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Publication Date Jan 1, 2010
Date Added Jan 11, 2010
Copyright © The Regents of the University of California
Copyright Year 2010
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2009 index the following peer - reviewed research articles , and news and editorial coverage , were published in California Agriculture , volume 63 , Numbers 1 to 4 ( January - March , April - June , July - September , October - December ) , 2009 . Back issues are $ 5 per copy , while supplies last . To subscribe to the journal , order back issues , search the archives or download PDFs of all research articles in full , go to : http : / / . January â?? March , 63 ( 1 ) April â?? June , 63 ( 2 ) July â?? September , 63 ( 3 ) October â?? December , 63 ( 4 ) Research and review articles Farrar JJ , Nunez JJ , Davis RM . Losses Other news Animal , Avian , Aquaculture and Forero L , Heck KE , Weliver P , et al . Member due to lenticel rot are an increasing con - record books are useful tools for evaluat - veterinary Sciences Cal Ag editors win silver ACE award . cern for Kern County potato growers . ing 4 - H club programs . 63 ( 4 ) : 215 â?? 9 . 63 ( 3 ) : 109 . Castillo AR . Whole - farm nutrient balances 63 ( 3 ) : 127 â?? 30 . are an important tool for California dairy Sixty - three years of California Agriculture Garbelotto M , Schmidt DJ . Phosphonate farms . 63 ( 3 ) : 149 â?? 51 . land , air and water sciences now online . 63 ( 3 ) : 110 . controls sudden oak death pathogen for Kobayashi M , Howitt RE , Carpenter TE . De Gryze S , Albarracin MV , Català - Luque up to 2 years . 63 ( 1 ) : 10 â?? 7 . Model could aid emergency response R , et al . Modeling shows that alternative Outlook Higbee BS , Siegel JP . New navel orange - planning for foot - and - mouth disease out - soil management can decrease greenhouse worm sanitation standards could reduce breaks . 63 ( 3 ) : 137 â?? 42 . gases . 63 ( 2 ) : 84 â?? 90 . CC Batkin T , Curtis R . Sustained public invest - almond damage . 63 ( 1 ) : 24 â?? 8 . ment needed for agricultural research . mÌ?unek Mitloehner FM , Sun H , Karlik JF . Direct Hanson BR , May DE , Å i J , et 63 ( 1 ) : 6 â?? 7 . Kaffka SR . Can feedstock production measurements improve estimates of dairy al . Drip irrigation provides the salinity for biofuels be sustainable in California ? greenhouse - gas emissions . 63 ( 2 ) : 79 â?? 83 . control needed for profitable irrigation 63 ( 4 ) : 202 â?? 7 . BF CC of tomatoes in the San Joaquin Valley . Research news 63 ( 3 ) : 131 â?? 6 . Kallsen CE , Parfitt DE , Maranto J , Holtz Moore DA , Adaska JM , Higginbotham Biofuels caught in changing regulations . BA . New pistachio varieties show promise GE , et al . Testing new dairy cattle for Jenkins BM , Williams RB , Parker N , et al . 63 ( 4 ) : 162 â?? 4 . BF for California cultivation . 63 ( 1 ) : 18 â?? 23 . disease can boost herd health , cut costs . Sustainable use of California biomass re - Climate change threatens Californiaâ??s na - 63 ( 1 ) : 29 â?? 34 . sources can help meet state and national Summers CG , Mitchell JP , Prather TS , tive plants . 63 ( 2 ) : 57 . CC bioenergy targets . 63 ( 4 ) : 168 â?? 77 . BF Stapleton JJ . Sudex cover crops can kill Dozens of UC research projects pursue and stunt subsequent tomato , lettuce Stapleton JJ , Bañuelos GS . Biomass crops Economics and public policy fossil - fuel alternatives . 63 ( 4 ) : 165 â?? 7 . BF and broccoli transplants through allelopa - can be used for biological disinfesta - Blank SC , Forero LC , Nader GA . Video thy . 