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Title Evaluation of Mahaleb Rootstock Selections, 2004
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Southwick, Stephen :
Grant, Joseph A
Farm Advisor, Emeritus
walnuts, cherries, olives, miscellaneous fruits; fruit crops, integrated pest management
Glozer Dr, Kitren
Associate Project Scientist
Tree crops physiology, growth and development
Date Added May 13, 2009
Funder California Cherry Advisory Board
Copyright 2004
Description Evaluation of three Phytophthora resistant Mahaleb rootstock clones, under Phytophthora pressure, for horticultural characteristics. Submitted to the California Cherry Board for 2004.
OCR Text
â?¢ â?¢ â?¢ â?¢ â?¢ â?¢ â?¢ â?¢ Project Title : Evaluation of Mahaleb rootstock selections 2004 Project Leader : Steve Southwick , Pomologist , Pomology Department , U . C . Davis Cooperators : Joe Grant , Farm Advisor , San Joaquin County Kitren Glozer , Staff Research Associate , Pomology Dept . , U . C . Davis 4 : Summary 200 In March 1995 , we planted the first of five rootstock trials to evaluate new mahaleb rootstocks that are thought to be resistant to Phytophthora spp . Site 2 in Stockton ( planted 1996 ) and Site 3 ( University of California , Davis ) planted in 1998 , were budded with â?? Bing â?? clone IR 83 - 2 - 5 . Site 2 was a large replicated trial and provided critical data through the years . Trial sites were compared until 2003 and mahaleb selections 155 - 1 , 156 - 5 , and 159 - 5 identified for release . In 2004 , we evaluated tree survival ( % ) , fruit maturity , cropping ( by rating and yield ) of â?? Bing â?? cherry as influenced by rootstock at site 2 . Year - to - year variation exists in horticultural performance indices , as is expected due to factors such as annual weather conditions , pruning , limb loss and tree - to - tree variability . Performance for most clones in 2004 was consistent with that seen in previous years . The previously selected rootstocks continue to be among those showing superior characteristics . Problem and its significance : Prunus mahaleb is one of the leading rootstocks for sweet cherry growers in California , but is susceptible to root and crown rot fungal diseases generally known as Phytophthora spp . Growers have experience with mahaleb and , other than being susceptible to Phytophthora disease , it is suitable for California growing conditions . Mahaleb trees from seed are drought tolerant , moderately resistant to bacterial canker and hypersensitive to Western - X . Mahaleb produces few root suckers , but gophers damage trees on mahaleb . Within the population of mahaleb clones that have been tested in the field are those that reduce tree size , have degrees of resistance to Phytophthora spp . , and alter the branching and bearing habit of â?? Bing â?? . It is well known that there are many mahaleb clones , but they have not been critically examined in the field under California conditions . From 48 mahaleb clones screened for Phytophthora susceptibility and vegetative rooting ability , approximately 20 were selected for their effect on horticultural characteristics . The field evaluation of these mahaleb clones is a natural evolution in the development of improved cherry rootstocks . By evaluating these Phytophthora resistant mahaleb clones for their horticultural ( tree size , suckering , fruit size , yield ) effects , clear separation of mahaleb clones can be made based upon performance in the field and growers can make more informed decisions about which â?? mahaleb â?