Title | Damage Assessment and Mitigation of Mechanically Harvested California Table Olives |
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Authors |
Castro-Garcia, Sergio :
Rosa, Uriel A
Assistant Professor
Engineering integration of electro-mechanical systems, sensing and control techniques for use in bio-production systems.
Smith, Dave :
Diaz, Ricardo :
Gliever, Chris
Jr Specialist
Research Machanical Harvesting and Machine Vision
Burns, Jackie :
Glozer Dr, Kitren
Associate Project Scientist
Tree crops physiology, growth and development
Krueger, William H
Farm Advisor Emeritus
All tree crops in Glenn County and olives in Tehama County, integrated pest management
Ferguson, Louise
CE Pomologist
Tree crop physiology and production of pistachio, olive, citrus, fig, and persimmon. Areas of expertise include seasonal growth phenology, salinity tolerance, alternate bearing, canopy management, mechanical pruning, mechanical harvesting, root stock int |
Date Added | Jan 21, 2009 |
Description | Year: 2007. Objective: Evaluate Quality (Damage Assessment) of Mechanically Harvested Olive Fruit |
OCR Text |
Damage Assessment and Mitigation of Mechanically Harvested California Table Olives 2007 Annual Progress Report to COC 1 / 10 / 08 Uriel A . Rosa Sergio Castro - Garcia Dave Smith Ricardo Diaz Chris Gliever Jackie Burns Kitren Glozer William H . Krueger Louise Ferguson . A . Summary 1 ) Analysis : Extended 2006 / 2007 off - season studies were conducted on data recorded during 2006 season to identify the causes of injury to olive fruits . Two types of analysis were performed on : a ) sampled fruit collected before processing and b ) stereo high speed video images ( 42 olive fruits were analyzed frame by frame with existing software ) . Results indicated the improved DSE - Korvan canopy harvester needed to be further improved to reduce damage for green table olive production . However , processed fruit seemed to tolerate injury much better according to processed fruit results . Nevertheless , the injury caused to green olive can be immediately seen after harvest and samples were used in this analysis . From previous analysis , we had already learned that the main causes of fruit injury were originated from the actions of the spiked drums and the catching frame . Three main damage sources while the fruit was in the canopy were identified . The most important damage sources were detached olives dropping onto rods and rods hitting attached olives . Other less significant damage sources were lower impact magnitude hits among fruit during canopy shaking . 2 ) Machine Component Incorporation . Based on our analysis and collaboration with DSE the following improvements were suggested to the DSE - Korvan harvester : a ) increase padding on catching frame b ) improve rod padding on drum rods and increase rod tip resistance to wear and tear c ) incline all drums for better removal , less side throw of fruits away from catching frame and increased removal efficiency d ) include padded drum housing to act as velocity breakers to avoid detached fruits entering the lower drums and being re - hit by rods . Mitigating solutions 2a - 2d were incorporated into the DSE 007 harvester by DSE . Extensive tests were performed at UC Davis with material supplied by DSE to determine the proper hardness and durability of rod padding materials . 3 ) Machine Component Results The 2007 field tests at Rocky Hills Ranch have indicated the redesigned padded rods were durable and soft to fruits . However , an in depth quantitative analysis was not performed . In general , the 2a - 2d modifications seemed to improve the DSE 007 harvester . Visual inspections seem to indicate that fruit quality , i.e . , less injury , and Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
removal were substantially improved from previous season , however , final results will be obtained after the processors samples are released in 2008 . We collected some data on harvester performance ( yield monitoring system ) and some video images for the DSE 007 operating in Rocky Hills Ranch . Off - season analysis of these data needs to be performed for better evaluation of the previous machine component changes and to possibly propose further machine improvements for the next season . 4 ) Yield Monitoring System : An olive yield monitoring system was developed , incorporated and preliminarily tested during the 2007 season . However , limited data were collected during 2007 season . The system can be further improved and used in the 2008 season . 5 ) Further Machine Improvement Suggestions : a ) Extend catching frame on the opposite side of the harvester , b ) Increase assessment of canopy by studying and adjusting the drum linkage dimensions . c ) Perform a complete machine performance evaluation for 2008 with various drum speeds , amplitudes and ground speeds . 6 ) Section B shows the results of our 2007 studies with data collected with the DSE - 007 canopy harvester . Analysis of data collected in 2007 for further improvement of the harvester is in progress . Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
B . Analysis performed at the UCD Bio - Automation Lab in 2007 to improve the performance of the modified DSE - 007 olive canopy harvester with Stereo High Speed Imaging . Contents : 1 . Introduction . 2 . Preliminary Reports . 3 . Removal and damage percent estimation with frame analysis . 4 . Olive damaged evaluation : Fresh olives ( 2006 ) , and canned olives ( 2007 ) . 5 . Determination of olive positions with use of two high speed cameras . 6 . Accuracy analysis of the olive tracking process . 7 . Parameter extraction used for the tracking process . 8 . Results of the olive impact evaluations . 9 . Damage evaluation . 1 . Introduction This section presents in details the analysis developed during May to September of 2007 at Bio - Automation Lab ( BAL ) at UC Davis . The main objective of this investigation was to determine the source , magnitude and nature of the damage caused by the studied canopy shaker for table olive production with the goal to produce viable mitigating solutions for olive fruit injury . Data were previously collected during field tests performed on Oct 18 and 19 of 2006 at the UCD Experimental Station in Lindcove , CA on an orchard conventionally planted with a Manzanillo variety . Preliminary studies using these data identified and quantified olive damage ( see sub - section 2 , preliminary reports ) caused by isolated harvester components of the Korvan - DSE harvester - 2006 : tree canopy shaker head , catching frame , rear belt , rear bin drop and fruit dropped from different highs . After this analysis , we focused our attention in the interaction rod - canopy to understand olive damage and detachment process . Stereo videos 500 fps were recorded in 21 quarter trees ( 10 trees ) in a homogeneous orchard . 2 . Preliminary Reports These preliminary reports show a common introduction and justification about field tests . This work is focused on the image analysis used to evaluate olive damage caused by the canopy shaker . Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
