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Title Managing the almond and stone fruit replant disease complex with less soil fumigant
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Abstract As much as one-third of California's almond and stone fruit acreage is infested with potentially debilitating plant parasitic nematodes, and even more of the land is impacted by Prunus replant disease (PRD), a poorly understood soilborne disease complex that suppresses early growth and cumulative yield in replanted almond and peach orchards. Preplant soil fumigation has controlled these key replant problems, but the traditional fumigant of choice, methyl bromide, has been phased out, and other soil fumigants are increasingly regulated and expensive. We tested fumigant and nonfumigant alternatives to methyl bromide in multiple-year replant trials. Costs and benefits were evaluated for alternative fumigants applied by shanks in conventional strip and full-coverage treatments and applied by shanks or drip in novel spot treatments that targeted tree planting sites. Short-term sudangrass rotation and prudent rootstock selection were examined as nonfumigant approaches to managing PRD. Trial results indicated that integrations of the treatments may acceptably control PRD with relatively little soil fumigant.

Browne, Greg T.
USDA Research Plant Pathologist
Soil-borne diseases of fruit and nut trees and other horticultural crops
Lampinen, Bruce Douglas
Integrated Orchard Management, Walnut and Almond Specialist
Integrated Orchard Management with an emphasis on walnuts and almonds
Holtz, Brent Allen
County Director and Farm Advisor
Pomology, deciduous tree fruits and nuts, plant pathology, Whole Orchard Recycling
Doll Mr, David Anthony
Pomology Farm Advisor
Almonds, Pistachios, Walnuts, and Urban Forestry
Upadhyaya, Shrinivasa K
Tillage and traction, soil dynamics, soil crusting and compactional; site-specific crop management, soil and yield sensors, GIS, precision planting of propagules; and mathematical modeling of biological problems.
Schmidt, Leigh S. : L.S. Schmidt is Biological Science Technician, USDA–ARS and Department of Plant Pathology, UC Davis
Bhat, Ravindra G. : R.G. Bhat is Project Scientist, Department of Plant Pathology, UC Davis
Udompetaikul, Vasu : V. Udompetaikul, former graduate student in the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, UC Davis, is Professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology, Ladkrabang, Thailand
Coates, Robert W. : R.W. Coates is Associate Development Engineer, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, UC Davis
Hanson, Bradley D. : B.D. Hanson is UCCE Weed Specialist, Department of Plant Pathology, UC Davis
Klonsky, Karen M
Specialist in Cooperative Extension, Emerita
Farm Management and Production, Sustainable Agriculture and Organic Agriculture
Gao, Suduan
Research Soil Scientist
Wang, Dong

Gillis, Matt : M. Gillis is Research Associate, TriCal Inc., Hollister, California
Gerik, James S. : J.S. Gerik is Research Plant Pathologist, USDA-ARS, Parlier
Johnson, R. Scott : R.S. Johnson is UCCE Specialist (retired), UC Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center.
Publication Date Jul 1, 2013
Date Added Aug 28, 2013
Copyright © The Regents of the University of California
Copyright Year 2013

Almond and stone fruit replant trials show that integrated management can improve crop returns and reduce the need for soil fumigation.

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