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Title Using the Dynamic Model for Calculating Chill Accumulation in Bartlett Pear: Management of Dormant Sprays
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File Information Contributors: Steve Southwick, Dept. of Plant Sciences, UC Davis
Southwick, Stephen :
Glozer Dr, Kitren
Associate Project Scientist
Tree crops physiology, growth and development
Ingels, Chuck
Farm Advisor
Tree crops, grapes, environmental horticulture, and Master Gardeners/urban horticulture. Areas of research and extension focus include IPM, evaluation of sustainable products and practices, water conservation and deficit irrigation, home orchards and vineyards, sustainable landscaping, alternative turfgrass species, and tree training, pruning, and grafting.
Date Added May 13, 2009
Funder California Pear Advisory Board
Copyright 2005
Description Evaluation of effect of dormant oil treatment on fruit set and quality, and application of the Dynamic Model to calculate chill portions and evaluate the results with respect to bud break and flowering. Submitted to the California Pear Advisory Board for 2005.
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Using the Dynamic Model for Calculating Chill Accumulation in Bartlett Pear : Management of Dormant Sprays 1 2 3 , Chuck Ingels and Steve Southwick Kitren Glozer 1 Plant Sciences Department , U.C . Davis 2 Farm Advisor , Sacramento County 3 formerly of the Pomology Dept , U.C . Davis Summary : 2004 - 2005 Dormant Season $ 2 % Volck oil applied between 20 Dec at 41 chill portions ( 505 chill hours ) and 18 Jan ( 63 chill portions , 972 chill hours ) advanced inflorescence and flower bud opening . No phytotoxicity was observed in any treatment . $ Fruit size ( diameter and weight ) of # 1 fruit ( fruit â?? 2 3 / 8 " ) was increased by all but the last dormant oil treatment , compared to the control . $ The percentage of undersized fruit ( fruit < 2 3 / 8 " ) was reduced by 63 - 85 % by all oil treatments with the exception of the last . The control trees had 45 % undersized fruit and the best oil treatment for improved fruit size had less than 7 % undersized fruit . $ Number of fruit per tree was not statistically different among treatments , with the exception of a single treatment , although there was a trend toward reduction in fruit number due to oil treatments . $ Improvements in fruit size and number of # 1 fruit did not statistically reduce overall yield $ Very few Type I rat tail blooms were observed ( side blooms occurring during and shortly after primary bloom ) and no treatment differences were found . The percentage of the Type I rat - tail bloom as a portion of the normal bloom was 1 - 3 % among treatments . $ Chill accumulation started well before Nov 1 and timing of treatments , therefore , should use total chill accumulation from the start of the Dynamic Model 2 % Volck Supreme oil advanced opening of both inflorescences and individual flower buds of > Bartlett = pear when applied in late December and mid - January . Trees with oil applied 20 Dec had 12 % of inflorescences open on March 9 compared to 2 % in the control , and 9 % of flower buds within open inflorescences were open compared to 0.4 % , respectively . Five days later 63 % of infloresecences were open in the Dec . 20 treatment , compared to 37 % in the control ( ~ 41 % of flowers open vs 15 % , respectively ) . Treatment on 18 Jan showed similar advance . Full bloom dates , however , varied only slightly . Total number of fruit per tree , fruit size ( diameter and weight of # 1 fruit ) , total estimated yield and percentage of undersized fruit ( # 2 , 2 3 / 8 " ) were evaluated for treatment effects . Fruit diameter was least in control fruit and those of the last dormant oil treatment ( 14 Feb , 82 chill portions ) . All other dormant oil treatments increased fruit size . Total number of fruit per tree was equal among all treatments