â?? Design and Evaluation of Selected Machine Components to Reduce Injuries Caused to California Table Olives Mechanically Harvested . 2006 Project Report to COC January 26 , 2007 - Uriel Rosa , Chris Gliever , Louise Ferguson , Carlos Crisosto , Jackie Burns , Kitrin Glozer Dave Smith of DSE . â?? Mechanical harvester efficiency and damage evaluations . Louise Ferguson , Jackie Burns , Kitrin Glozer , Carlos Crisosto , Vanessa Bremer , William H . Krueger , and Richard Rosecrance . 3 . Removal and damage percent estimation with frame analysis First , we used the information obtained from the two high speed cameras to learn about the canopy shaking process . Each video ( right and left camera ) recorded 1024 frames , this represents 2.048 seconds into the whole shake sequence . In this time , the first and last frames were used to estimate the number of olives on each branch . Olive number was counted by visual identification in the common area displayed in both cameras ( Fig , 1 ) . Figure 1 . Visual olive identification at first frame ( left , 60 marked olives ) and last frame ( right , 33 marked olives ) Source : R3T3Qsw The removal was computed as the ratio of the olives counted in the initial video frame and the umber of olives counted on the last inspected video frame . This ratio represents the removal efficiency during the time interval recorded by the high speed video cameras . Then , by playing the sequence at low speed ( 15 fps ) the displayed removed olives were counted and isolated into two groups . We have the assumption : Vertical drop olive : Fruits that can be seen dropping in a downward direction , perpendicular to the ground . It is assumed those olives fall freely , without abrupt detachment . They can be representative of non - damaged olives . Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
Horizontal drop olive : Fruits with a different way to vertical drop . It is assumed that those olives had been hit by a rod , branch or they are the result of an abrupt detachment process . They are representative of potentially damaged olives . Twenty tests were analyzed but only fifteen tests had enough olives or branches displayed . Results obtained are displayed in Table 1 . Other Parameters description : Data , Row , Tree , Quarter and Vert : Reference dataset about the location and information of each olive tested . Drum speed : Theoretical rotation speed of the drum ( 220 / 180 rpm ) . AM / PM : Test time Left - Cam : Left camera results Right - Cam : Right camera results Initial Olives : Number of olives fruits found in the first frame of the video Ending Olive : Number of olives fruits found in the last frame of the video Sum olive removed : Total number of olive with vertical and horizontal drop Table 1 . Removal and damage percent estimation with frame analysis Left - Cam Right - Cam Row Tree Quarter Vert Drum speed AM / PM Initial OlivesEnding olive % RemovedVertical Droporizontal Dro Sum Initial OlivesEnding olive % RemovedVertical Droporizontal Dro Sum 3 3 NW BOTT 220 AM 71 59 16.9 17 1 18 94.44444 5.555556 100 152 122 19.7 6 0 6 3 3 SW MIDD 220 AM 60 33 45.0 40 7 47 85.10638 14.89362 100 60 46 23.3 28 6 34 3 4 NW BOTT 220 AM 33 10 69.7 54 7 61 88.52459 11.47541 100 35 32 8.6 51 4 55 3 4 SW TOP - MIDD 220 AM 183 132 27.9 33 8 41 80.4878 19.5122 100 134 110 17.9 42 14 56 3 13 SW MIDD - BOTT AM 41 26 36.6 34 17 51 66.66667 33.33333 100 87 27 69.0 52 19 71 3 13 NE BOTT PM 17 9 47.1 21 4 25 84 16 100 32 17 46.9 22 4 26 3 10 NE MIDD PM 147 109 25.9 39 8 47 82.97872 17.02128 100 140 90 35.7 29 8 37 3 3 SE MIDD PM 16 15 6.3 32 8 40 80 20 100 31 15 51.6 37 10 47 3 3 NE BOTT PM 52 16 69.2 72 10 82 87.80488 12.19512 100 60 43 28.3 125 17 142 4 2 SW BOTT 220 AM 57 30 47.4 23 6 29 79.31034 20.68966 100 86 29 66.3 41 8 49 4 7 SW TOP 180 AM 37 18 51.4 28 8 36 77.77778 22.22222 100 54 28 48.1 35 6 41 4 7 SE MIDD 220 PM 22 11 50.0 11 5 16 68.75 31.25 100 68 72 20 6 26 4 4 SW MIDD 220 AM 28 17 39.3 19 4 23 82.6087 17.3913 100 39 24 38.5 11 4 15 4 10 SW TOP 180 PM 78 65 16.7 41 7 48 85.41667 14.58333 100 78 70 10.3 25 16 41 4 4 NE MIDD 180 PM 46 10 78.3 4 1 5 80 20 100 61 27 55.7 8 3 11 Results displayed possible linear correlations between studied parameters . However , each camera showed different information about the same branch because they used a display area from different point of view . Images are high resolution and allowed identification and the ability to follow fruits during the shaking . In some videos , removed olive numbers were higher than the initial olive numbers . It was more important for bottom and middle drum position videos . This error was due because there were two drums working at different heights in contact with the canopy . In this way , the bottom drum also hit detached olives from top drum . But , video tests were recorded in short time mainly at the beginning of the tree or with well defined branches . At this point , error was small because only was in contact with the canopy the recorded drum . We found positive and significant correlations between the initial and final olive numbers in both cameras ( Table 2 ) . Although olive numbers between cameras were different , it is logical find a correlation between them . Table 2 . Correlations coefficients among counted olive in both cameras in initial and end frame Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
Initial Left End Left Initial Right End Right Initial Left 1 0.978 0.790 0.739 End Left 0.978 1 0.819 0.779 Initial Right 0.790 0.819 1 0.739 End Right 0.739 0.779 0.739 1 Results show a high liner correlation value between initial and final olive number in each camera ( 0.978 and 0.739 , respectively ) . We suspect that the removal ratio doesnâ??t depend of the number of initial olive in branch ( keep the consideration that test was for only two seconds ) but it is possible that it depends on the speed drum , orientation of the rods , time of the tests or number of rods . Beside , there are not correlation between initial olive number and removal ratio in both cameras ( R2 value of 0.247 and 0.338 ) . However , results of the removal process are different between cameras ( correlation = 0.024 ) ( Fig . 2 ) . 90.0 80.0 70.0 Removed y = 0.1231x + 36.67 60.0 2 = 0.0129 R 50.0 % 40.0 Left - Cam 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 Right - Cam % Removed Figure 2 . Relation in removal ratio estimated between cameras It is difficult compare removal ratio between cameras . Cameras show similar removal ratios ( left = 38.41 ± 19.43 % ; right = 37.14 ± 19.84 % ) but with high variability data . It may be more appropriate to study each camera alone . We classified detached olives into two groups ( vertically and horizontally dropped olives ) . The correlation value between these groups could be discussed for each camera ( left = 0.445 and right = 0.603 ) . They have a low R2 value ( 0.32 and 0.41 , Fig . 3 ) and exhibit a positive correlation of the damaged olive ( horizontally drop olives ) with the number of the vertically dropped olives . The damaged olives are a positive function of the olives removed , and therefore the probability of damage increases with the number of olives removed but not necessarily with removal ratio . Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
Left - Cam Right - Cam 80 140 y = 2.5216x + 14.221 70 2 120 = 0.3201 R 60 Olive olive 100 y = 3.211x + 8.7081 50 2 = 0.408 R drop80 drop 40 Vertical Vertical 60 30 40 20 20 10 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Horizontal drop olive Horizontal drop olive Figure 3 . Relationship between numbers of isolated removed olives in both cameras Results of the all removed olives in percent are present in Table 3 . There are no significant differences between ratio values in both cameras . Table 3 . Removal percent olives in both cameras ( mean and sd values ) Left Camera : Right Camera : All olive removed % 41.8 ± 20.8 37.1 ± 19.8 Vertical drop % 81.7 ± 7.3 80.4 ± 9.4 Horizontal drop % 18.4 ± 7.3 19.6 ± 9.4 Conclusions : - There is a relationship between the numbers of olives displayed in both cameras , and the olives before and after the shake process . However , removal ratios are different according with the camera selected . - The removal ratio is poorly correlated with the number of olives on the branch . Besides , this ratio presents values with a high variability . Despite tests being carried out under similar condition ( speed drum , orientation of the rods , time of the tests or number of rods and so on ) there is variability in the harvesting efficiency ( close to 40 ± 20 % ) - Visual damage evaluation shows hits by rods is the main source of olive damage . - The ratio of olive damage during shake process was close to 20 % of the all removed olives . 4 . Olive damaged evaluation : Fresh olive ( 2006 ) and canned olive ( 2007 ) This study compares the results obtained in 2006 during the green olive harvesting ( Report January 26 , 2007 ) and 2007 damage evaluation with canned olives ( Musco and Bell - Carter Companies ) . 4.1 . Fresh olive injury evaluation in 2006 Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