쳌 is best for them . Development of these superior mahaleb clones is also compatible with current and future trends in tree training and pruning of sweet cherries in California . : Field evaluation of vegetatively propagated mahaleb selections for various Objectives horticultural characteristics and survival under field growing conditions with disease ( i.e . Phytophthora ) pressure . s : Plans and Procedure Locations and plant materials : On 15 February , 1996 a mahaleb rootstock trial was planted in the Lodi / Stockton area ( Site 2 ; cooperator Lodi Farming ) . Trees were planted at a spacing of 18 feet between rows and 13 feet between trees . The cultivar was â?? Bing â?? and the pollenizers were â?? Rainier â?? / mahaleb ( 8.3 % ) and â?? Black Tartarian â?? / Colt / Mazzard ( 8.3 % ) . Pollenizers were planted as every fourth tree in alternate rows ; replicates were planted as a randomized block design . The soil was a Wyman clay loam and the trees were irrigated by impact sprinklers . Trees were headed at planting to a height of 20 inches and current seasonâ??s shoots were headed during the summer at 18 inches . The training system was open center . Standards of mahaleb , and Mazzard were planted for controls . Survival , fruit maturity and crop evaluation : Death from Phytophthora and non - specified reasons ( % survival ) has been evaluated and recorded annually in July to September and during the dormant season . Site 2 started cropping in 2000 and we rated fruit maturity and crop load in 2004 using a signified rating system ( Table 1 ) . Fruit maturity was evaluated on a scale of 1 to 9 , in which 1 fruit mostly at â?? color break â?? ( straw - colored with pink suture and / or pink speckled skin ) , 5 signified â?? light Crop red â?? ( minimum maturity red ) , and 9 signified â?? mahogany â?? , ( CTIFL chips 1 and 4 , respectively ) . load was also rated on a scale of 1 to 9 , with 1 signifying little or no crop , 5 , and average crop , and 9 , over - cropped . Yields were calculated from the weight of all fruit harvested . n : Results , Site 2 Stockto Tree survival : The clonal rootstocks were initially tested by stem inoculation and soil flooding tests against strains of Phytophthora and found to show some promise with regard to tolerance or resistance . Under field tests there is pressure from stem pitting and Phytophthora sp . , as well as unknown mortality . Survival in 2003 was highest ( 100 % ) with mahaleb clones 155 - 1 , Small Turkish , and P50 ( Table 1 ) . Survival rates were next highest in Standard Mazzard ( 93 % ) , 156 - 5 ( 92 % ) , 162 - 1 ( 87 % ) , NY 34 ( 85 % ) , and P1 Large Leaf ( 80 % ) . Other mahaleb selections under test ranged from 87 to 25 % survival and Standard mahaleb had 55 % survival . Survival was unchanged in 2004 . Fruit maturity : Fruit maturity was most advanced in selections 297 - 2 , 159 - 5 , 156 - 5 , P2 small , but were not statistically different from standard mahaleb and selection 155 - 1 ( Table 1 ) . Crop load rating and yield : Highest crop load rating per tree was noted in rootstock selection 294 - 3 , but other selections including 156 - 5 , 295 - 3 , 159 - 5 , P2 small , NY 34 , 155 - 1 and others had similar crop load ratings ( Table 1 ) . Mazzard was the rootstock among the lowest with regard to crop load rating . Yield in 2004 was highest for 294 - 3 , which had been among the consistently - highest yielding clones in previous years . Clones with yields statistically equivalent to that of 294 - 3 include : 295 - 3 , Standard mahaleb , 163 - 1 , 141 - 1 , NY 34 , 297 - 2 , 162 - 1 , Small Turkish , 299 - 3 and 156 - 5 . 155 - 1 yielded similarly to previous years â?? i.e . in the mid - range group . 159 - 5 is a smaller tree , with a dwarfing habit and thus , yields continue to be lower than most other clones . Deleted : Standard mahaleb , Cumulative yields were highest for 294 - 3 , followed by 156 - 5 , 162 - 1 , standard mahaleb , 299 - 3 , 163 - 1 , NY 34 , small Turkish , 295 - 3 , 141 - 1 , 10 - 4 , 297 - 2 , 155 - 1 , P2 small leaf , 136 - 2 , 759 - Deleted : 299 - 3 , 163 - 1 , 295 - 3 , 2 , dwarf mahaleb , P1 LL , 251617 , 159 - 5 , standard mazard , and P50 . The cumulative yields were Deleted : 141 - 1 , highly variable among rootstocks ( Table 2 ) Deleted : Small Turkish , Deleted : P2 Small leaf , Deleted : 155 - 1 Summary to Date : Deleted : . Site 2 , Stockton : â?¢ Survival highest in mahaleb 155 - 1 , P50 , Small Turkish and 156 - 5 ; other clones ranged from 25 - 87 % survival and Standard mahaleb had 55 % . â?¢ Most clonal rootstocks were equivalent in vigor , with 299 - 3 representative of the most vigorous . Among the least vigorous were 159 - 5 , 163 - 1 , 141 - 1 , and 136 - 2 . â?