except the oil applied on 18 January ( # fruit reduced by 18 % compared to the control ) . Weight of # 1 fruit was highest in the 18 Jan and 20 Dec treatments , lowest in the last oil treatment and the untreated control . Total estimated yield ( in kg ) was equal among treatments , however , the % undersized was highest in the last oil treatment and the control ( 48 and 45 % , respectively ) and ranged from 7 - 17 % in all other dormant oil treatments . Problem and Its Significance : Pear growers in the Sacramento River Delta , and to some extent , other pear - growing areas in California , use dormant oils for pest control and dormant bud growth stimulation . It is generally believed that well - timed applications can advance flowering , improve uniformity of flowering and fruit ripening overall , as well as time of fruit ripening . " Delayed foliation " or irregular bud break caused by inadequate winter chilling results in lower yields in the long term , poor tree architecture , less uniform fruit size and makes other orchard management practices ( such as pest control ) more difficult . Traditionally , dormant oils have been applied in early to mid - January based on experience and calendar date . However , bud development and full bloom dates may differ from year to year with variable weather cycles and chill accumulation experienced by the plant . With our trials in sweet cherries testing dormant oils and other rest - breaking chemicals , we found that the traditional calendar date model led to year - to - year variation in response that did not support bloom phenology well . In order to better time applications and control variation in flowering response , we investigated various models based on chill accumulation . Based on nearly 10 years experience with chill accumulation mathematical models and rest - breaking agents in sweet cherry , we determined that the Utah chill unit model ( Richardson et al . , 1974 ; Erez and Lavee , 1971 ) and the chilling hours modified 45 F model ( Powell and Harker , 1995 ) were not as accurate as required to calculate chilling accumulation for sweet cherry in California . While chill hours were reasonably useful in predicting time of spray , year - to - year variation in chill hour accumulation and time of most effective response remained problematic . In 2002 - 2003 we compared our historic data from 1994 onward to a new model developed in the late 1980s and early 1990s called the ( see Erez references ) . We found that using chill portions to identify effective spray timing of Dynamic Model rest - breaking sprays significantly reduced variation in response compared to the same accumulated chilling when calculated as chill hours . Objectives : 2004 - 2005 Dormant season , bloom and harvest 1 ) Spray dormant oil ( 2 % Volck ) beginning approximately December 15 at 2 week intervals , continuing until February 14 , or as judged appropriate by current grower practices . 2 % Volck oil was used by approximately half of the European pear growers in the Sacramento Delta , thus was chosen for this trial season . 2 ) Apply the Dynamic Model to temperature data recorded in or near a commercial Bartlett pear orchard in the Sacramento River Delta for calculation of chill portions in winter 2004 - 2005 and evaluate the calculated results with respect to bud break and flowering behavior in Bartlett pear . 3 ) Compare the Dynamic Model , Chill hours and calendar date with respect to response . 