Tests carried on 2006 with fresh olives harvested in 2006 had the objective of isolating olive injures among different parts of the harvester . Results obtained in 2006 showed that most of the olives were injured and there was a great variability among tests , even with control tests . However , the most important samples - compared with the control values - were : 12 â?? drop olives , Bin drop olives and the samples from the spiked drum at 220 rpm ( Fig . 4 ) 100 90 Percent Olives Damaged for each test 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 Control Soft Tarp Bin drop test Rear Belt 4 â?? drop 12 â?? drop 180rpm 220rpm drum Figure 4 . Percent damaged in fresh olives from all harvester component isolation tests The Independent - Samples T Test procedure compares means for two groups of cases ( Table 4 ) . In each row , mean values followed by the same letter are not statistically different at the 5 % level . Table 4 . Percent damaged in fresh olives from all harvester component isolation tests Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Control 37.5 9.0 a 2 Soft Tarp 46.9 9.9 a a 3 Bin drop test 53.7 14.5 b a a 4 Rear Belt 30.9 12.7 a b b a 5 4 feet drop 33.9 7.8 a a c a a 6 12 feet drop 60.5 8.3 c c a b b a 7 180 rpm 79.2 14.0 d d d c c b a 8 220 rpm 64.3 17.9 e e a d d a a a Main significant differences can be highlighted : â?? Olives from Bin , 12 feet , 180 rpm and 220 rpm tests had more damage than the control olives . This result fits with the original report 2006 where the most important damage resulted from the interaction with the canopy and high drops . â?? Olives form 4 feet test presented less damage than olive form 12 feet test . â?? There was no difference in damage value between 180 rpm and 220 rpm test . â?? 180 rpm test had the highest damage value . â?? Control tests had high variability . Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
4.2 . Canned black olive injury evaluation in 2007 In order to compare results , subsequent damage evaluations with canned black olives in 2007 were performed . Scores evaluations were transformed to percent of damaged olives ( from 40 score = for perfect olives , to 28 score = for most damaged olives ) ( 100 % = 28 and 0 % = 40 ) . Canned evaluations were made by two different companies : Musco ( whole olives ) and Bell Carter ( whole and pitted olives ) . Both evaluations were compared for same tests and scores were codification to remove the negative effect of olive stem because was considered like damage . Note that 0 value is showed with a very small column in plots . Figure 5 shows percent damage in whole canned olive for all tests . 100 Percent Whole olive damaged for each test 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 Control Soft Tarp Real Belt Bin drop 4 â?? drop 12 â?? drop 180rpm 220 rpm drum Figure 5 . Percent damaged in whole canned black olives from all harvester component isolation tests The Independent - Samples T Test procedure compares means for two groups of cases . In each row , mean values followed by the same letter are not statistically different at the 5 % level ( Table 5 ) Table 5 . Percent damaged in whole canned black olives from all harvester component isolation tests Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Control 16.7 13.9 a 2 Soft Tarp 23.5 13.2 a a 3 Bin drop test 14.5 12.6 a a a 4 Rear Belt 19.7 11.2 a a a a 5 4 feet drop 23.4 15.0 a a a a a 6 12 feet drop 16.7 16.9 a a a a a a 7 180 rpm 25.0 27.7 a a a a a a a 8 220 rpm 14.8 12.8 a a a a a a a a We found no significant difference among the mean values of the tests . Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
In a similar way , damage comparison were made with pitted canned olive ( Fig . 6 ) 100 Percent Whole olive damaged for each test 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 33 Control Soft Tarp Real Belt Bin drop 4 â?? drop 12 â?? drop 180rpm 220 rpm drum Figure 6 . Percent damaged in pitted canned black olives from all harvester component isolation tests The Independent - Samples T Test procedure compares means for two groups of cases . In each row , mean values followed by the same letter are not statistically different at the 5 % level ( Table 6 ) Table 6 . Percent damaged in pitted canned black olives from all harvester component isolation tests Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Control 27.7 6.5 a 2 Soft Tarp 13.8 15.4 b a 3 Bin drop test 16.6 15.5 a a a 4 Rear Belt 17.25 15.6 a a a a 5 4 feet drop 20.0 13.7 a a a a a 6 12 feet drop 23.5 13.2 a a a a a a 7 180 rpm 21.8 21.1 a a a a a a a 8 220 rpm 26.2 14.0 a a a a a a a a We found only one significant difference : - The olives from soft tarp tests present less damage than control olive . Maybe , this results is because the low data number . Conclusions : - Green olive harvesting showed the most important damage in the interaction of the canopy - drum and high drop tests . Previous reports showed that improvements in catch frame , using different soft padding materials reduced the olive impact magnitude . Therefore , we need to focus our work on understanding what happens in the canopy to know the source , magnitude and nature of the olive damage . Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
When processed into black olives , whole or pitted , damage produced by the mechanical harvester is apparently lessened and the olive grade well . . Therefore , evaluation as a green olive immediately after harvesting tests are required to analyze and evaluate the mechanical harvesting to obtain top quality harvested fruits . 5 . Olive Position determination with two high speed cameras The main objective is to knowing the source , magnitude and nature of the olive damage sources due to mechanical harvesting with canopy shakers . 3D high speed cameras were used to evaluate the fruit position , velocity , acceleration , impulse and energy in olive impacts , and also the rod effects in the canopy . Tests were carried out with a canopy shaker ( Korvan ) in Manzanillo olives . We have used the data collected in 2006 harvesting season ( Report January 26 , 2007 ) . 5.1 . Located the interested points in both cameras ( left and right ) Review each video and camera with a low number of frames per second ( 2 to 5 fps ) . Normally , one camera showed better illumination , position , focus and quality than other . When one of the cited events was located , the most difficult task was tried to find it in other camera . We used reference points easily placed in both cameras ( special small branches or leafs ) to locate the event . It was important know the frame number and the point coordinates ( it mean pixel number : x , y ) in the main frame where happen the event ( left and right ) to locate it during in subsequence analysis . Then , using play and reverse play we can select the video duration to analyze ( usually 40 frames before and after the event ) . We have used Photron Fastcam Viewer v . . software to view , extract and save the frames sequence . 5.2 . Extracting the interested frames from . avi videos into . tif images Photron Fastcam software led us to save . avi videos into . tif imagen ( saved file name had form like : View file left or right_number_event.tif ) . It was important because then we can set the time between frames ( 500 fps ) . However , sofware cannot let doing this with . avi video ( normally configured with 30 fps ) . We saved several frames before and after each event with 80 frames per events at least ( 0.16 s ) . Short sequences only showed us the event selected ( however , during tracking process you can find more interesting event in this sequence that can be considered ) and it made the computer worked quickly . On the other hand , large sequences required a lot memory , it is slow process and is difficult to work with too frames number . 5.3 . Calibration frame process Tests were carried out with a calibrated target . Target was make up by two wood sticks ( Fig . 7 ) , but for future tests it could be better used a board with calibrated point targets . Problem is that you need all target points in the same plane ( z = 0 ) , so grid will be easier than you use two different planes ( one in each wood sticks ) . Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
