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Title Private lands habitat programs benefit California's native birds
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To address the loss of wetlands and riparian forests in California, private lands habitat programs are available through U.S. federal and state government agencies to help growers, ranchers and other private landowners create and enhance wildlife habitat. The programs provide financial and technical assistance for implementing conservation practices. To evaluate the benefits of these programs for wildlife, we examined bird use of private wetlands, postharvest flooded croplands and riparian forests enrolled in habitat programs in the Central Valley and North Coast regions of California. We found that private Central Valley wetlands supported 181 bird species during the breeding season. During fall migration, postharvest flooded croplands supported wetland-dependent species and a higher density of shorebirds than did semipermanent wetlands. At the riparian sites, bird species richness increased after restoration. These results demonstrated that the programs provided habitat for the species they were designed to protect; a variety of resident and migratory bird species used the habitats, and many special status species were recorded at the sites.

DiGaudio, Ryan T. : R.T. DiGaudio is Senior Ecologist for the Pacific Coast and Central Valley group at Point Blue Conservation Science, Petaluma, CA
Kreitinger, Kimberly E. : K.E. Kreitinger is President of the Wisconsin Society for Ornithology, Madison, WI
Hickey, Catherine M. : C.M. Hickey is Conservation Director for the Pacific Coast and Central Valley group at Point Blue Conservation Science, Petaluma, CA
Seavy, Nathaniel E. : N.E. Seavy is Research Director for the Pacific Coast and Central Valley group at Point Blue Conservation Science, Petaluma, CA
Gardali, Thomas : T. Gardali is Director of the Pacific Coast and Central Valley group at Point Blue Conservation Science, Petaluma, CA.
Publication Date Oct 1, 2015
Date Added Dec 21, 2015
Copyright © The Regents of the University of California
Copyright Year 2015

Waterbirds and landbirds, including many special status species, are using flooded fields, wetlands and riparian forest on private lands.

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