¢ Earliness of bloom : Most advanced = 297 - 2 and 294 - 3 ( 2002 and 2003 ) , 156 - 5 , P2 small leaf and Standard mahaleb . Most delayed = Standard Mazzard , Colt and P50 . â?¢ Fruit size was statistically and numerically similar among rootstocks , and could to be due more to crop load , assuming pruning to be similar â?¢ Highest 2003 yield per tree was found with selection 156 - 5 ; this yield was statistically higher than that of Standard mahaleb . Highest 2004 yield per tree was found with selection 294 - 3 , although this was statistically equivalent to Standard mahaleb and several other selections . Standard Mazzard continues to be among the lowest yielding . Many selections evaluated in 2003 and 2004 had statistically equivalent yields . Highest cumulative yield per tree over 4 seasons were noted with selections 294 - 3 and 156 - 5 . The lowest cumulative 4 year yields per tree were noted with P50 and Standard Mazzard , although a few other selections are as low , including 159 - 5 . Other rootstocks were intermediate with regard to the 4 year cumulative yield per tree . â?¢ Yield efficiency was similar among clonal selections in 2003 . â?¢ Fruit maturity was advanced for selection 297 - 2 , but mostly fruit maturity was similar among evaluated rootstocks . â?¢ Root and trunk suckers were found on all selections in 2002 , but prevalent on none ; 299 - 3 produced the greatest number of root suckers and 251617 the greatest number of trunk suckers Site 3 , UCDavis : â?¢ Colt , Standard mahaleb and Standard Mazzard had survival of 40 , 50 , and 20 % , respectively . 155 - 1 had 100 % survival . Several other mahaleb clones had higher survival rates than the standards â?¢ In the low chill year of 2002 , bloom abundance was statistically equal among clones , Standard mahaleb and mazzard ; Dwarf mahaleb was among the highest and Colt was one of the lowest . â?¢ There was a fair degree of variation in earliness of bloom in 2003 . 136 - 2 and 11 - 4 had early bloom in 2002 and 2003 . Medium Turkish was most early , but not statistically different compared with other selections . Colt and Standard Mazzard had most delay in bloom and Standard mahaleb was intermediate and statistically equivalent with many other selections . Site 5 , Stockton : â?¢ Survival was high for all trees ; single trees of P1 Large leaf and 163 - 1 died . â?¢ 156 - 5 was the least vigorous of all rootstocks tested in 2003 . NY 34 was the most vigorous of the rootstocks and Standard mahaleb was the next most vigorous . Colt was less vigorous than Standard mahaleb , but more vigorous than selection 156 - 5 . The other rootstocks had statistically similar tree growth among the intermediate group . Conclusions : e have selected three rootstocks for commercial release : MH 155 - 1 , MH 156 - 5 and MH 159 - 5 . Deleted : Tree evaluation may continue . W Currently w Each of the three provides uniformity compared with seed - propagated mahaleb rootstocks . MH 155 - 1 and Deleted : The 3 rootstocks are listed MH 156 - 5 have greater survival in our test sites compared to standard mahaleb ( Table 1 ) . Cumulative below with their most important features . crop yields for four years indicate no statistical differences among MH 155 - 1 , MH 156 - 5 and standard mahaleb . MH 159 - 9 has cumulative yields significantly below that of standard mahaleb . The yield data ( Table 2 ) are highly variable and may not be predictive of long - term yields . They should , therefore , be interpreted with caution . MH 156 - 5 and MH 159 - 5 show tree - size reduction compared to standard mahaleb . The 3 rootstocks are listed below with their most important features . Features of MH 155 - 1 : · Uniformity of plant material compared with seed - propagated mahaleb · 100 % survival at all test sites ( higher than Standard mahaleb ) that had histories of Phytophthora and stem pitting · Low root and trunk sucker production · Full size tree comparable to standard seed - produced mahaleb , vigorous · Fruit size , yield comparable or greater than standard in 2 years out of 4 Features of MH 156 - 5 : · Uniformity of plant material compared with seed - propagated mahaleb · Survival is high at all test sites to date ( higher than Standard mahaleb ) , slightly below MH 155 - 1 · Low root and trunk sucker production · Precocious , early high yields with â?? Bing â?? · Tree size reduction about 5 to 10 % compared with standards ( significantly less at one site after 3 years ) ; increased yield efficiency · Fruit size , yield comparable or greater than standard · Has advanced bloom in some seasons with â?? Bing â?? Features of MH 159 - 5 : · Uniformity of plant material compared with seed - propagated mahaleb · Survival comparable to Standard mahaleb · Tree size reduction by approximately 15 to 20 % compared with standards · Suitable for higher density planting , increased yield efficiency overall · Low root and trunk sucker production · Precocious fruit flowering and fruit production · Fruit size , yield comparable to or greater than standard in 3 years out of 4 · Low doubling , spurring and deep suture production even with smaller tree · Has advanced bloom in some seasons with â?? Bing â?? Table 1 . Survival , fruit maturity and crop load of â?? Bing â?? / mahaleb selections , Site 2 Stockton ( Lodi Farming ) on 14 May , 2004 . No change in survival was found after June , 2003 . z y Cropload rating Selection % Survival Maturity rating x 3.00 cdef 251617 33 3.00 f P1 LL 80 3.50 bcdef 3.08 cdef 295 - 3 25 4.17 abcd 4.67 ab 159 - 5 40 4.29 ab 4.43 abc Std mahaleb 55 4.20 abcd 4.80 ab Dwarf mahaleb 50 3.67 abcdef 2.67 ef 10 - 4 59 4.00 abcde 3.70 bcde 294 - 3 62 4.22 abc 5.22 a 155 - 1 100 3.60 abcdef 3.40 bcdef Std Mazzard 93 3.46 bcdef 2.92 def P2 Small 31 4.25 ab 4.25 abcd 759 - 2 60 3.11 ef 3.33 bcdef 163 - 1 64 4.11 abcd 3.89 abcde 141 - 1 44 3.30 def 3.90 abcde NY 34 85 4.09 abcd 4.00 abcde 297 - 2 33 4.43 a 4.29 abcd 162 - 1 87 4.00 abcde 3.85 abcde 136 - 2 56 3.67 abcdef 3.50 bcde Small Turkish 100 4.20 abcd 3.90 abcde 299 - 3 43 3.33 cdef 2.67 ef 156 - 5 92 4.33 ab 4.67 ab P50 100 2.94 f 2.06 f Statistical significance : Rootstock * * * * * * x Means separation within columns by Duncanâ??s Multiple Range test . * * * indicates significance at the 0.1 % level . y Crop load rating 1 - 9 , with 1 = little or no crop , 5 = average crop , 9 = over - cropped . z Maturity rating 1 - 9 , with 1 = fruit mostly â?? color break â?? ( straw - colored with pink suture and / or pink speckled skin ) , 5 = light red ( minimum maturity red ) , 9 = mahogany . Table 2 . â?? Bing â?? / mahaleb selections planted 15 Feb 1996 , Site 2 Stockton ( Lodi Farming ) ; yield and cumulative yield in 2001through 2004 . Yield ( kg ) Cumulative yield Selection 2001 2002 2003 2004 2001 - 2003 2001 - 2004 X 21.7 28.6 bcd 32.4 bcd 52.3 bcd 92.7 c - g 251617 2.0 e P1 LL 26.7 a - d 9.9 20.8 cd 27.0 b - e 57.4 bcd 99.6 b - f 295 - 3 31.8 a - d 26.4 41.4 ab 44.4 abc 99.6 ab 126.8 a - e 159 - 5 23.0 a - e 28.9 21.7 cd 19.0 de 73.6 bc 75.8 efg Standard mahaleb 27.5 a - d 26.8 25.6 bcd 45.4 ab 79.9 bc 143.3 abc Dwarf mahaleb 24.4 a - d 20.4 20.4 cd 25.0 cde 65.2 bcd 87.0 d - g 10 - 4 32.3 a - d 19.6 35.2 bc 35.1 bcd 87.1 abc 123.7 a - e 24.9 294 - 3 34.5 abc 45.2 ab 54.7 a 104.6 a 158.5 a 155 - 1 16.9 b - e 27.4 29.9 bcd 27.6 b - e 74.2 bc 114.4 a - f Standard Mazzard 11.6 cde 13.0 14.5 cd 18.7 de 39.1 d 63.1 fg P2 Small 23.5 a - e 13.4 28.7 bcd 33.5 bcd 65.6 bcd 112.5 a - f 759 - 2 28.4 a - d 17.1 25.9 bcd 32.7 bcd 71.4 bc 106.0 a - f 163 - 1 28.9 a - d 22.5 32.2 bcd 40.8 abc 83.6 bc 132.0 a - d 141 - 1 38.3 ab 18.3 30.6 bcd 42.5 abc 87.2 abc 125.8 a - e NY 34 36.6 ab 17.9 37.8 bc 39.7 abc 92.3 ab 130.0 a - d 297 - 2 29.6 a - d 22.5 39.4 bc 42.3 abc 83.0 bc 123.3 a - e 162 - 1 32.5 a - d 12.7 40.7 b 39.8 abc 85.9 bc 144.6 abc 136 - 2 25.9 a - d 24.5 22.7 cd 31.9 bcd 88.7 abc 108.2 a - f Small Turkish 29.3 a - d 23.7 39.1 bc 36.9 a - d 92.1 ab 127.7 a - e 299 - 3 22.4 a - e 13.3 17.2 cd 41.6 abc 59.2 bcd 135.7 a - d 156 - 5 44.8 a 16.6 49.3 a 35.7 a - d 110.7 a 152.8 ab P50 10.8 de 22.7ns 9.0 d 12.9 e 42.5 cd 44.3 g X Mean separation within columns by Duncanâ??s multiple range test , P = 0.05 ; ns = non significant .
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