Grid was generated later ( Adobe Photoshop 5.0 ) drawing lines in different layers based on target marks . To use this final image it is necessary save it as . tif image without any compression ( saved file name had form like:Calibration file left or right.tif ) Figure 7 . Target used to calibrate frames in tracking process in same frame in stereo cameras . Source T7R4se 5.4 . Upload.tif image sequence , calibrate and synchronize process Time and position in each event was determined using ImageExpress MotionPlus software . ( Note : software help is not really good but you can find a good tutorial and a manual about the program into the install file ) . Use WIZARD button menu to complete the test . The most important steps to complete the analysis were : WIZARD New Experiment . Name Calibration file left.tif . tif imagen without compression from Photoshop Apply Geometry Calibration Note that you have to start with the point Generate data from imagery in this file . 1 ( 0,0,0 ) , place this point in the left down corner to avoid negative coordinates . Please , use zoom function . User Defined used the maximum point displayed in both cameras camera Export data ( it is important , in this way you will save the input coordinates again in the other camera calibration image ) these data will lose if you close the program Left Add New File to Experiment View file left_1 . tif the software transforms into . tif internal sequence Apply Geometry Calibration Import Pre - Process data from another file Calibration file left.tif Specify 3D image sequence Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
First , Sync , Last frame Add new file to the experiment : Calibration file right.tif ( tif without compression ) Apply Geometry Calibration Generate data from imagery in this file User Defined ( First , Sync , Last frame ) camera First Import , then place the numbers ! ! Add New File to Experiment Right View file right_1 . tif the software transforms into tif sequence Apply Geometry Calibration Import Pre - Process data from another file Calibration file right.tif Specify 3D image sequence First , Sync , Last frame Close calibration images saving always all changes . Then â?? Sync Images â?쳌 and â?쳌 Lock Images â?쳌 at first frame . For each quarter tree ( experiment ) , you only need to make one calibration image per camera . Different events ( it means different tif sequences ) can be added to the same experiment but with different name , and then we can applied them the corresponding calibration file . For example , in a typical experiment with three events we can found the following files : Calibration file left.tif View file left_1 . tif View file left_2 . tif View file left_3 . tif Calibration file right.tif View file right_1 . tif View file right_2 . tif View file right_3 . tif 5.5 . Tracking the interesting points Usually , we used for tracking first option , exact cursor ( Fig . 8 ) because it led us select the interesting point in different frame . Sometimes , when point is clearly displayed or exists a great contrast with the background we can try to use White point , Black point or Feature point for automatic tracking ( better quality process ) . Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
Figure 8 . Tracking point toolbar There are some considerations that are not in the manual : â?? Program hasnâ??t undo button . It is important , be careful and save the data when you are sure that all is right . â?? Software doesnâ??t refresh data . If you make an important change ( like a new tracking , move , delete or change a point ) you need to save the file again to upload changes . Note when you want to track it an error window will appear . Then , save process , you need to â?? Sync Images â?쳌 at the beginning of the sequence . â?? Program doesnâ??t understand that you can track a fixed point ( fixed point in movement ? ) and it will show you an error window or only tracks the first and second frames and then you will see the plot with only two points ( however , it works only a few times and you can track a fixed point â?¦ ) One solution is : to track a point use the exact cursor option , find in each frame and in each camera the interesting point and completed the manual tracking ( it is not necessary that you start at frame 0 ) Then , go to the first frame in your manual tracking , and delete the first and second frame . Track the first frame with a Feature Match point with the same number point . So , program will ask you an advice window similar to : â?? you have inputted a Feature point for this number , and this number in other frames has different properties , do you want to change the properties of this number in the others frames ? â?쳌 You click yes . Now , we have an â?? automatic â?쳌 tracking which program can understand but we had done it manually . Note that second frame hasnâ??t got a number . This number will appear when we will track all sequence to obtain a result . Some common errors that the program doesnâ??t show you information about them : â?? Numbered points for tracking ( 1,2,3 â?¦ ) can have different properties between cameras but they have to have the same properties for the all frames of one camera . â?? Numbered points for tracking have to start and end in the same frames in both cameras . 5.6 . Getting position results Option menu let you set time between frames . It is important if you want to obtain the velocity and acceleration data from tracked point . Actually , I couldnâ??t be able to obtain a realistic measurement of velocity and acceleration with this software . For this reason , I only use the position and time for each point , saving each plot as a text file ( file.out ) . Then , velocity , acceleration , impulse and energy data can be calculated from this information . Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
Finally , effective number of frames tracked ( it means only events used later in the analysis ) without considering â?? Other olives in movements without hit â?쳌 were 5230 , it is 10.468 seconds . 6 . Accuracy analysis of olives tracking process Tracking process produces three dimensional position of point in time . This process , manual or automatic , generates an error in position data due to olive is a big and homogeneous target , leaves and shadows make lost data and low resolution zoom in ( Fig . 9 ) . In spite of this error is small in position it could be important with instantaneous velocity and acceleration computations because time frame is 0.002 s . In order to reduce random error to it is necessary to obtain the average value of a set of data able to give a representative value . Main objective is to determine the number of points necessary to obtain a mean value with a minimum error to compute velocity or acceleration values . Figure 9 . Tracking noise sources : olive fruit is a big and homogenous target ( left ) , leaves and shadows produce lost data ( center ) and zoom in with low resolution ( right ) Different events were considered in rod - olive interaction . Finally , we selected a well know event to evaluate and improve the data analysis methodology . Then , parabolic movement produced when freely dropping olive impacts a rod was selected to analyze ( Fig . 10 ) . After impact the olive movement can be reduced to two dimensions movement in a plane . Besides , analyzing a short period of time between impact and the higher vertical height ( hmax v = 0 ) the friction and turbulence air phenomena can be not y considered . In this situation , olive velocity can be expressed as : v ( t ) = v i + ( v â?? gt ) j ox oy Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