63 ( 1 ) : 35 â?? 40 . tion and remediation of soils and water . Genetics and breeding help build a better , market data for calves and yearlings con - 63 ( 1 ) : 41 â?? 6 . BF stronger bee . 63 ( 3 ) : 111 â?? 2 firms price discounts for Western cattle . Weare BC . How will changes in global 63 ( 4 ) : 225 â?? 31 . Honey bee haven to encourage bee - News departments climate influence California ? 63 ( 2 ) : 59 â?? friendly gardening . 63 ( 3 ) : 112 . Blank S , Klonsky K , Fuller K , et al . Hay 66 . CC harvesting services respond to market Science - based outreach helps stem sud - Wyman CE , Yang B . Cellulosic biomass trends . 63 ( 3 ) : 143 â?? 8 . Editorials / Editorial overviews den oak death . 63 ( 1 ) : 8 â?? 9 . could meet Californiaâ??s transportation fuel Howitt RE , Català - Luque R , De Gryze S , Allen - Diaz B . Climate change affects us The 50th anniversary of a great idea . needs . 63 ( 4 ) : 185 â?? 90 . BF et al . Realistic payments could encourage all . 63 ( 2 ) : 51 â?? 3 ( overview ) . 63 ( 4 ) : 160 â?? 1 . Zhong L , Hawkins T , Holland K , et al . Satel - farmers to adopt practices that sequester Alston JM , Pardey PG , James JS . Setting UC scientists help California prepare for lite imagery can support water planning in carbon . 63 ( 2 ) : 91 â?? 5 . CC agricultural science strategy in tumultuous climate change . 63 ( 2 ) : 56 â?? 8 . CC the Central Valley . 63 ( 4 ) : 220 â?? 4 . Jetter KM , Godfrey K . Diaprepes root economic times . 63 ( 1 ) : 2 . weevil , a new California pest , will raise Dooley DM . Focus on the future : Science briefs costs for pest control and trigger quaran - Natural resources Implementing the ANR strategic vision . tines . 63 ( 3 ) : 121 â?? 6 . California salmonids face extinction . Frankie GW , Thorp RW , Hernandez J , et al . 63 ( 3 ) : 106 . 63 ( 1 ) : 5 Niemeier D , Rowan D . From kiosks to Native bees are a rich natural resource in Jenkins BM , Somerville C , Stapleton JJ . megastores : The evolving carbon market . urban California gardens . 63 ( 3 ) : 113 â?? 20 . Climate - change modeling finds many Biofuels : Growing toward sustainability . 63 ( 2 ) : 96 â?? 103 . CC crop yields are likely to decline . 63 ( 2 ) : 55 . 63 ( 4 ) : 155 â?? 8 ( overview ) . Rajagopal D , Sexton S , Hochman G , et SIDEBAR : Biofuel terms defined . Pest management â?? Low - carbon diet â?? research looks at to - al . Model estimates food - versus - biofuel 63 ( 4 ) : 158 . tal energy usage of foods . 63 ( 2 ) : 55 . Trumble JT , Butler CD . Climate change will trade - off . 63 ( 4 ) : 199 â?? 201 . BF exacerbate Californiaâ??s insect pest prob - Sexton S , Rajagopal D , Hochman G , et lems . 63 ( 2 ) : 73 â?? 8 . CC index 2008 al . Biofuel policy must evaluate environ - 63 ( 1 ) : 47 . mental , food security and energy goals to Plant sciences maximize net benefits . 63 ( 4 ) : 191 â?? 8 . BF Bartley LE , Ronald PC . Plant and microbial letters research seeks biofuel production from Human and community 63 ( 1 ) : 5 ; 63 ( 3 ) : 109 . lignocellulose . 63 ( 4 ) : 178 â?? 84 . BF development Bloom AJ . As carbon dioxide rises , food Special issue key Carlos RM , Borba JA , Heck KE , et al . quality will decline without careful nitro - Survey explores teen driving behavior in CC = Climate change gen management . 63 ( 2 ) : 67 â?? 72 . CC Central Valley , Los Angeles high schools . BF = Biofuels 63 ( 4 ) : 208 â?? 14 . http : / / â?¢ JaNUaRy â?? MaRch 2009 47
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