4 ) Evaluate fruit set and harvest fruit quality as a function of treatment . Plans and Procedures : 2004 - 2005 : Chill accumulation was calculated from hourly temperature data from two WatchDog Model 110 - Temp 8K ( Spectrum Technologies , Inc . ) data loggers placed in our treatment site ( Joe Green Ranch on Lambert Road , Courtland ) and compared to the California Irrigation Management Information System ( CIMIS ) Stations Lodi West and Twitchell Island for calculations of chill hours ( CH ) and Dynamic Model chill portions ( CP ) . The experimental site was near Courtland and consisted of mature > Bartlett = trees . Treatments included an unsprayed control and periodic applications of 2 % Volck Supreme oil ( applied at intervals of 41 , 52 , 63 , 73 and 82 CP on 20 Dec , 4 and 18 Jan , 1 and 14 Feb , respectively ) . Actual chill portion accumulation when measured by onset of the Dynamic Model began 20 Oct on site , thus , the previously - stated chill portion accumulations are from that date . All treatments were applied with a commercial airblast sprayer at a volume of 100 gallons per acre to 6 single - tree replicates per treatment within a single row and treated trees within a treatment > block = were separated from the next treatment by 2 guard trees . Data was recorded from each treated tree , with inflorescences and flowers counted on 2 large limbs per tree , on opposite sides of the tree , selected prior to inflorescence opening . Date of first open flower was recorded and bloom progression recorded as percentage of inflorescences and flowers within inflorescences open on 9 , 12 , 14 , 16 , 18 , 21 and 25 March . Numbers of Type I rat tail blooms ( side blooms appearing during and immediately after the primary bloom ) were counted on these dates and calculated as a percentage of the entire bloom ( primary + Type I rat - tails ) . Fruit were counted on the west half of each tree for estimation of crop load and yield was calculated from this number and the weight of 20 fruit selected at random from the counted half of the tree . This 20 - fruit sample was used to determine percentage of undersized fruit ( # 2 , less than 2 3 / 8 " in diameter ) , and weight and diameter of a 10 - fruit subsample was used to determine fruit size and weight of # 1 fruit . Statistical analyses and chill model calculations : Analyses of variance were performed with Proc GLM in SAS ( SAS Institute Inc . , Cary , NC ) and mean separations tested by Duncan = s Multiple Range Test , P = 0.05 . For all percentage data arcsine transformation was made in order to meet ANOVA assumption of normality , although actual means were shown ( Adler and Roessler , 1964 ) . Chilling accumulation was calculated from hourly data and the Dynamic Model was used to calculate chill portions ( Fishman et al . , 1987 ; Erez et al . , 1998 , 1990 ) . Results and Discussion : Chill accumulation began on 20 October at the trial site , so that 7 chill portions and 107 chill hours had accumulated by November 1 , the traditional starting date of chill accumulation ( Table 1 ) . The chill accumulated at Twitchell Island , a CIMIS station often used by local pear growers for chill data , was less than that at our site ; Lodi West CIMIS station showed even less chill . Chill hours calculated from the data were more variable from site to site than chill portions . We recommend using a starting date set by the actual temperature data , applied to the Dynamic Model to calculate chill portions accumulated . Inflorescences opened earlier with 2 % Volck oil applied on 20 Dec at 41 chill portions ( 505 chill hours ) and 18 Jan ( 63 chill portions , 972 chill hours ) , such that 12 % of inflorescences were open on 9 March in the first oil treatment and 2 % in the control , and on 14 March 63 % in the 20 Dec treatment , 60 % in the 18 Jan treatment , but only 37 % in the control ( Table 2 ) . By 18 March all treatments were statistically equal in % inflorescences open . When flowers open were counted within inflorescences , it was found that 9 % of flowers were open in the earliest oil treatment on 9 March , compared to 0.4 % in the control ( Table 3 ) . Three days later , the control had 5 % flowers open and the 20 Dec treatment had 27 % open flowers , the 18 Jan treatment had 15 % open flowers . These two treatments tended to advance bloom most , although by 21 March , all treatments had equivalent percentages of