Where , horizontal initial velocity after hit , v , is constant and vertical initial velocity , ox v , decreases with the gravity acceleration and time . This velocity variation let us to oy evaluate the instant position measurements and to extract accurate mean data of velocity and acceleration from instant values . Figure 10 . 3D position data from a free fallen olive and hitting a rod In order to compare the necessary points to compute this measured gravity acceleration values different sets with 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 11 and 13 velocity data have been evaluated . Time considered in each velocity set is located in the central value set . In all , eight olives parabolic displacements were tested ( Table 7 ) . The acceleration was computed with this variable number of velocity points after hit and before higher vertical height point . Table 7 . Gravity acceleration estimation with different velocity data sets Points Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Test 7 Test 8 Mean SD 1 2.21 - 4.10 - 0.56 13.00 8.47 4.07 8.94 11.52 5.44 6.03 3 5.29 9.22 4.17 14.40 13.62 11.51 8.72 10.34 9.66 3.63 5 7.82 7.48 6.62 13.70 13.17 12.47 8.87 12.11 10.28 2.86 7 8.38 8.63 8.27 11.87 11.80 13.00 11.04 10.83 10.48 1.82 9 9.25 8.67 7.95 10.32 10.70 12.63 10.71 10.40 10.08 1.45 11 8.79 10.87 8.15 10.83 11.20 19.41 10.07 10.90 11.28 3.47 13 9.15 7.00 9.82 11.00 11.20 11.92 10.03 10.70 10.10 1.53 Figure 11 show the mean value from nine velocity values shows a closer value to gravity 2 acceleration and the minimum standard deviation ( 10.08 ± 1.45 m / s ) . In this set , data are in a normal distribution and with a T - mean sample there is not significant difference with 2 gravity acceleration value ( 9.81 m / s ) with a level confidence of 0.95 . Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
20 15 ) 2 ( m / s 10 Acceleration Gravity Acceleration 5 2 g = 9.81 m / s 0 - 5 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 Number data Figure 11 . Gravity acceleration estimation with different velocity data sets Conclusions : â?? Tracking process reported excellent results , especially in olive position . â?? To obtain velocity and acceleration estimations from position values is recommendable use nine values to avoid noise effect in measurements and get accurate results . 7 . Parameter extraction from tracking process The following parameters are obtained from tracking 3D imagine analysis . Trajectory angle ( θ ) This angle is composed with lines that define each olive trajectory before and after a hit . Trajectory angle was obtained evaluating 19 frames ( 9 before and 9 after hit and the own hit frame ) . We reduced olive trajectory into two lineal displacements ( movement in a plane ) . To compute this angle we selected 3 well - know points ( x , y , z ) and it was the lowest angle formed in the three point plane ( Fig 12 ) . First point considered was located from 1 to 4 frames before hit , second point was the hit and third point was also located from 1 to 4 frames after hit . This sequence corresponded with an olive mean displacement value from 1.0 to 1.8 cm . These events had duration from 0.01 to 0.018 s . Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
Figure 12 . Trajectory , reduced trajectory and trajectory angle θ ( Source : T3R3sw OLIVE 2 POINT 1 ) Trajectory angle is a non - referenced value and it shows the hit trajectory modification caused olive impact with a rod or other olive . In this way , we take into consideration the force direction applied by the rod . A new parameter , Trajectory Change ( TC ) , is used to evaluate θ . This parameter defines small , medium and high trajectory changes established in two different thresholds , 130 ° and 90 ° . Horizontal angles ( α , β ) These angles show horizontal trajectory angle before ( α ) and after hit ( β ) . They are used to evaluate de increment in the linearity momentum ( impulse ) in the hit . Mean velocity and acceleration Three dimensional olive positions have been extracted from tracking process . Before and after the hit frame ( identified with imagine sequence ) the instant displacement between two frames was computed . Mean velocity was obtained following the last calibration process and using nine displacement values before and after the hit . In this way , with 500 fps , time considered in each velocity value was 0.018 s . Mean acceleration values before hit were computed using two set of instant velocity before hit . In similar way , mean acceleration values after hit were computed . Instant velocity and acceleration Instant values , velocity and acceleration before and after hit , were computed from instant displacement values . Due to data position variability and avoiding impact transitional effect ( 0.002 s before and after impact , it is because sometime a hit required more than 1 frame , something similar to a push ) , instant value was measured with an average value of Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
three frames . Studied points were placed at 0.004 s from hit frame ; this means closed to 1 cm before and after hit . Linear momentum Increment ( Impulse ) Linear momentum was determined from instant olive velocity before and after hit , reducing the olive movement before and after hit into 2 dimensions ( 3 points ) we can consider easily the increment of lineal momentum ( â?? p ) caused by impact in the olive in function of the olive mass ( m1 ) . We assumption that : - Rod velocity after and before hit are equal - It is a conservative impact ( Q = 0 ) 2 2 2 2 0.5 m1 u + 0.5 m v + Q = 0.5 m v + 0.5 m 2v 1 2 2 1 1 2 â?? p = m a = m â?? v / â?? t = â?? p / â?? t 1 Where : m1 is olive mass , m is rod mass , u is velocity value before hit and v is 2 velocity value after hit - Restitution coefficient is not considered , and we donâ??t know impact time ( â?? t ) - Olive mass ( m1 ) is similar in all tests In this way , â?? p / m1 is impact force estimation in the olive by a rod . In this parameter we consider the impact angle : â?? px = v cos α ± u cos β ; â?? p = v sen α ± u sen β ( where ± 1 1 y 1 1 depends about impact direction ) Lost impact energy per mass unit ( Q / m ) Lost impact energy and instant acceleration were the most useful parameter used to define an impact in other tests with fruits . The problem to determine force impact is to know de restitution coefficient and impact time . For this reason , mayor part of fruit damage tests were carried out in lab , under controlled condition . Field tests made instantaneous acceleration determination value was difficult to measured , because you need to know accuracy impact time and olive is a big fruit for manual tracking . In this way , if you want to use only one acceleration data you can get a large estimation error . However , lost impact energy is a solider value than instant acceleration . We can use velocity measurement form a range of data before and after hit to reduce errors . Besides , energy consideration with small displacement and time are more appropriate . But this parameter has three drawbacks : We assume impacts are not conservative . Therefore , lost energy is transferred in the impact to olive and damages it ( from kinetics energy to damage ) . We considered all rod padding , olives and hits like similar . For this reason , we not considered two events ( T7R4se Olive 1 Point 1 , T3R3nw Olive 2 Point 1 ) because they were a push ( with a long impact time ) and not an impact . They are clearly outliners with high value of impact energy . Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
