NALT Keyword: produce

7 Results

Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) for Water Disinfection Monitoring
Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) for Water Disinfection Monitoring
Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) for Water Disinfection Monitoring
Large volumes of water are commonly used during postharvest handling of minimally processed fruits and vegetables. Water disinfection is a critical step in minimizing the potential transmission of pathogens from a water source to produce.
Production of Therapeutic Proteins in Plants
Production of Therapeutic Proteins in Plants
Production of Therapeutic Proteins in Plants
Discusses the types of biologics produced in plants, plant based production systems in use, government agencies responsible for regulation of biologics, and some agricultural practices required to safely produce biologics in crop plants.
Using Transplants in Vegetable Production
Using Transplants in Vegetable Production
Using Transplants in Vegetable Production
Growers who use greenhouse transplants can target early-season markets and often produce multiple crops in a single growing season. In addition, they reduce pest and disease losses, and help ensure a more uniform stand.
Budding & Grafting Citrus & Avocados in the Home Garden
Budding & Grafting Citrus & Avocados in the Home Garden
Budding & Grafting Citrus & Avocados in the Home Garden
It is often tempting, after eating a delicious orange or avocado, to plant the seed. But, fruit grown from these seed may not have the desired results. Here is an introduction to budding and grafting–the best way to produce good quality fruit.
Water Disinfection: A Practical Approach to Calculating Dose Values for Preharve
Water Disinfection: A Practical Approach to Calculating Dose Values for Preharve
Water Disinfection: A Practical Approach to Calculating Dose Values fo...
Water is used to irrigate, wash, and transport produce before and after harvest. This free publication tells how to keep that water clean and free of pathogens.
Postharvest Handling for Organic Crops
Postharvest Handling for Organic Crops
Postharvest Handling for Organic Crops
An overview of general postharvest handling considerations unique to the marketing of registered or certified organic produce, with a brief introduction to currently permitted and restricted postharvest treatments.
Key Points of Control & Management for Microbial Food Safety: Growers & Packers
Key Points of Control & Management for Microbial Food Safety: Growers & Packers
Key Points of Control & Management for Microbial Food Safety: Growers ...
Information for Growers, Packers, and Handlers of Horticultural Products

Most commercial produce that we eat is wholesome and disease-free, but it takes some work and attention to keep it that way. Here are some basic steps to remember.

7 Results