flowers open . Dates for first flower open ( Table 4 ) show that the 20 Dec treatment had the first flower open on 6 March , the 18 Jan treatment 1.5 days later , and the control on 8 March . Full bloom date was different only for the 18 Jan treatment and days from first flower to full bloom , while ranging from 12 days ( 18 Jan treatment ) to 16 days ( 4 Jan treatment ) , there were no statistically significant differences . Thus , the oil treatment at 56 chill portions ( 972 chill hours ) both advanced and compressed bloom , while the earliest oil treatment advanced the beginning part of bloom the most . The number of Type I rat - tail flowers was quite low across all treatments , and not changed significantly by treatment ( Table 4 ) . The same treatment that both advanced and compressed bloom ( 18 Jan ) also most increased fruit diameter and weight ( of # 1 fruit ) , most decreased the percentage of undersized ( # 2 ) fruit , and while number of fruit overall was decreased , the estimated total yield was not ( Table 5 ) . The 18 Jan oil treatment increased the diameter of # 1 fruit by 11 % , increased the weight of those fruit by 25 % , and decreased the percentage of undersized fruit from 45 % of the total fruit sampled in the control to less than 7 % . The number of fruit overall estimated from a half - tree count was significantly reduced by this treatment , however , the yield was not . Thus , the benefits of timing a dormant oil treatment appropriately , may be realized as an overall improvement in fruit size , quality and yield of premium fruit without a reduction in total tonnage . The equivalent effect is that of hand or chemical thinning , without the labor cost . The use of chill portions and the Dynamic Model to time applications of dormant oil appears to have benefit on fruit quality . Although chill was not limiting in 2004 - 5 , there may be benefit even in years when chill accumulation is adequate . Bloom was advanced by some oil treatments , although bloom still occurred over a period of several days , thus , damage from frost does not appear to be a major concern at this time . Repetition of these , and more rest - breaking treatments , are underway in the current dormant season to test these results . We wish to acknowledge the support of the California Pear Advisory Board and the cooperation of the Joe Green Ranch . Selected references : rd Ed . ) W.H . Freeman and Adler , H.L . , and Roessler , E.B . ( 1964 ) Introduction to Probability and Statistics . ( 3 Co . p . 261 . Allan , P . ( 1999 ) Measuring winter chilling in areas with mild winters . Decid . Fruit Grow . 49 : 1 - 6 . Allan , P . , Linsley - Noakes G . C . , Matthee G . 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ASHS 93rd Annual Meeting ( Abstract 700 ) . stations , chill intersection and 12 ) 327 470 640 770 874 CH 20 CIMIS and Oct . ( near 5 Hwys nearby began West of accumulation CP two 31 42 53 63 71 Lodi and site experimental Island portion 378 574 806 871 980 CH site . Twitchell experimental Chill CP 31 42 53 63 72 the 2004 . for 1 , y 1 the ( CH ) Nov . November Nov . 1127 / 1173 1219 / 1271 at 398 / 505 683 / 763 918 / 972 hours 2004 to CH prior from 11 , chill beginning site : chill Oct . and Experimental 1 / including began z ( CP ) and 34 / 41 45 / 52 56 / 63 66 / 73 75 / 82 CP to , portions 1987 . accumulation prior al . , 45Î?F . Chill beginning et Application Dec Fishman Feb Jan hour # Feb Jan 1 . date hour Table 18 14 20 4 1 1 y z a a a a a a 25 95.9 99.1 98.7 99.1 100.0 100.0 beginning Mar Sacramento orchard , a a a a a a 21 90.9 89.9 84.1 91.7 80.9 95.0 Courtland , Mar trial shown . in a a a a a a 18 80.4 87.8 84.1 91.7 79.4 85.2 site 2004 - 2005 ; Mar are on open means hourly ab ab ab % Inflorescences a a b pear 16 actual 84.1 86.7 79.9 74.2 72.5 59.4 recorded Mar > Bartlett = arcsine ; temperatures ab ab a a b b Mar 63.3 60.0 51.6 45.3 31.7 37.3 by to 14 transformed applied on bc bc ab c a c oil 12 based 13.0 48.2 10.9 24.0 33.4 21.5 Mar Supreme Percentages are y x ( CH ) b b b b b a Volck 9 1.9 0.0 0.5 1.9 0.0 12.0 Mar 0.05 . hours 2 % by chill = 1219 / 1271 1127 / 1173 Nov . 