We think rods hit olives during harvesting . It means that lost impact energy present positive value ( â?? Q = E.after - E.before ) , rods push the fruits . However , periodic rod movement causes that sometime olives hit a rod . In fact , we obtain that 15 / 26 impacts where olive placed in a branch hit a rod . Olive fruits losing energy and decreasing theirs velocity value . We donâ??t know each impacted olive mass . Therefore , lost impact energy is showed like lost energy per mass unit ( Q / m ) . Manzanillo tree tested had great fruits and we can guess fruit height between 5 - 6 grams . 8 . Impact evaluation results Sixteen olives trees were tested with different speed drum ( 180 and 220 cpm ) . In each test , a sequence of 1024 frames was recorded ( left and right camera ) at 500 frames per second . Finally , ten tree quarters ( six olive trees ) were selected for image analyzes based on number of branches and the fruit position in the branches . Each fruit or rod studied ( in all , 55 olive fruits and 9 rods ) required to know the location in each frame and its displacement before and after the main event . Different events considered and final data obtained are the following : 1 . Rod hitting olive ( 26 ) 1.1 . Red Rod ( with removal = 5 ; without removal = 13 ) 1.2 . Black Rod ( with removal = 5 ; without removal = 3 ) 2 . Olive hitting rod ( 9 ) 2.1 . Red Rod = 9 2.2 . Black Rod = 0 3 . Olive hitting olive without removal ( 7 ) 4 . Other olives in movements without hit ( 13 ) 4.1 . With removal = 8 4.2 . Without removal = 5 5 . Rod position ( 9 ) Damage sources found with high speed videos were : rod hit olives placed in branch , detached olive hit rod and olive hit other olive . Besides , other damage sources rarely times were displayed like a branch hitting olives . 8.1 . Rod hit Olive This damage source is about a rod hits olives attached a branch . After impact olive fruits can be removed or it can be kept in the branches . In both cases , olives are considered damaged . In order to know the damage magnitude though hit magnitude and the olive behavior after hit , we are going to use the data from the tracking olives . Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
Data from six Manzanillo olives trees were used . In all , 26 olive fruits were studied theirs rod - olive interaction . Impacts were made with two different kinds of padding rod : soft ( black ) and hard ( red ) rods . Removal percent when a rod hit an olive was 42.3 % . Olive removed by hit could represent near 4 % of fruits harvested ( 0.2 * 26 / 55 * 10 / 26 ) . These olives have an important impact and consequently a severe damage . Could it be better if this fruit keep in the canopy or is better removed it ? Canopy shaker is design to detach olive by vibration , without contact with fruits . Reducing fruit damage is one objective to improve the harvesting machinery . Parameters evaluated results are giving in the tables 8 to 10 . These tables show a high variability in the impact events . The main sources of variability should be : - Different conditions in each impact regarding rod type and olive location . Sometime is difficult to differentiate between impact and push between olive and rod . ( r ) - Rod velocity depends of the impact point location v = Ï? â?? , being lower close to drum and maximum in rod tip . - Detachment olive force show a high variability . Different olive fruits attached to the same tree can show variability up to 30 % and it conditions the removal process . Table 8 . Olive parameters before and after hit . Data are presented with mean value and standard deviation in ( ) Before Hit After hit Removed Olives Not removed Olives All = 26 All = 26 All = 11 Red = 5 Black = 6 All = 15 Red = 12 Black = 3 Trajectory 108.52 108.52 109.42 89.83 125.76 107.85 107.11 110.81 ( 43.80 ) ( 43.80 ) ( 44.67 ) ( 46.71 ) ( 39.25 ) ( 44.72 ) ( 46.20 ) ( 47.32 ) Angle θ 32.47 35.15 27.91 28.20 27.67 40.47 31.50 76.33 α or β Angle ( 22.86 ) ( 23.29 ) ( 18.84 ) ( 18.38 ) ( 20.97 ) ( 25.38 ) ( 19.21 ) ( 8.14 ) 2.54 2.73 2.80 2.67 2.40 2.38 2.47 Mean Velocity 2.05 ( 0.67 ) ( 0.58 ) ( 0.48 ) ( 0.70 ) ( 0.71 ) ( 0.63 ) ( 1.13 ) ( m / s ) ( 0.90 ) Ins . 761.76 776.17 911.43 663.45 751.20 830.71 433.15 662.98 Acceleration ( 342.41 ) ( 349.53 ) ( 311.84 ) ( 364.70 ) ( 349.03 ) ( 342.90 ) ( 127.97 ) ( 337.34 ) 2 ( m / s ) 1.27 2.35 2.62 2.13 1.83 1.96 1.31 Impulse na ( 0.74 ) ( 1.97 ) ( 1.33 ) ( 2.49 ) ( 1.11 ) ( 1.19 ) ( 0.56 ) 1.77 1.71 2.69 0.90 1.82 1.96 1.23 Lost energy na ( 1.26 ) ( 1.38 ) ( 1.00 ) ( 1.12 ) ( 1.22 ) ( 1.18 ) ( 1.41 ) ( Q / m ) Data variability and low olive number per group made difficult find significant differences . There are increments in velocity values before and after impact considering all olives , but we can find significant different . However , with Ins . Acceleration , Impulse and Lost energy , using Wilcoxon Test ( nonparametric tests ) we found : Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
- There is a significant different between olive acceleration produced by red and 2 black rods ( 854.46 vs 586.68 m / s ) ( Prob > | z | : 0.0236 ) ( Fig . 13 ) . Hard padding rods increment olive acceleration than soft padding . In this way , we can considerer red rod produces more damage per impact . - Besides , lost energy per mass unit with hard rod is bigger than soft rod ( 2.71 vs 1.01 J / kg ) ( Prob > | z | : 0.0132 ) ( Fig . 13 ) . Hard padding produce lower conservative impacts , we guess this energy is used to damage fruit . - However , we cannot find significant differences in Impulse values between padding materials ( 2.15 vs 1.86 ) ( Prob > | z | : 0.2253 ) 4 1600 3.5 1400 3 1200 acceleration energy 2.5 1000 2 lost 800 1.5 600 1 400 0.5 200 0 1 2 1 2 Padding Rod ( 1 = hard ; 2 = soft ) Column 1 Figure 13 . Instant acceleration and lost impact energy when rod hits an olive ( 1 = hard padding rod material ; 2 = soft padding rod ) For removal olives red rod made bigger trajectory changes than black rod . We can find significant differences between this values because we use a small sample size and variability ( 89.826 vs 125.76 ) ( Prob > | z | : 0.2353 ) . Therefore , data indicate a logical and expected result : softer padding is more adequate to reduce olive damage . We checked that soft padding made less olive acceleration but we can say that they have lees removal efficiency . Impact in soft padding made larger deformation in the material , producing lower changes in trajectories but increments time that fruit is in contact with the rod , generating with less acceleration ( or force ) similar impulse values than hard rods . 8.2 . Free drop olive hit a rod This damage source is regarding freely fallen olive hits a rod . This impact was analyzed in Section 6 . Olive fruits analyzed with this kind of impact were fallen in a vertical way . Therefore , we assumed these olives were removed without hits from rod ( Rod impacts generate a large displacement in removed olives that usually take them out of catch frame ) . However , we only collect data from olives hitting red rod , because harvester configuration placed black rods in drum top position . In all , 9 olives are tracked dropping and hitting rods . Most of them ( 7 / 9 ) showed negative values of lost impact energy , this is rod stopped olive fall reducing velocity . Main value parameters about these olives are showed in Table 9 . Table 9 . Free drop olive hit a rod . Olive parameters before and after hit . Data are presented with mean value and standard deviation in ( ) Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
