deficiency or toxicity (with full-color photographs), and fertilizer application, timing, and rates.
Establishing Integrated Pest Management Policies and Programs
Adoption of a written IPM plan is an important first step in implementing integrated pest management practices. This publication takes you through the process, step by step.
Small Grain Production Pt 1: Importance of Small Grain Crops in Califo...
Part 1 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual gives an overview of the history and current status of small grain production in California.
Small Grain Production Pt 14: Troubleshooting Small Grain Production
Part 14 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual is a detailed guide for troubleshooting a wide variety of problems in your small grain crop, complete with over 40 full-color photographs of symptoms.
Small Grain Production Pt 8: Pest Management -- Vertebrates
Part 8 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual gives essential information on vertebrate pests, including meadow mice, pocket gophers, rabbits, hares, deer, feral pigs, and waterfowl.
Small Grain Production Pt 9: Pest Management -- Weeds
Part 9 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual introduces the types of weeds that can be a problem in small grains and discusses their cultural and chemical control.
Insect Management for Organic Crops
Before planting a crop, an organic vegetable grower needs to understand the pests and beneficial organisms that usually occur in that crop and anticipate the pest problems that are likely to occur.
Small Grain Production Pt 6: Pest Management -- Diseases
Part 6 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual discusses integrated pest management (IPM) for your crop and provides important information on and full-color photographs of the primary diseases of small grains in California.
Small Grain Production Pt 5: Irrigation and Water Relations
Part 5 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual is a primer on water needs, including moisture requirements at the different stages of production, patterns of water consumption, and irrigation methods and timing.
Small Grain Production Pt 11: Small Grain Cover Crops
Part 11 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual discusses the benefits of cover cropping with small grains, including nitrogen interaction, water use, and cultivar selection.
Small Grain Production Pt 12: Small Grains in Crop Rotations
Part 12 of the 14-part Small Grain Production Manual gives you information on when, how, and why to include small grains in rotation with crops such as cotton, tomato, potato, and sugar beet.
Research and adoption of biotechnology strategies could improve Califo...
Grape, citrus and walnut lead in genetic engineering research; transgrafting offers a chance for progress. |
Early grain storage research
Sidebar: Regulatory status of transgrafted plants is unclear
24 Results