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Publication Date Jun 1, 2008
Date Added Jul 2, 2009
Copyright © The Regents of the University of California
Copyright Year 2008
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Letters living with light brown apple moth As a retired entomologist who worked for Calif - porting system so that citizens could report health ornia health departments for many years , I read complaints . We do know the active and inert in - â?? Light brown apple mothâ??s arrival in California gredients . Its efficacy is unproven . The usual pesti - worries commodity groups â?? ( April - June 2008 ) cide registration process has been bypassed at the with great interest . federal level because the light brown apple moth If the data provided is accurate , then two rea - threat is considered an â?? emergency . â?? sonable conclusions can be reached . First , de - Although CDFA is trying to â?? eradicate â?? this pest , spite the 2005 California Department of Food some scientists believe it is already established . April â?? June 2008 and Agriculture ( CDFA ) survey failing to find Should that be the case , there are known , effective California Agriculture Epiphyas postvittana , it has probably been present integrated pest management practices , both in New in California for a very long time . Second , using Zealand , where it is an invasive species , and in currently available technology the moth cannot be Australia , where it is a native pest . eradicated . Given the extremely high level of com - For now , Santa Cruz County Superior Court merce between Hawaii and California , it is likely Judge Paul Burdick has halted spraying in that that the moth has been introduced regularly . county until an environmental impact report has The failure to detect its presence is due largely been completed . The larger issue is that as long as to difficulties with identification . Another fac - we insist on having fresh produce regardless of tor in failure to detect must surely be suggested . the season we will probably keep introducing new The light brown apple moth cannot have been pests into our country . causing a great deal of loss . The onset of dam - Charleen Kubota age that is not attributable to a known cause is Librarian , Public Health Library UC Berkeley the most common way that pests are discovered . Dangerous pests are not routinely discovered Editorâ??s note : Shortly before press time , state and federal serendipitously by one of the few people in the officials halted plans to aerially apply pheromones in world who can identify them . urban areas , previously a part of the eradication effort The article by Garvey states that the U.S . De - against the light brown apple moth . They will use a com - partment of Agriculture has earmarked about bination of other tactics instead . $ 74.5 million for California to combat light brown apple moth in 2008 . Those funds could be Food safety and postharvest technology better spent on long - term research , or to directly â?? Growers removing conservation practices to pro - help in situations with confirmed infestations . tect food safety on Californiaâ??s Central Coast â?? Randall Blair ( April - June 2008 ) presented important findings on Retired Entomologist Paso Robles a subject at the forefront of growers â?? minds : how to develop on - farm food safety practices in harmony Thanks for the balanced overview of the light with environmental stewardship . brown apple moth in California Agriculture ( April - This is a complex issue , and its resolution will re - June 2008 ) . There is too much hysteria and misin - quire collaboration of the scientific , industrial and formation about the â?? insect of mass destruction â?? regulatory communities . The good news is that and how it can reasonably be managed with min - rsvp UCâ??s multidisciplinary faculty , such as those found imal risk to humans and their environment . within ANR - supported centers like the Postharvest I am a librarian at UC Berkeleyâ??s Public Health Technology Research & Information Center , can WhAt DO YOU thiNK ? Library and have been researching the light provide exactly what is needed to address such the editorial staff of brown apple moth and CheckMate nonstop for thorny issues . UC must pursue research that can help California Agriculture weeks in response to patron requests . It has been California growers assure the safety of fruits and veg - welcomes your letters , difficult to get both sides of the story . comments and sugges - etables in a sustainable manner â?? adopting practices For instance , there is limited information about tions . Please write to us at that all stakeholders can support . 6701 San Pablo Ave . , 2nd CheckMate , the Suterra product that was used For information on how to assure the safety of floor , Oakland , CA 94608 in the aerial spraying programs in Monterey and fruits and vegetables in a sustainable manner , and or calag @ . Santa Cruz , because the manufacturer is protect - for a listing of upcoming workshops , go to http : / / Include your full name , ing the formulation as proprietary information . . phone number and ad - There was no analysis of possible health effects , dress . Letters may be James R . Gorny , Executive Director no environmental impact report , no risk com - edited for space and Postharvest technology Research & Information Center , UC Davis munication efforts to inform the public , no re - clarity . http : / / â?¢ JULy â?? SEPtEMBER 2008 85
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