Trajectory Mean Velocity Mean Velocity after Ins . Acceleration Lost energy Impulse 2 before hit ( m / s ) hit ( m / s ) ( m / s ) ( Q / m ) Angle θ 85.61 2.85 2.01 865.86 4.73 2.99 ( 42.65 ) ( 0.80 ) ( 0.93 ) ( 262.71 ) ( 1.13 ) ( 2.3 ) We can compare these results with previously obtained when a hard padding rod hit a olive . Results show high lost impact energy and impulse values . It indicates that this kind of impact produces deep olive damage . Avoiding this damage source is important because the harvester is hitting good quality olives that have being removed previously . Different possibilities to reduce this damage source are : - Select softer padding rod that absorbed more energy from impact - Reduce drum rod number 8.3 . Olives hit olives During canopy shaking process olives attached by stems hit other fruits , branches and leaves . Then , removed olives fell into the canopy hitting tree canopy , harvester and finally catch frame . However , we cannot evaluate olive hits thought the canopy . This damage sources can be researcher in future works . Canopy shaking movements is similar to rod frequency but with bigger displacements . Olive production is located in external , slim and flexible fruit - bearing branches that attach fruit with a high force . Therefore , olive impacts with branch are small and difficult to detect ( doesnâ??t make trajectory changes ) . Rod amplitude is small compared with branch length and fruit - bearing branches and it is not usual that branches roll up with rod . Damage source that appeared most important in tests was the impacts between fruits , in the same or different branch . Seven impacts have been found and tracked . Principal problems to measured impacts were placed impact frame and found the same olives . In fact , was difficult to isolate between impact and push . For this , data obtained are results of big impacts , featuring best samples to get olive damage ( Table 10 ) . Table 10 . Olive hit olive , impact parameters before and after hit . Data are presented with mean value and standard deviation in ( ) Mean Velocity Mean Velocity Ins . Acceleration Lost energy Impulse 2 before hit ( m / s ) after hit ( m / s ) ( m / s ) ( Q / m ) 1.78 ( 0.79 ) 1.81 ( 0.80 ) 441.12 ( 195.71 ) 3.08 ( 1.61 ) 0.98 ( 0.79 ) Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
8.4 . Impact sources comparison It is assumed that olive damage is proportional to impact magnitude when olive is in the canopy , before will take into catch frame . Therefore , it is difficult to compare several impacts when initial conditions and even material are not the same . We consider in damage source evaluation the impacts : rod hit an olive ( 26 data ) , olive hit a rod ( 9 data ) and finally impact between olives ( 7 data ) . Comparisons for all pairs using Tukey - Kramer HSD with a level of 0.05 were used . Figure 14 . Impact sources comparison with instantaneous acceleration after impacts 1600 Level Mean 2 A 865.86367 1400 1 A B 718.84164 3 B 441.11614 1200 Levels not connected by same letter are AH 1000 significantly different . Iv Acc 800 1 = Rod hit olive 600 2 = Olive hit rod 3 = Olive hit olive 400 Pairs of Means are significantly different : 200 All Pairs 1 2 3 2 - 3 Tukey - Kramer Column 1 0.05 Figure 15 . Impact sources comparison with olive impulse Level Mean 7 2 A 4.7313180 6 3 B 3.0760330 1 C 1.2400639 5 Levels not connected by same letter are impulse 4 significantly different . 3 1 = Rod hit olive 2 = Olive hit rod 2 3 = Olive hit olive 1 Pairs of Means are significantly different : 0 2 - 3 ; 2 - 1 ; 2 - 1 All Pairs 1 2 3 Tukey - Kramer Column 1 0.05 Figure 16 . Impact sources comparison with lost impact energy Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
Level Mean 8 2 A 2.9921706 7 1 A B 1.7878502 6 3 B 0.8763169 energy Levels not connected by same letter are 5 significantly different . 4 Loss 1 = Rod hit olive 3 2 = Olive hit rod 2 3 = Olive hit olive 1 Pairs of Means are significantly different : 0 2 - 3 All Pairs 1 2 3 Tukey - Kramer Column 1 0.05 Fig . 14 gives instantaneous acceleration after hit for three canopy damage sources . Sources 2 ( olive hit rod ) and 3 ( olive hit olive ) are significantly different , while source 1 ( rod hit olive ) show intermediate value between 2 and 3 with the higher variability . Fig . 15 shows significant different among three damage sources . Higher impulse values are obtained when olive hit a rod followed by when olive hit other olive into a branch . For this parameter , source 1 shows lower impulse values and low variability data . This result can be explained because olives in source 2 fall with a high vertical velocity component and changed abruptly into horizontal components . However , olives in source 1 showed lower impulse value because the trajectory changes are less abruptly and olive movement in the canopy is mainly horizontal and after the hit olive keep a main horizontal velocity component . Fig . 16 plots lost impact energy among damage sources . This parameter has similar behavior that instantaneous acceleration . Both parameters seem to be a good damage indicator for olive damage evaluation in canopy shaker . Conclusions : Highest damage source is when olive freely dropping and hit a rod . To reduce this damage we can select softer padding material or reduce rod number . Impacts produced among olives placed in the canopy or with branches during shaking process are the lowest important . Highest impacts reported between olives have a damage importance 30 - 50 % ( in terms of acceleration - lost impact energy ) of olive freely dropping and hit a rod . However , it is possible that this damage threshold will be assumed by olive impact resistance . More studies are necessary to establish the olive acceleration or lost energy thresholds to shake the canopy with the minimum damage produced . Impacts made by rod to olives attached to the branch have an importance 60 - 80 % ( in terms of acceleration - lost impact energy ) of olive freely dropping and hit a rod . However , these impacts are more frequently and with higher variability . To reduce theirs importance the previously consideration can be carried out Instantaneous acceleration after impact and lost impact energy have similar behavior to predict olive impact importance . These indicators are solid and coherent and showed a good response for field tests . 8.5 . Rod trajectories and canopy vibration Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
Harvesting machine has tree drums located in different highs . Bottom and middle drums have theirs main axis in a vertical position while top drum is inclined . Each drum has 8 layers and 20 rod per layer . In all , 160 rods per drum and 480 rods in harvester machine . A hydraulic engine power each drum thought an inertial wheel . Inertial wheel connected with the drum lets free drum rotation but with a fixed eccentricity . Hydraulic engine revolution defines the drum frequency . Canopy shaker is designed to remove olive without rod - olive contact . In this way , rod transferred energy to canopy in a periodic movement . The aim of this section is know the rod movement and what is about canopy transmission . Harvester controls drum speed by an oil valve . However , rod movement is the results of canopy - rod interaction , harvester velocity and eccentric joint between engine and drum . Each drum revolution is translated as a rod period movement . Amplitude rod is controlled by eccentric joint ( fixed parameter : it express canopy rod penetration ) , canopy interaction ( according rod and canopy density ) and harvester ground speed ( variable parameter ) . Originally harvester ground speed was set at 0.35 m / s and it was kept constant during tests by worker appreciation . Besides , tests were carried out with two drum speed level ( 180 and 220 cpm ) . However , measurement rod frequencies donâ??t let us establish this difference because it was estimated according engine oil flow and data presented high variability between groups and also with low samples ( 180 cpm = 2 samples ; 220cpm = 7 samples ) A typical rod movement is plotted in Fig . 17 . Three amplitude values can be measured in rod movement : X amplitude : horizontal projection amplitude in the harvester direction movement . It depends mainly about harvester ground speed and rod - canopy interaction . Y amplitude : Theoretically it must be null . It means vertical projection amplitude due to target , camera or drum inclination Z amplitude : deep movement the rod into the canopy . Theoretically , this value has to be constant because it depends on eccentric join engine - drum . Variability data can be obtained because drum can go closer or farer to canopy by a jointed arm . For example , it happens at the beginning and end of the shaking process . Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