398 / 505 683 / 763 918 / 972 P to opening Tukey = s , prior and CH from z ( CP ) chill 1 inflorescence Nov . site : by portions 1 / including columns Experimental 75 / 82 34 / 41 45 / 52 56 / 63 66 / 73 CP Chill on within effect 1987 . California . 2004 . separation Dec Feb Treatment al . , Applied Jan 45Î?F . Feb Jan 1 , et 20 18 14 November 4 1 Fishman County , # Control hour Treatment Mean 2 . Oil Table 1 x y z orchard . 25 a a a a a a Mar Courtland , 97.9 97.4 93.6 97.0 98.1 93.0 trial in 21 shoot ) site 2004 - 2005 ; a a a a a a Mar 94.2 94.6 89.6 93.5 92.9 88.7 on shown . flowering hourly pear ab ab 18 b a a a recorded are Mar 66.0 76.8 77.0 84.6 81.8 79.6 on > Bartlett = means open temperatures actual buds 16 ab ab ab ab b a to Mar 43.3 49.4 53.2 62.8 57.7 67.0 ( % flower arcsine ; applied on oil Mar bc bc ab by based progression a c c Volck 26.2 22.6 34.3 40.5 15.3 13.6 transformed 14 are y 2 % ( CH ) by 12 Bloom b bc bc a Percentages c c Mar opening 15.1 27.4 hours 8.3 8.6 4.0 5.0 chill bloom ) 9 x and 0.05 . b b b b b a Mar 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.0 9.0 z ( CP ) ( primary = P portions Nov . Tukey = s , from 1 / including 1219 / 1271 1127 / 1173 398 / 505 683 / 763 918 / 972 flower site : CH to prior Chill 1 Experimental individual by Nov . chill columns California . 75 / 82 34 / 41 45 / 52 56 / 63 66 / 73 CP on within on effect 1987 . County , Dec Feb Jan Feb Jan Applied separation 18 Treatment 14 20 al . , 4 1 45Î?F . et Sacramento Fishman Treatment # hour Mean 3 . Control Table 1 x y z Oil of during bloom ) California . ( percentage bloom primary a a a a a a 3.2 1.4 1.5 2.7 0.9 1.1 County , rat - tail flowers after + Sacramento rat - tail immediately bloom I primary % Type Courtland , orchard . or a a a a a a days 2005 FB - FF trial 13.2 12.2 13.3 15.4 16.2 14.9 2004 - 2005 ; bloom , March , in site ( FB ) full on ab ab ab ab in a b pear hourly bloom ) 24.4 19.8 open , 21.5 21.3 21.6 22.8 bloom > Bartlett = Full flower recorded full to ( first flower ( FF ) to temperatures applied x f a e dates b d flower c 6.2 8.3 7.5 8.2 7.8 first 8.0 oil Bloom First from 0.05 . Volck on based = P chill from 2 % 1219 / 1271 1127 / 1173 Tukey = s , 398 / 505 683 / 763 918 / 972 are by 1 site : CH Nov . 1 / including y dates ( CH ) Experimental to by hours bloom prior columns 75 / 82 34 / 41 45 / 52 56 / 63 66 / 73 Nov . CP chill on effect within and 1987 . Applied Dec Feb Jan z Feb Treatment Jan ( CP ) on separation 18 14 al . , 20 45Î?F . 4 1 Control portions et Treatment Fishman # 4 . hour Oil Mean Table Chill 1 x y z total ( lb ) a a a a a a 101.0 108.3 95.5 92.7 91.5 90.2 Courtland , Estimated yield trial in site 2004 - 2005 ; ( # fruit / tree ) on ab ab a c a a load hourly 488.0 360.0 500.7 493.0 419.3 434.3 shown . Crop pear recorded are > Bartlett = means temperatures fruit % Undersized a c b b b b 45.0 47.5 15.8 10.0 16.7 actual 6.7 ( # 2 ) to applied arcsine ; on oil based fruit by Volck x ab a c c b b ( oz ) transformed are 4.4 3.3 3.3 3.9 3.8 # 1 4.0 y of ( CH ) 2 % Wt by hours components canopy . Percentages diameter w chill a c b b b ( mm ) c 71.0 64.0 67.6 66.2 66.6 63.5 tree and yield Fruit 0.05 . of z ( CP ) half and = portions on 1 P load from Nov . Tukey = s , 1 / including 1127 / 1173 1219 / 1271 398 / 505 counted 683 / 763 918 / 972 site : crop CH Chill to prior size , Experimental # fruit by Nov . California . fruit chill columns on 34 / 41 66 / 73 45 / 52 56 / 63 75 / 82 CP based on 3 / 8 " . effect within County , 1987 . load Applied 2 Dec Feb on Jan Feb Jan Treatment â?? diameter separation Crop 18 14 20 4 al . , 1 45Î?F . Sacramento Control orchard . et Treatment Fishman fruit # 5 . Oil hour Mean Table # 1 1 w x z y
Posted By Zalom, Janet