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Title Citrus genetic resources in California: Analysis and recommendations for long-term conservation.
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File Information CITRUS CROPS IN CALIFORNIA mean primarily navel and valencia oranges, lemons, grapefruit, and tangerines, tangelos, and tangors. By the most recent figures available (1998–1999) at the time of this writing, the California Agricultural Statistics Service reports the following total values for these crops: navel oranges $227 million; valencia oranges $188 million; lemons $214 million; grapefruit $81 million; and tangerines et al. $23 million. Altogether that’s about a three-quarter-billion-dollar citrus industry, placing citrus in the top ten of California crops. Three of these—oranges, lemons, and grapefruit— are individually also among the top 30 California export crops. To sustain this productivity and competitiveness in the US by creating new varieties, maintaining the diversity of citrus crops, ensuring healthy trees in the field, and desirable fruit in the marketplace, it is imperative that breeders, researchers, and the industry have access to reliable collections of citrus genetic resources. As this report shows, this has been possible by virtue of an unofficial state ‘system’ for conserving and utilizing citrus genetic resources. This system is comprised of University of California, state, and federal organizations and their interrelationships are documented herein.
Arpaia, Mary Lu
Cooperative Extension Specialist
Evaluation of preharvest and postharvest factor on subtropical crop productivity and fruit quality, including rootstock, cultivar, irrigation, pesticide and nutrition management strategies
Bash, John
Staff Research Associate
Bier, Ottillia
Staff Research Associate
Cockerham, Stephen T
Agricultural operations, field stations, turfgrass research
Coggins, Charles W
Emeritus   Professor of Plant Physiology
Influence of plant growth regulators on horticultural crops; avocado fruit maturity standards and related studies
Kahn Dr, Tracy L.
Curator 4 and Givaudan Citrus Variety Collection Endowed Chair
Curator of the UCR Citrus Variety Collection and evaluates new citrus cultivars for the citrus industry.
Mauk Dr, Peggy Ann
Director of Agricultural Operations/Subtropical Horticulture CE Specialist
Citrus, avocados, and dates, crop production management, fiscal and personnel management
McGuire Dr, Patrick E

Genetics, genetic resources conservation, conservation biology, conservation genetics
Qualset, Calvin O
Director Emeritus-Genetic Resources Conservation Program Professor Emeritus Research Professor
Agronomy, genetics, quantitative inheritance, plant breeding; plant genetic resources
Roberts, Philip A
Chair, Nematologist & Professor of Nematology
Nematode host-parasite relations, genetics and pest management in field and vegetable crops
Roose, Mikeal L.
Professor of Genetics
Plant breeding, especially citrus; genomics and evolution of citrus and asparagus; UCR asparagus breeding program
Van Gundy, Seymour
Emeritus, Professor Nematology
Nematology and plant pathology; nematode ecology and host-parasite relationship in plants
Publication Date Jun 1, 2001
Date Added Oct 3, 2008