Figure 17 . Tracked tip rod position into canopy during shaking process Table 11 presents results of 9 tracking rod positions in 7 different tests . Velocity and acceleration values were average value of 4 point considered in each rod cycle . These points were placed at distances of Ï? / 2 rad . Each value was the average of 9 data ( four before and four after the point ) as was setting in section 6 . Measurements were done in the tip of the rod . Table 11 . Rod movement properties into canopy during shaking process Amplitude ( mm ) Frequency Velocity Acceleration 2 ( Hz ) ( m / s ) ( m / s ) X Y Z 148.64 31.55 138.59 5.26 2.37 562.97 Rod ( 11.97 ) ( 12.26 ) ( 20.89 ) ( 0.57 ) ( 0.37 ) ( 278.98 ) Rod movements in horizontal plane were similar during tests . There are not significantly different between X and Y amplitudes . Mean rod horizontal amplitude into canopy was 143.61 mm ( 143.61 ± 17.30 mm ) with a frequency of 5.26 Hz ( 316 cpm ) . Velocity measurement is a realistic value . In this way , considering rod has a circular movement where : r = 71.805 mm and angular velocity Ï? = 2Ï? / 0.19 = 33.069 rad / s , we obtain a velocity value = 2.37 m / s , equal to average velocity measured in tip of the rod . Instant acceleration in tip rod showed a typical variability data because was average from 4 points ( 2 maximum and 2 minimum ) . By other hand , Y amplitude was low values ( 31.55 mm ) and we can consider rod movement into a horizontal plane . Rod movement is the vibration source of canopy . Rods shake canopy and the vibration is transmitted by fruit - bearing branches to remove the fruits . Therefore , canopy vibration has been characterized with instantaneous velocity and acceleration values ( 33 data ) Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
before impacts from olive data of sources 1 and 3 ( olives attached to branch ) . Then , transference ratio was obtained to characterize the process . Table 12 shows data used in transmission process between the machine ( measured in tip of rod ) and canopy ( measured in olive before impact ) . Transfer ratio up to 100 % indicates an amplification in the value considered between machine and canopy and value down 100 % indicates transmission reductions . Table 12 . Vibration transference between machine and canopy Rod Olives Transfer Ratio Velocity ( m / s ) 2.37 ( 0.37 ) 2.00 ( 0.87 ) 84.44 % 2 Acceleration ( m / s ) 562.97 ( 278.98 ) 646.80 ( 323.64 ) 114.91 % There are not significantly different at level 0.95 for mean values in rod and olives , this is due to data variability . However , mean value comparisons with Transfer Ratio show a small reduction in velocity values transferred to the canopy ( reduction of 15 % ) and an increment of 15 % in accelerations transference . Checking these results with record videos , we appreciate that olives in the branches follow the rod alternative movement with longer amplitudes and periods ( smaller frequency ) . Olive displacements have longer amplitude because they are attached to fruit - bearing branches and , therefore , need more reaction time to change theirs trajectory . Conclusions : Rod displacements can be considered in a horizontal plane with a 150 mm of amplitude and frequency between 4 and 6 Hz . Canopy is shaking with similar vibration level that rod movement : velocity values close to 2 m / s and instantaneous acceleration of 60 g ( g = gravity acceleration ) . These values presented a mean value modification close to 15 % in the transmission canopy - olive . These excellent results in transfer vibration ratio need to be researched in order to optimize the rod number in the machine ( rod number / canopy volume ) in order to reduce olive damage by rod impacts ( damage sources 1 and 2 ) 9 . Damage evaluation This work has the final objective to understand the interaction between canopy and harvester to avoid or reduce olive damages during shaking . Actually , olive damage sources in the canopy had been isolate and compared . In these field tests , initial harvester setup wasnâ??t constant and it worked in a range of drum speed . For this , we characterize olive movement in the canopy using instantaneous acceleration values before impacts ( 33 data ) . Acceleration values were averaged for trees with more than one olive Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
measurement . This parameter expresses the harvesting effect to remove the fruits and it is a good indicator about olive damage severity . We assumed that olive trees are homogeneous into orchard , and then olive impact probability ( with rods , branches or other olives ) only depends on machine effect into canopy . Green olive damage was evaluated for these trees after harvesting in lab ( section 4 ) . This evaluation was adapted to consider only the mechanical fruit injures . Finally , we know acceleration data from 10 quarter trees ( 6 different trees ) and theirs green damage evaluation . Fig . 18 shows relation between olive acceleration and damage evaluated . There is a significant positive linear correlation ( 0.6743 ) and r2 value 0.454697 . 100 90 Damage 80 Green 70 60 50 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1 + 3 Acc IV BH 2 Figure 18 . Green damage evaluation and olive acceleration ( m / s ) in the canopy The significant positive linear correlation indicates higher damage with canopy acceleration . We use a linear correlation to understand the relation between field data with damage estimation . Actually , r2 value is low but it is necessary consider data origin . According with results , a damage - acceleration threshold can be established to isolate and 2 prevent high olive damage . Instantaneous olive acceleration value up to 800 m / s caused higher olive damage ( up to 80 % ) . For this reason , it would be disable reduce the canopy acceleration to decrease olive damage . By other hand , it seems opposite to obtain higher removal percents . More studies are necessary to obtain relation the drum frequency and rod density with olive acceleration . Also , it will be interesting to evaluate different harvester ground speeds . Besides , setting the damage acceptable threshold for green olives is necessary to improve the harvester , optimizing the relation removal efficiency and olive damage . Green damage evaluations after harvesting had been very important . Conclusions : Olive instant acceleration in the canopy is a good indicator of damage Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
Olive green damage was linearly correlated with olive acceleration measured with 2 the imaging system . Acceleration values up to 800 m / s produced up to 80 % of olive damage ( fig . 18 ) . More field tests are necessary to improve harvester and green olive damage evaluation . Please note : text partially edited for grammar and flow .
Posted By | Zalom, Janet |
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